The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 2749: The charm is so great

Driving into the military area, but also to check the identity.

Seeing that it was Luo Yinhuang, the two guards just asked Ningxi's identity and let him go.

The car stopped in front of a three-story building.

There were also several people in military uniforms and guns guarding the door, and they saluted when they saw Luo Yinhuang.

The first floor is the external office. For example, if there are any supernatural events or special events, ordinary people can also come to provide clues, but there are very few.

The second floor is the office of the special department personnel. Only two offices have administrative personnel, and the others are very comfortable resting places, so that everyone can relax when they are not doing tasks.

The third floor is the office of the army commander Luo Yinhuang and ten special team leaders.

From the first floor to the third floor, I met many people from special departments. First of all, they greeted Luo Yinhuang respectfully, and then looked at Ningxi absently.

In addition to being amazed, there are all kinds of ambiguous looks with speculation.

Of course, it wasn't because he was flirting with Ning Xi, but he felt that there was an ambiguous relationship between their commander and the little beauty.

After all, their commanders have never been close to women. Usually, there are women in the team who want to approach, but they are always indifferent.

Everyone has heard that Yin Xin offended the boss during a mission and was directly expelled from the special department.

After that, the female players in the team who had been careful about the boss also restrained a lot, and many of them shifted their goals.

I didn't expect to bring a little beauty to the office this time, so that their ruthless boss can do this. The charm of this little beauty is really great.

Going to the third floor, Luo Yinhuang took Ning Xi directly to the office of the seventh special group.

There are ten special groups in the special department, each with different responsibilities and tasks.

At this time, it was five minutes to two, and there were six people sitting and a dozen people standing in the public office.

Seeing Luo Yinhuang entering the door, everyone immediately got up and shouted respectfully, "Boss!"

Luo Yinhuang nodded lightly and looked at one of the tall, graceful and graceful men.

"This is Ning Xi that I recommended before, let's participate in the selection test together!"

The gentle and handsome man is Zhuo Qing, the captain of the seventh special group.

With a smile on his face, he gave a military salute, "Yes!"

The boss's face is absolutely to be given.

Then he stretched out his hand towards Ningxi and said with a smile, "Welcome to Master Ning!"

The materials for the recommended candidates need to be sent first. The special department did not recruit directly from the military department this time. The main reason is that the recovery of spiritual energy is becoming more and more complicated, so it is planned to recruit two people with extraordinary means to enter.

Ning Xi's identity is a Feng Shui master, which is also a very popular occupation for every group in the special department. After all, Feng Shui masters are often required to survey the terrain.

In the past, there were relatively few team members in the special department who knew feng shui, so in case of emergency, it was necessary to pay an outside master to help, which would also bring some follow-up troubles.

Ning Qin, who once went to the cemetery with Luo Yinhuang, has always been in the seventh group, but the people who went with him last time were transferred from other groups because of poor performance. Yin Xin and Bi Shuo were more directly turned off.

Now seeing that the boss actually brought Master Ning to join the special department, he was surprised and felt normal.

He has seen Master Ning's methods, and he is safe and qualified to join.

According to the usual situation, I entered directly, but now the above is very tight, and there are so many people who want to come in through the back door, and the boss who introduced them has to follow the assessment, which makes people unable to talk about gossip.

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