Then a strange scene happened, I saw the clay doll woman seemed to be alive, her beautiful eyes closed as if she fell into a deep sleep.

What's even more shocking is that after the woman closed her eyes, the lively breath emanating from her body gradually weakened.

And Qiao Yan took out a knife and cut his fingers, and a drop of blood fell on the mud doll, which was quickly absorbed.

The blood quickly penetrated into the mud puppet, and did not stay on the surface. After absorbing it, there was nothing unusual on the outside.

The aura of the woman on the clay puppet, which had gradually dimmed, suddenly recovered a bit.

But Qiao Yan's heart contracted sharply, making his face pale again, and he tightly covered it.

Suddenly a white light flickered from the bag of his pajamas, and then sank into his body.

The painful contraction of the heart that would last for a while, actually gradually eased.

Qiao Yan gritted his teeth, his face was pale, his pajamas were wet with sweat, and he slowly felt that he was wrapped in a warm force until his heart returned to normal.

Surprised, he immediately reached out and fetched that talisman.

As soon as he took it out and squeezed it in his hand, the talisman instantly turned into a pile of ashes, which changed his expression.

He was stunned, but quickly responded.

This time, the pain in the heart has slowed down, and the time has been shortened a lot, which is definitely related to the charm sent by my sister.

Did your sister know something? But not like it!

Feeling that the mud doll's breath had recovered a little, he breathed a sigh of relief, and tightened his grip on the mud doll.

After recovering, he carefully placed the mud doll next to the pillow, and then went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a bath, and after a while, looking at his pale face in the mirror, he recovered a lot, and he still made a decision.

The door knocked on Qiao Xi's room.

Qiao Xi opened the door and looked at Qiao Yan somewhat unexpectedly, "Brother, what are you doing?"

"I have something to ask you." Qiao Yan didn't hide it.

Qiao Xi opened the door wider and let him in before closing the door.

"What's the matter?" She hadn't talked to her brother alone for a long time.

Qiao Yan asked straight to the point: "How did you get the talisman you gave me just now? Do you know who the person who drew the talisman was?"

Qiao Yan was stunned for a while, then suddenly remembered Ning Xi's words, then frowned and asked, "Did your heart disease relapse just now?"

"How do you know?" Qiao Yan was also stunned.

Qiao Xi didn't hide it, and pursed her lips, "This is for my Fu's person to judge."

"Who gave you the talisman?" Qiao Yan asked again.

Qiao Xi now absolutely agrees with Ning Xi's identity as a Feng Shui master, so he tells everything about the restaurant.

Qiao Yan was stunned, "That is to say, your roommate saw from your face and palm reading that I have a heart disease, so that's why I gave you that talisman."

Qiao Xi thought about it and asked, "Is that talisman useful?"

Qiao Yan nodded, "It works!"

"That's great, maybe Ning Xi can help you brother." Qiao Xi was overjoyed.

Qiao Yan thought deeply, "Can I see my roommate?"

Qiao Xi nodded immediately: "Of course, then I'll ask her out for you tomorrow, you two meet at school?"

Qiao Yan waved his hand, "No, not at school."

"You ask that roommate to play at home tomorrow, and then let's meet at home." He paused and said.

Qiao Xi wrinkled deeper every day, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"Listen to me right." Qiao Yan insisted.

Qiao Xi was defeated, "Okay, let me tell her, and invite her to come home tomorrow!"

"Good!" Qiao Yan reached out and rubbed her head affectionately.

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