After walking out of the building where the club was located, Ning Xi and Qiao Xi did not immediately return to the dormitory.

"If you want to see Feng Shui, let's go out to eat and chat." Ning Xi took the initiative.

Qiao Xi laughed: "You really want to help me see!"

Ning Xi raised her eyebrows, "Why, you don't believe my level?"

"No, it's just that I'm not used to your identity as a master." Qiao Xi was actually dubious, but she wouldn't lose Ning Xi's face.

"Then I'll call to reserve a private room first, and we'll watch while we eat." She picked up her phone and made a call.

After Qiao Xi finished the phone call, Ning Xi pretended to inadvertently asked, "Your brother is also in the Fengshui Spiritual Society, won't you say hello to him?"

Qiao Xi's originally smiling face subsided, and said angrily, "I'm too lazy to pay attention to him."

Ning Xi guessed that the two quarreled about Qi Yiman.

But I didn't ask any more questions, and went out together to the best Chinese restaurant and entered the private room.

After ordering, Qiao Xi took the initiative to stretch out her right hand, "Then Master Ning, please help me take a look."

Ning Xi took her hand and smiled and said, "Okay, Master will help you take a look at the palmistry first."

She looked at it carefully, "You have more horizontal lines on your middle finger, indicating that your brothers are different."

"There are still some changes in the shape of the middle finger, and the blood relatives represented by the main finger are in poor condition."

She paused and said, "Your lifeline has a fork, which means that you had a catastrophe when you were six years old, almost killed you, and suffered a serious illness when you were twelve years old."

Then she looked up and said, "You have a missing corner in your parent's palace, and there is a trace of kinship. Your mother has died early, and it is not completely missing, which means that you should have a stepmother to replace you when you were very young. The mother's position, but the blood relationship between the stepmother and you."

"Your stepmother doesn't have any children, she is like her own to your two siblings, so your parents' palace is slightly ruddy."

"The position of your brother's palace also has a horizontal stripe, which shows that your brother's current situation is not good. The color is blue-gray. He should even suffer from a disease."

After Ning Xi finished speaking, Qiao Xi was stunned.

She was kidnapped when she was six years old. The kidnappers almost tore up the ticket, and she was rescued at the last minute to save her life.

When I was twelve years old, I had an acute illness. Because it was sudden, I was rescued when I was sent to the hospital. It took me more than a month to recover.

These two things have never been publicized at all, and it is not easy to find out what happened so many years ago, which shows that Ning Xi really saw it.

After she was born, her mother bleeded and died, and then her father married her aunt and came in.

The aunt took the initiative to cut off the fertility, and then loved their siblings as if they were her own.

Her father took the initiative to go to the following provinces and cities for development, and only came to Kyoto ten years ago after the company became bigger.

Therefore, as long as they are not very close, everyone does not know that the mother of their siblings is actually a stepmother.

Her brother has been very wrong in the past six months, and she accidentally found him lying in the bathroom with a pale face two days ago. This matter has never been mentioned to anyone.

But Ning Xi said everything right, it was too miraculous and she couldn't believe it.

If he had only half-trusted Ning Xi before, now he has to believe that this roommate is really a Feng Shui master.

Because you can see so much just from palmistry and face, which is much more powerful than many Feng Shui masters she has seen.

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