Beizhou remote defense area.

An off-road vehicle stopped not far in front of the border net, and three men in combat uniforms walked down.

"Boss, there is really someone ahead!" One of them looked at the humane who was crawling more than 100 meters away.

They also saw a figure suddenly appear here from the surveillance, fearing that it was an enemy spy, so they rushed over.

The leading man had a stern face, and his whole body exuded a kind of masculine hardness, "Let's go over and take a look."


When the three walked over, they saw a beautiful and beautiful woman in casual clothes unconscious.

The man who started talking showed a look of surprise in his eyes, "This little girl is so beautiful!"

A blond man next to him pushed him, "Maybe it's a spy, don't be fooled by beauty."

"I'll find out when I test it!" The man took out a precise instrument and tested it on the woman on the ground.

After a few moments, the data is displayed on the instrument.

"She is a human, but the smell of dust-removing grass was detected on her body, and she should have flown up from the shuttle space node of the lower planet."

The blond man was amazed, "We are not the destination of the space node's shuttle! Why is she here?"

Captain Kayas frowned slightly, "I heard that there are storms and hurricanes in the space on our border side, presumably there is a problem with the space node she travels through."

"What kind of cultivation is she shown on the instrument?" he asked.

Luo Yi looked down and said, "The cultivation base in the later stage of foundation establishment!"

"Captain, since she's not a spy, should we take her back? Otherwise, once a strange beast comes over, she'll be dead." He asked.

Kaya thought for a while, "Take her back."


After an unknown amount of time, Ning Xi opened her eyes, stared at the white ceiling for a while, then sat up.

"You're awake!" A young woman in a nurse's uniform just walked in.

Ning Xi rubbed his brows, "Excuse me, where is this place?"

"This is a war zone hospital. You were in a coma at the border. Lieutenant Colonel Kayas brought you here." The nurse said with a smile.

Ning Xi was not completely unconscious, she vaguely knew that there was a problem with the previous space node, she also arrived at a place, and then someone took her away.

At that time, she had a protective formation on her body, and if she was attacked, she would automatically rebound for protection.

Now the protective formation has not been triggered, which means that the person who took her away to the hospital before had no malicious intent.

"So it is." Ning Xi nodded.

The nurse held a therapeutic device in Ning Xi's hand, "When you were in a coma, we did a full-body examination for you. Your soul has been damaged. Although the situation is not the worst, it is not the worst. it is good."

"The most important thing is that you are still pregnant, so you must pay attention to your body recently, otherwise it will be bad to have a slippery tire."

Ning Xi was stunned, the news made her a little confused, "You said I'm pregnant?"

"Yeah! Don't you know?" The nurse said with a smile, "Your pregnancy cycle is six weeks, so you probably didn't notice it before."

Ning Xi unconsciously reached out and touched her stomach, "So I'm pregnant! I really didn't notice it before."

She doesn't know how to use medicine, and she didn't notice that the fetus was too young, and she was busy with the foundation building before, so she didn't pay attention at all.

Mainly because I didn't expect that I would have a baby, this feeling is novel and has a kind of wonder.

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