The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 2819: Is this season celestial master really okay?

The ancestral tomb of the Yao family is on a Yuqiong Mountain outside of Kyoto. The scenery here is pleasant and the mountains are ups and downs, and the feng shui is very good.

The car can only drive down the mountain, so the group needs to walk up the mountain.

Ning Xi raised his head and looked around, smiled and said, "Here is the ring road at the bottom of the mountain, which is like a golden snake dancing, and like a white circle. , wrap it up. The ten-story Mianshan Mountain is locked and tightly intertwined. It is really a treasured place where the wind gathers and gathers energy."

Such a lotus feng shui treasure land is a symbol of great wealth and great honor. In addition to its own ability, the Yao family can have today's development, and it is also blessed by the luck of the ancestral tomb of this yin house.

Yao Lao and the Yao family nodded secretly when they heard her words.

The old man Yao said with a smile on his face: "Master Ning is really amazing. He can see through the mystery of this mountain at a glance. Back then, my ancestors hired a master to choose many places before choosing this lotus treasure land."

I was also sure that this Master Ning really had a few brushes.

Several other masters also saw that this was the lotus treasure land, but they all looked at it with a compass or spiritual energy. It was not like Ning Xi just glanced at it and discovered the mystery, and his heart became more and more admired.

Ji Tianshi snorted coldly, and then said neither yin nor yang: "Who can't see that this is the lotus treasure land? It's a pity that the treasure land has become a declining land, and there is nothing to be happy about."

His words made Old Master Yao not very happy. This season, Tianshi was so arrogant and unpleasant.

Ning Xi raised her eyebrows, "That's why it's time for you, Ji Tianshi. To restore this lotus treasure that has been destroyed by feng shui, isn't that what you came here for today?"

"That's the only way to highlight your ability, Ji Tianshi. If the feng shui here is still a treasure, we don't need to see Ji Tianshi today."

These words were full of sarcasm, making Ji Tianshi choked.

Can he say that he never thought about it at all, to help this ancestral grave of the Yao family recover?

This is a big project, how much spiritual energy must be wasted on him!

Now that the dead girl said this, if he doesn't help the Yao family's ancestral tomb to be restored, these people don't know how to ruin his reputation after going out, it's too hateful!

"Humph!" However, although Ji Tianshi was arrogant, he was not an idiot. Under Ning Xi's aggressive tactics and irony, he did not promise that he would do well.

He still has to go in and see if there is anything he needs, or else he will lose more than his energy!

The members of the Yao family have also become accustomed to Ji Tianshi's attitude, and they have not expressed their displeasure or dissatisfaction.

Just seeing this situation, Ji Tianshi didn't say whether he could handle it or not, but he felt a little drum in his heart. Is this season Tianshi really okay?

While walking, Yao Hao asked Ning Xi, "Master Ning, can you see that the feng shui of this lotus treasure land has been destroyed before you reach the ancestral tomb?"

Ning Xi nodded: "Yes, there is now a layer of haze over the four-sided divine beasts in this land, making the originally blooming lotus aura wilted, as if it will all wither."

"Someone in your Yao family has often gotten sick or had minor accidents recently."

Yao Hao nodded fiercely: "Yes! Most of the people in the family have had some problems recently."

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