The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 2664: what is going on actually?

Under the pillow is a picture frame with pictures of three people.

A middle-aged man looks like the old man when he was young, a woman who doesn't look very beautiful but has a sense of tolerance and peace, with a gentle smile on her brows and eyes, which makes people feel very comfortable.

In the middle of the two stood a teenager in his teens. Judging from his face and facial features, Yan Bohan looked somewhat similar to him.

Seeing that Ning Xi picked up the photo frame, Mr. Yan was stunned for a while, then he was a little nervous, and glanced at Yan Bohan more obscurely.

Seeing that the grandson was only attracted by the photo frame, but did not look at the photos inside, he was slightly relieved.

He opened his mouth and said, "Master Ning, is this photo frame okay?"

There was no Yin evil on the photo frame, so Ning Xi used his soul power to investigate again.

It was soon discovered that something was wrong. The woman in the photo gave people a sense of tolerance, as if she was alive, and her eyes were more like with emotion.

But the more this is, the more strange it is, this is a photo, how could it be like seeing a real person.

Ning Xi pondered for a moment and had a guess.

She walked up to Mr. Yan with the photo frame and asked, "Dong Yan, do you often rub and look at this photo frame?"

Mr. Yan sighed, "This photo frame is very important to me, so I will take a look and touch it every morning and evening!"

"The photo frame has been with me for many years. If there is Yin evil, then I may be dead." He added.

Ning Xi was rubbed around the photo frame, and the color faded a lot. It could be judged that what he said was true, but the problem wasn't there.

"Master, can you rub and look at the photos in this frame as usual?" She handed the frame over.

Old Man Yan was startled, he really didn't expect Ning Xi to make such a request, "Do you have to do this?"

Ning Xi nodded: "This is related to your condition. If you want to crack it, you must do it."

"Grandpa, just do as Master Ning said." Yan Bohan was extremely convinced of Ning Xi now.

Mr. Yan sighed again, took the photo frame and blocked it with his hand, then sat on the bed and began to rub the photo frame as usual.

But because someone was there, he was a little uncomfortable.

"Yan Dong, what kind of mood do you usually use to look at photos, and now it's the same." Ning Xi reminded.

Mr. Yan smiled shyly: "Okay, I'll try it!"

He adjusted his emotions and gradually brought in his usual feelings.

He rubbed the woman in the photo very cherishly, with a kind of nostalgia in his eyes, it was a very sad mood, as if at a glance, the other party was his everything.

Yan Bohan glanced at the photo just now, but he had never seen the other two except the middle-aged man when his grandfather was young.

He was very shocked. He had seen the photo of his grandmother, but it was definitely not the woman in this photo.

Looking at the gestures of the two of them embracing each other and the smiles on their faces, they seem to be very happy. What the **** is going on?

After about ten minutes, the old man's expression suddenly became sluggish, and a trace of Yin evil overflowed from the photo and got into his body.

This time, even Yan Bohan felt a cold air lingering in the room, and his grandfather's expression was not right.

Ning Xi walked over quickly and looked sideways at the photo. Sure enough, she saw that the eyes of the woman above were alive, with a tenderness and sweetness, full of charm.

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