The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 2854: This business can do

Normally, research institutes will not arbitrarily catch power users and wizards for research, which violates the moral bottom line and global convention.

But the exception is that the other party takes the initiative to send it to the door to be a demon. After all, they killed themselves, who can blame it?

Even the M country can only suffer from such a dumb loss.

After processing, a few people got on the helicopter this time.

Sitting on the plane, Ning Xi asked, "Why didn't you just use the plane before?"

Airplanes are much faster than cars.

Colonel Zhong replied helplessly: "There are wind-type abilities among them. If you choose an airplane, it is more likely to have an accident in the sky, so the car is used for safety."

It's just that they didn't expect that the other party would come up with a trick to sleep with vines. In the future, this case must be focused on, and then find a breakthrough plan.

After all, if this happens again in the future, they won't have a second Ning Xi in the car.

"So that's the case, you're right to think so!" Ning Xi nodded.

Recalling the previous incident, Colonel Zhong couldn't help but ask tentatively, "Ning Xi, what kind of talisman did you have that could resist the attack?"

He never believed in any talisman before, but after witnessing it with his own eyes, his cognition has been subverted.

It turns out that the talismans used by the gods can still be used like this, not all of them are fooling people.

Ning Xi smiled and said, "Some defensive talismans are specially used to resist attacks. Without the blessing of a wizard, a talisman can withstand three attacks from a power user before it becomes invalid."

These talismans were actually made by her before, and the effect was far worse than what she made now.

However, it is still very easy to resist the attacks of those supernatural beings.

"Can I take the liberty to ask, where did you get this talisman from?"

As an officer of the special forces, Colonel Chung often receives very dangerous tasks. If every team member can be equipped with such a talisman in the future, it will undoubtedly reduce the heavy casualty rate every year.

Ning Xi said lazily, "I made it myself."

Not only did Colonel Zhong and several special forces members stunned, even Zhuo Qing's three special departments were stunned.

It turns out that Ningxi not only has an explosive force value, but also refines such a high-end and atmospheric talisman?

Awesome, the overlord of our group!

Du Yi is not surprised, after all, he has seen the strength of Ning Xi.

However, I still decided to buy some talismans from Ning Xi after she made the decision. The effect was much better than the ones purchased by the family.

After being stunned, Colonel Zhong returned to his senses and asked tentatively, "Are you selling this talisman?"

"Sell it!" Ning Xi asked with a smile, "Do you want to buy it?"

"To tell you the truth, there are not many members of our special forces who die or are seriously injured and retire from missions every year, so I think if you sell them, buy a batch of them and let them take self-defense every time they go out on a mission."

Colonel Zhong made a three hundred and sixty-degree turn in Ning Xi's attitude, his originally serious face was full of smiles, "I just don't know how you want to sell this talisman?"

Zhuo Qing also looked at Ning Xi. Their special departments often encountered danger when doing tasks. Basically, every important task would have someone seriously injured or even sacrificed. If they were equipped with such a talisman, it would be much safer.

Ning Xi thought for a while and said, "My charms are divided into three grades, each low-level charm is 300,000 yuan; you used mid-level charms before, and you need to replace them with something; higher-end charms are more effective, but use The quality of the things that come in exchange is also better.”

This business can be done, and there should be a lot of good things from the military. She provides talismans to reduce casualties for them, which is mutually beneficial.

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