On the morning of the fair, Ning Xi received a call from Lei Yi.

She took Jiuying and Dragon Turtle to the outside of the alley.

Lei Yi was driving an off-road vehicle. Besides Lei Yi, there was a young man who looked a little bit like Lei Yi next to the car.

She looked at Ning Xi who was walking in front of her and introduced to the young man, "This is what the uncle said about Master Ning."

"This is my brother Renault." She introduced to Ning Xi again.

Reno first stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Master Ning has heard the name for a long time, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Young Master Lei!" Ning Xi shook hands with him and smiled lightly.

"This is Jiuying, this is Longqi." Ning Xi introduced the two.

Jiuying is a lazy guy. The name of the live broadcast is called his real name, so Ning Xi did not use his alias anymore, everyone knew it anyway.

Renault's people are more gentle and elegant, and their behavior also has a sense of gentleness, "Hello, two masters!"

After the introduction and greeting, the group got into the car.

Ning Xi found that the car was not only refitted, but also had a special spell on the inside of the car, which gave it an air of isolation from the world.

No wonder Lei Yi came to pick them up, Ning Xi guessed that if he was driving his own car, he would not be able to find a place.

Sure enough, the car drove for more than two hours to the middle of a barren mountain, and then passed through a layer of mist, as if entering another world.

If it is replaced by an ordinary car, the mist that drives up to the middle of the mountain will be like encountering a ghost hitting a wall.

This was a kind of formation, which Ning Xi could see at a glance, but to ordinary people and people with low cultivation bases, it was very inscrutable and mysterious.

After entering the mist and driving for a few minutes, you can see that there is a large parking lot in front.

A lot of cars were parked by this time, most of them luxury cars.

Someone got out of the car and walked in one direction.

Ning Xi found that in addition to the cultivators who exuded the aura of cultivation, there were also some ordinary people walking on the road.

So he asked Lei Yi, "Isn't this a fair for ancient martial artists? Are there ordinary people participating?"

Lei Yi smiled and replied: "Some ancient martial arts worlds have power distribution in the ordinary world. After all, they can't just retreat and practice Taoism. Many of these people are managers of those aristocratic families in the secular world."

"There are also some local tyrants or senior members of ordinary people's families who have a good relationship with a certain ancient martial artist. One identity token can bring two people, so they follow."

Renault added on the side: "Gu Xiu's trade fairs are not necessarily all about barter, and some things can be sold to mortals at a price."

Ning Xi immediately understood what he meant.

In addition to training, the ancient martial arts family also needs to eat, and if they find anything good in the world, such as ancient artifacts, etc., they have to spend money to buy them.

That naturally requires some local tyrants who are willing to spend money to join in.

Like this kind of trade fair, the ancient martial arts family will probably sell some refined things for high prices. These local tyrants also want to buy things to protect themselves, and one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

"I see!"

Walking out of the parking lot, Ningxi saw an ancient street not far away, and there were already many people walking and communicating.

The ancient street is not only a place to stay, but also shops for eating, drinking and playing.

At the end of the ancient street is a small and medium-sized square market. It looks quite old. Now there is no one in the square market. I believe that the trade fair will be lively when it officially starts.

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