Ningxi returned to the inn in exchange for the materials, and his spirit was relatively good, so he directly refined it into a mining war beast.

It was not until ten o'clock in the morning that the refining was finished, and she slept first after eating breakfast.

After two o'clock, Jiuying called her up.

"The trade fair is about to start, let's go." Jiuying is also restless now.

Ning Xi changed and washed before going out with the two demons.

The Lei family is a Celestial Master family that is good at catching ghosts. This inn is often populated by Lei Family Celestial Masters who have come to practice for a long time.

Therefore, an evil pit was built at the end of the most yard, which was specially used to detain the evil spirits caught by punishment, etc., and the evil spirit was very strong.

After Ning Xi found out, he greeted Master Lei and threw the dagger instrument into the pit for cultivation.

The thousand-year-old female Horcrux spirit in the dagger can also be completely restored and cultivated.

Going out today, Ning Xi did not bring the dagger with him.

As soon as they walked to the lobby of the inn, they saw Lei Yi and Renault and several younger members of the Lei family waiting.

Renault took a step forward and smiled at Ning Xi: "Master Ning, the uncle ordered us to wait here for you to go to the trade fair."

Ning Xi smiled lightly: "Okay!"

The other juniors of the Lei family looked at Ning Xi curiously. They had always heard that this Master Ning was very powerful.

This morning, the elders in the family ordered them again, so that they should not neglect and offend Master Ning no matter what, otherwise they would be directly locked in the small black room, which made them even more obscurely exploring Ning Xi.

A few people went to the fair in Fangshi together. At this time, Fangshi was no longer deserted. There were people placing things on the stalls to be sold or exchanged, and people who came to the ancient town also arrived in Fangshi.

At three o'clock, a middle-aged man in a Tang suit appeared in the mid-air of Fangshi, stepping on a long sword on the bottom of his feet.

Ning Xi had heard before that only people at the seventh level of Qi refining could fly with a sword, and the middle-aged man happened to be at the seventh level of Qi refining.

As soon as the middle-aged man appeared, the bustling city of Fangshi suddenly quieted down.

He glanced at everyone at random, and said with a serious face: "I believe everyone is familiar with me. I am the person who guards this ancient town, and I am also responsible for the safety of the fair."

"I won't say more, I'll just say three rules."

"First, the trade fair lasts for three days. During this period, plundering is not allowed. Anyone who dares to violate it will get out of the ancient town immediately."

"Secondly, private fights or use of force are not allowed within the scope of the trade fair, otherwise you will also get out of the ancient town."

"Third, disturbances or frauds are not allowed at the fair. Once found, get out of the ancient town."

This ancient town was established by several big families. In addition to improving its prestige, the focus was to make money.

The booths rented out by Fangshi in the fair are not free. In order to attract more tourists, it is natural to maintain the security and quality of Yaofang.

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, many people present agreed, "Yes, we must follow the rules of the trade fair!"

The monks on the seventh floor of Qi Refining definitely belonged to the powerhouses on the side of Megatron, and that's why they were sent to guard the ancient town.

This is carried out in turn, these monks can also use the spiritual energy of the ancient town to practice, and the family will also subsidize the resources.

The people present had the highest cultivation base, that is, the fifth level of Qi Refining, but they did not dare to violate the orders of the middle-aged man and break the rules of the trade fair.

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