After the assistant went down, Li Hao looked at Ning Xi with a gentle expression.

"My job at Qixing Pavilion is the manager of the Fu Department, and I also work as a part-time appraiser when I'm too busy." He explained.

Ning Xi nodded, "So that's the case, does Manager Li have any arrangements?"

"I'll take you to the workshop first. You'll be familiar with the environment first. Besides you, there are three talismans here." Li Hao stood up.

"it is good!"

Li Hao took Ningxi into a relatively spacious workshop, where two men and one woman were lowering their heads to refine materials.

I found that all the people who came looked up and looked over, "Manager Li!"

Li Hao introduced with a smile: "This is the new Master Fu Ningxi, you should take care of her in the future."

"This is Li Yu, this is Wen Qiu, this is Gu Yuan!" He introduced the three to Ning Xi.

Ning Xi and the three greeted each other.

"Ning Xi's talisman talent is very good, and the second-grade talisman refined is of high quality. You can communicate and learn more from each other." Li Hao boasted with a smile, obviously very optimistic about Ning Xi.

He also hoped that the arrival of Ning Xi would inspire the original three.

Border towns like this are relatively small, and several major chambers of commerce have agreed to settle in one city each, so the competition is relatively small.

Otherwise, if the three of them were in the Seven Star Pavilion in a big city, many of the talismans they had refined would have to be returned, and the quality would definitely not be up to par.

Li Hao is not a person without ambition. If he wants to go up, he has to make some achievements.

The other three didn't show their faces, and felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts. They had never seen Manager Li praise anyone like this before.

As for a newcomer, I don't even know how it was refined, so they need to exchange and learn there?

Li Yu is Li Hao's nephew, and he is a more slick person. He said with a smile, "It's good to be brave! In the future, we have to ask Daoist Ning for more advice."

"You're welcome, it's impossible to ask for advice, just communicate more in the future!" Ning Xi smiled lightly.

Li Hao said with a smile: "Just report whatever materials you want to me directly."

Remembering that Ning Xi seemed to care about rewards, he added, "In addition to the common attack and defense talismans, if you can create some new talismans with different effects and good qualities, we will reward them here."

Ning Xi nodded: "Okay!"

Li Hao said a few more words of encouragement, and then left.

As soon as he left, apart from Li Yu who still kept his previous smile, the other two became a lot colder and lowered their heads to refine the talisman again.

"Friend Ning, this workbench is empty, you can use it in the future."

Li Yu said with a smile: "If you need anything, you can tell me."

Although he was also a little uncomfortable with his uncle's praise of Ningxi, he was amazed at Ningxi's beauty.

Besides beautiful women, I can't help but want to take care of one or two more.

No matter what, since his uncle attached so much importance to Ning Xi, he would be foolish to sing the opposite.

"Heh!" Wen Qiu, who originally lowered his head to refine the talisman, suddenly laughed, with an indescribable meaning.

She was very unhappy, this newcomer is a fox, it is no wonder that Manager Li is so exaggerated, and now Li Yu is so politely taken care of, shameless.

She wanted to see what kind of so-called high-quality talismans this Ning Xi could make, in addition to having a seductive fox face.

Gu Yuan smiled and did not speak. Wen Qiu was born in an ordinary family. Because he had spiritual roots, he had the opportunity to become a talisman. He had long been interested in Li Yu and wanted to join the Li family.

Now come to a woman with higher appearance, temperament and talent, jealousy is inevitable, he can just watch a good show.

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