Wu Huai always felt like there was a soul force acting on the flying boat.

He smiled and said, "Yin Hongxiu is so deceiving, don't worry, after returning to the magic city, I will definitely help you to ask for an explanation."

But listening to his tone, it seemed that he didn't take this matter or Yin Hongxiu to heart.

"Thank you, senior!" Ning Xi also felt it and cooperated very well.

"In the future, let's talk about the spirit of the alien nest through voice transmission." Wu Huai's voice sounded in the sea of ​​​​knowledge of Ningxi and Luo Yinhuang.

It was no accident that the power just now should have been released by the spirit of the alien nest to eavesdrop. Although that guy's soul and strength were severely damaged, he had a lot of secret techniques.

We must beware, if you are not careful, you will startle the snake.

Both of them replied by voice transmission: "Okay!"

"You robbed him a lot in the secret realm, right?"

Wu Huai found that the Spirit of the Alien Nest had only recovered to about 20% of its strength in six years. According to his previous budget, it should be about 30% to 40%. Ning Xi and Luo Yinhuang gave him a surprise.

Ning Xi smiled and replied, "Yeah! He couldn't let go of Yin Hongxiu's body. The power of the previous seal was very powerful, so we stole about 90% of what he wanted."

"You guys did a great job!" Wu Huai rarely praised him, but he couldn't help it this time.

"He's so annoying. We can't let him regain his strength and endanger everyone." Ning Xi wanted to kill the spirit of the alien nest when he thought of the alien nest below.

Wu Huai chuckled: "Don't worry, Tiandao's tolerance for him has reached the limit. When Ji Wuji returns, we should be able to annihilate him together."

"You don't have to worry about it these days. Stay in the magic city to rest and settle for a while. After two years, go to the finals of the martial arts. The place of comprehension is definitely a place worth visiting."

The Land of Comprehension is a place jointly developed by the Alliance and the Demon Race. The rules have been set from the very beginning. Those who want to enter must rely on their own abilities, and no one has the right to go through the back door.

Even he couldn't get two places to go to the land of comprehension, so he still had to rely on Ning Xi and Luo Yinhuang to win by himself in the competition.

"Yes, we will fight for it."

After returning to the Demon City, Wu Huai returned to the Demon Temple by himself, while Ning Xi and Luo Yinhuang returned to Sikong Yao's residence.

Gong Dai and Yuchi Zheng were successfully promoted to Xuanshen two years ago, and Gong Dai also gave birth to a baby boy.

Ning Xi liked it when she saw the cute little boy crawling on the ground wearing a red apron. Not only did he give a lot of things, but he also played with him from time to time.

The virtual world has matured after six years of development. The building that Sikong Yao left for Luo Yinhuang has been empty, and Luo Yinhuang also built the Longyin Pavilion.

Ning Xi and Luo Yinhuang also opened a shop, which usually takes care of repair and formation business.

As Ning Xi was known as a saint repairer, everyone couldn't help but come to the door to ask for repairs.

Luo Yinhuang, Wu Huai's apprentice, is also very popular. Everyone knows that his talent in formation is stronger than that of his master, and he will be sure of becoming a saint-level formation mage in the future.

Ning Xi didn't disappoint those people either. She only repaired items of high quality and above. The items sent for repair were not repairable, but the price was ridiculously high.

However, there is still an endless stream of people coming to the door, and it is very popular not only to queue up but also to make an appointment.

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