Generally, there are two types of space stones.

One is the magic weapon that Jiuying retrieved before, which can be specially refined for storage.

There is also a way to refine teleportation formations and talismans, but the teleportation distance is limited and cannot exceed 10,000 meters.

Just being able to get it out is also very good, at least it can be used to escape when in danger.

The teleportation stone is different. It can also be used to refine teleportation formations and talismans, but the distance of teleportation can be short or far, the farthest can transmit hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and good quality can transmit tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. Kilometers are also a stable consumable.

For example, it is used to refine it into a teleportation array. As long as there is enough spirit stone or energy supply, it can be activated, and there is no need to worry about the situation that it will be useless after one use.

Although the quality of this teleportation stone is average, it can be considered an adventure in this apocalyptic Earth where spiritual energy is thin.

If the array is arranged, it is not a big problem to transmit it to tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

The refining teleportation talisman can also be teleported in the direction specified by the activator, so there is no need to worry about inexplicably teleporting to any dangerous place, and the distance can be close or far.

This is much more precious than the space stone, and it is not a grade thing at all.

Since there are space stones in this world, maybe there will also be teleportation formations arranged by ancient monks, and Ning Xi's interest in exploring this world is even stronger.

She played with the teleportation stone, as if she was considering whether to agree or not, but she already had the answer in her heart.

After a few minutes, she put the teleportation stone back in the box, "I don't see any use for this stone now, but I'm very interested."

"I agree to your conditions!" Of course, Ning Xi would not reveal the real name and purpose of the teleportation stone. This was not only for the sake of confidentiality, but also for the Yan family's grandparents and grandchildren.

Otherwise, if it leaks out, it will definitely cause a shock in the ancient martial artist world, and then scramble to **** it.

There may not be many ancient cultivators who can recognize that this is a teleportation stone, but there will definitely be no.

Mr. Yan showed a smile: "Master Ning is really refreshing!"

Then he directly pushed the treasure chest on the table, "I heard that you ancient martial cultivators made an oath with the law of heaven and earth, and you will not regret it. As long as you agree on the two conditions I just said, you can make this stone. Take it as a deposit first."

This was also informed by an ancient cultivator he had made friends with, and it was also a guarantee.

As for the old man Yan who didn't believe what he wrote down, it was too easy for an ancient xiu to tear up this kind of promise, but taking an oath is different.

Ning Xi didn't mind, but she also needed this kind of assurance to feel at ease.

So I raised my hand and stretched out three fingers to make an oath with the law of heaven and earth according to the two conditions mentioned earlier, and also added what the old man said to be within one's power and to keep the promise without violating your principle of doing things.

After the oath was completed, a law of heaven and earth came and took effect instantly.

Although Old Master Yan and Yan Bohan could not see the emergence of the law of heaven and earth, they also felt an indescribable sense of solemnity, and there was one more promise in their minds.

Only then did Mr. Yan feel completely relieved. It seems that swearing by the law of heaven and earth is really effective.

After taking the oath, Ning Xi closed the treasure chest rudely, and then put it into the Qiankun bag that he had left behind for his own use.

The old man is indeed a smart person and very knowledgeable, otherwise Ning Xi would be afraid that the teleportation stone would be stolen by someone, so he would be more assured of putting it in his bag first.

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