The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 3181: Your face is so big!

Ning Xi always felt that it was not that simple.

They come from a different world, and their talents are very strong. In addition, there are many means to follow the nine masters and the little turtle, and they are not sure that they can completely crush the group of foreign races. What is the ancestor of the Zhou family?

Luo Yinhuang said: "Maybe it's not the crushing of strength, but other things. The Zhou family has always been a family of magic sticks, and methods such as divination are not inferior to those of the magicians in the upper realm we are in."

"That's right, sometimes the strength is a little bit, and a lot of things can be solved by fooling around." Ning Xi nodded.

Immediately, she changed the topic and said: "Anyway, you will know when you enter the foundation building. The high-level foreigners will know about the ancestors of the Zhou family. We will find out when the time comes."

She frowned even tighter, "But I always feel that an invisible hand is pushing us in a given direction."

It's a bad feeling to have to follow each other's footsteps!

Luo Yinhuang held her hand and looked forward with a coldness in his eyes, "Then let's cut off this invisible hand."

"Domineering, I like it!" Ning Xi raised his hand to squeeze Luo Yinhuang's face with a smile, and put his hand on his arm.

The coldness in Luo Yinhuang's eyes faded, and a full smile overflowed, "As the husband of King Ning Bawang, of course I can't embarrass you!"

He knew what the monks called Ning Xi in private.

Ning Xi rubbed his head against his arm, "My husband is mighty!"

Luo Yinhuang looked at her coquettish appearance and wanted to rub it into her bones, lowered her head and kissed her forehead, "My wife is also mighty!"

The two walked in front, and every move was followed by the attention of the people behind.

Seeing that Ning Xi and Luo Yinhuang were still in the mood to spread dog food, the group of single dogs behind were a little stuffed.

There are also people who feel that it is worthy of being Ning Bawang and her man, the bearing is different, and the heart is not ordinary.

The yin spirits here were basically collected by the three commanders, and the legion was turned into yin soul beads by Ning Xi, and the journey was quiet.

This time, there were not many obstacles in front of him, and Ningxi, a single Yin Ling, was too lazy to make a move from time to time, and the ancient cultivators of various countries could easily solve it.

A day later, everyone came to a swamp.

What caught the eye was a large blood-red lotus leaf standing in the swamp, and then a red-robed figure sitting cross-legged.

Ji Huai felt the breath of the person coming, opened his eyes, looked at Ning Xi and the others with a chuckle: "You guys are quite fast."

Listening to this tone, you must know what happened by the lake before.

Ning Xi smiled playfully: "It's okay, thank you for your help, otherwise we wouldn't be able to meet the colorful spirit flesh, and I wouldn't be able to collect so many Yin spirit beads."

Ji Huai was startled for a moment, then laughed out loud: "Haha, I just like to deal with smart people."

"If you want to thank me, is that a reward for some Yin Soul Orbs?" His face was not covered, it was very thick.

Ning Xi raised her eyebrows: "Your face is really big!"

"Stingy girl!" Ji Huai looked at Ning Xi with an elder-like tolerance.

Hearing the words of the two, the people present also reacted.

It turned out that the reason why the giant clam gave birth to colorful flesh so quickly was entirely caused by what Ji Huai had smashed on the lake before.

And this guy must know the existence of the three Yin Spirit Legions, and then deliberately lure them over, this is killing people with a knife!

If it weren't for Ning Xi and Luo Yinhuang, they would all be buried at the bottom of the lake.

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