About an hour later, Ning Xi sensed the thoughts from the paper figurine.

So he said to Gao Yan, "Go pick up a basin of water and put it on the table."

Gao Yan had been convinced by Ning Xi's methods before, and hurriedly got up and went to draw a basin of water and put it on the table.

Ning Xi took out another talisman and drew it with a talisman, then lit it and threw it into the water.

What shocked the three people present was that the talisman fell into the water and it was still burning. It was too high!

After the talisman was burned, the ashes automatically formed an oval, like a mirror.

Ning Xi used his spiritual power to tap the water in the basin with the help of a psychic paper figurine, "Get up!"

Then the three of them saw a frame made of black rune paper, stood up with a puddle of water, and flew over the plastic basin.

Like a mirror, not a drop of water fell.

The three of them were stunned for a moment, obviously they didn't expect that this kind of fantasy plot, which usually happens in movies or TV series, could actually appear in real life.

Ning Xi stretched out his hand and wiped it with his spiritual power, and a picture appeared in the mirror made of water.

The paper man quietly entered a hospital, and then went to an intensive care unit.

At this time in the ward lay a comatose man, still on a ventilator.

In front of him stood two people, about fifty years old, looking like a couple.

The two were talking, but since this was channeling and not monitoring, they couldn't hear what they were saying.

Seeing this, Gao Yan was anxious, "This is my uncle and aunt. Ever since my dad had an accident and was admitted to the hospital, they have been controlled by them."

Luo Yan can understand him when he is so anxious, "I can understand lip language, and I will translate their conversation to you."

Gao Yan was overjoyed, "Thank you brother and sister, sorry to trouble you!"

He and Qiao Yan have been playing since childhood, and they are one year older than Qiao Yan, so they are called Luo Yan's younger siblings.

Luo Yan nodded, and then carefully looked at the mouth shape of the two of them.

"That stinky boy didn't know where to hide, and he couldn't find it, what should we do?" This is the woman's speech.

Then the man said, "I've searched everywhere I can, but who would have thought that if there was a car accident, this kid would run away secretly when he wasn't staying in the hospital."

"That driver is really useless. He didn't kill that stinky boy. Otherwise, why should we wait now?"

"My second brother left a will to the lawyer before the accident. Unless the kid dies or voluntarily gives up the inheritance rights, we will not be able to get the company completely."

"Would you like to listen to the third and the others? Slowly transfer the company's property. In the future, the company will be an empty shell, and it doesn't matter if the kid comes back."

"This needs to be considered in the long run. After all, Dingsheng is developing very well now, and it has a reputation and resources. It is not easy to start from scratch when we transfer assets. It is best to take over the deal directly."

The woman looked at the person on the bed with disgust, "Your second brother is quite serious, but you left the will so early, as if you were afraid that we would take his property."

"He has always been considerate since he was a child, but it is fortunate that his parents are holding him down. Otherwise, how could he have agreed with the third child and me to enter the company, and then step by step to sit in the high-level position."

The man squinted his eyes and smiled disdainfully, "He! He's still too soft-hearted."

"When can I stop his medicine? If it doesn't work, let him die first, and then lead that stinky boy out. I don't believe that his father is dead, and he will hide."

"Then let the third child invite people to do it all the time, continue to make an accident, let him go to meet his father underground, and then the company will be ours."

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