The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 2469: Have your own way of revenge

If the Zhang family members are not good, and they are more indulgent to Zhang Siyu, then Ningxi is going to make a Feng Shui bureau, so that the Zhang family that Zhang Siyu relies on will also be unlucky.

Just listening to Father Ge's tone, Father Zhang's character is not bad, and he is a Confucian businessman who stays on the line, but Ning Xi is not easy to start, after all, she will never take anger and involve innocent people.

Father Ge and Ge Yue were stunned when they heard Ning Xi's words. Father and son frowned unconsciously.

"Zhang Siyu's thoughts are too vicious, it's almost printed in the same mold as her mother." Father Ge showed a look of disgust on his face.

Back then, Zhang Siyu's mother also used this trick to deal with Zhang Jin's two brothers' mother, and she was rescued in the end, otherwise her reputation and everything would be ruined.

Zhang Siyu was so vicious at a young age, which was a bit surprising.

Although Ge Yue is a school bully, he often fights, but it's all in the open, and he never bullies weak classmates. This kind of thing completely refreshes his three views.

"Would you like to treat others in the same way?" he asked.

Ning Xi thought about it and said, "I don't need it for the time being. I have my own way to retaliate."

"But I might ask you to do me a favor." She looked at Ge Yue with a smile.

Ge Yue said indifferently: "What are you busy, you can say whatever."

Thanks to Ning Xi for the family affairs, he also regarded him as a benefactor.

"Please help and ask Zhang Siyu's brother if he can find the date of her birth."

Ning Xi paused and said, "You can tell him the truth."

It's too easy to deal with a person in the feng shui metaphysics, Ning Xi will not take the initiative to do the kind of thing that bribes Zhang Siyu because of the incompetence.

However, she can do things to make her unlucky again and again, and once the vicious thoughts are born, it will become a reality and fall on her own head.

At that time, Zhang Siyu had evil thoughts and was defiled by the people he found, and that was himself.

"No problem, I'll call him now."

Ge Yue took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Jin, and the other party picked it up quickly.

He talked about Zhang Siyu's finding someone to defile Ningxi, and then asked for his birthday.

After a while, Ge Yue hung up the phone and turned to Ning Xi, "Zhang Jin doesn't know her birthday, but he will find it for you."

"He wants to meet you." Then he added.

Ning Xi smiled: "Okay, you can give him my mobile number when you have time, and you can ask him to ask me if you have time."

"Well, no problem!" Ge Yue nodded.

Not long after returning home, Ning Xi received a transfer text message from the bank, and 10 million from the Ge family was transferred to the bank card.

After taking a shower, Ning Xi heard the phone keep ringing as soon as she was drying her hair.

When she brought it over to see that it was from Ji Shui Standard Chartered, she still pressed the answer button, "Hey!"

"Ningxi, I heard that you are approaching Ge Yue now?" Ji Jingjia's questioning voice came from the other side of the phone.

Ning Xi said lazily, "If you are sick, go and treat it!"

Then he hung up the phone without hesitation, and dragged Ji Zizhao into the blacklist.

However, from the phone call just now, Ning Xi also got a piece of information, that is, she was deliberately following Ge Yue and his son out of the city today.

This person must be Zhang Siyu, if there is no accident, if Ji is scumbag, he will not suddenly call in angrily to question.

That green tea **** is really enough. Before she took the initiative to avenge the original body for pushing him downstairs, the woman kept chasing up.

When she gets her birthday horoscope, she will repay the other party well.

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