Ning Xi's words made Father Ge and Ge Yue widen their eyes in unison, revealing a look of disbelief.

Father Ge's reaction was quicker, and he quickly restrained his shocked expression. He couldn't help but ask, "Are these symptoms related to our ancestors' graves?"

As businessmen, they all still believe in Feng Shui, and the ancestral tombs of the year were also seen by others.

His company has a feng shui master for the emperor, but that feng shui master usually only helps to look at the company and other feng shui, and is not good at looking at other feng shui.

He's really been in a bad mood recently. He gets sleepy from time to time when he goes to work. He originally thought it was because his daughter's affairs made him exhausted and exhausted, but now it doesn't seem to be at all.

My son is indeed more rebellious. Before, because he was less busy with discipline, he liked to do the opposite with his family. He often ran out to fight, but he was very measured, and it was just a small fight.

But not long ago, he beat people to the hospital again and again, and almost beat a gangster to death last month. He also felt that his son was becoming more and more disrespectful. Listening to Ning Xi's meaning, it seemed that this was not the case.

Ning Xi nodded: "Looking at your situation, there is probably a problem with the ancestral tomb."

She thought about it for a while and continued: "Except for you, everyone in your family with the surname Ge should be more or less troubled by trivial matters recently, or just get sick or something."

Father Ge thought for a while, then sat up straight and his face became a little dignified, "If you don't tell me, I don't think so. When you say that, a lot of things have happened in our family recently."

"Besides our house, my father suffered from high blood pressure some time ago and is still in a nursing home. My sister and her husband have been quarreling with her husband recently and even wanted a divorce. My brother accidentally encountered a robber when he was traveling. injured."

The more Ge's father thought about it, the colder his heart became. "My mother fell from the upstairs three months ago, and now her body is not as good as before."

All of this seems like an accident, and no one usually thinks about it in other ways.

But now that I think about it carefully, I really feel that something is wrong. Over the past year, more and more things have happened at home, and it looks like an accident, so people won't take the initiative to think about it.

Hearing what he said, Ning Xi was more certain of her judgment, "It seems like a small thing now, but it will gradually become a big thing as time goes on."

"For example, in your company's affairs, if you make a small mistake in the current decision-making, but slowly it will add up to an irreversible matter, or if your mind suddenly becomes hot and you make a wrong decision on a major event, then Gordon may facing an economic crisis.”

She looked at Ge Yue and said, "If he is so restless and impulsive, he will be imprisoned."

He pointed to Ge Shan again and said, "She has a sunken forehead and dark eyes. There should be a **** disaster within half a month. Nine times out of ten, she was either in a car accident or fell from a height, and her condition will worsen."

The more people in the Ge family listened, the more suspenseful they became.

If it weren't for the relationship between the sickness talisman and Ning Xi's ability to accurately say so many things, they would definitely not believe her words, but now they have to.

Ge's father frowned deeper, "My family's ancestral grave has not been moved since it was moved, and we didn't do anything when we went to the grave during Qingming Festival. How could this be?"

"There are two possibilities. One is that the surrounding environment has changed, which has led to changes in the feng shui of the ancestral tombs, and the feng shui of the originally auspicious house has gradually turned into a fierce one."

Ning Xi continued, "The other is that someone has manipulated your family's ancestral graves, trying to make your family gradually full of bad luck under the subtle time, and finally the family is broken and separated."

According to the current situation, Ningxi is more inclined to the second possibility.

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