The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 363: Turns out, it can be counterattacked

The elite soldiers of the Ning family army led by Mu You saw such a scene and said that they were not shocked.

Looking up, I saw the little prince standing high-spirited in front of the gangsters and guiding them to move forward, exuding an indescribable charm all over his body.

The dudes were only slightly injured but not a single one of them fell. Such a situation is somewhat unbelievable.

"Treat their injuries." Ning Xi looked at Zhang Che and ordered, "The bandits must also save their lives."

"Little Prince, these bandits won't have future troubles if they don't kill them?" Mu You exclaimed.

If the lives of these bandits were saved, wouldn't they be sending tigers back to the mountains and looting people and caravans in the future.

"It's too wasteful to kill them. You arranged for someone to tie them all together with ropes and let them follow the convoy to the fief." Ning Xi said.

Mu You asked incomprehensibly: "Little Prince, these people are extremely sinful, not only do they not kill but also take them to the fief to raise them?"

When did the little prince become so kind and compassionate?

"It's naturally useful to bring them back. The fiefs have been in disrepair for a long time, the fortifications are probably damaged a lot, and the roads are rough. They can just do these things, but dying is a waste." Ning Xi explained patiently.

Mu You was stunned for a while, and soon a relieved smile appeared on his face, "Little Wangye's method is very good, it's really a waste for them to die."

Whoever says that the little prince is just a dummy who can beat people violently, he will be anxious with anyone in the future.

Mu You really didn't expect the little prince to even think about these aspects. It seems that he didn't go to the fief to play, but seriously wanted to change.

Zhang Che treated the gangsters, and then treated the severely injured bandits.

"Master, shall we continue on our way?" Ning Yi asked respectfully.

Ning Xi curled his lips and smiled: "No, we went to sweep this group of people's base camp first, which is also a reward."

Ning Yi, Mu You and the others didn't expect the little prince to have such thoughts, but they didn't object, "Yes!"

So Ning Xi took the captured bandits to guide the way and drove to their base camp.

Three hundred elites opened the way, and soon broke through the bandit's cottage, cleaned the cottage, and a large amount of materials were looted and taken away, but the bandits were not killed, and they were all captured and used as coolies.

There are also hundreds of men and women who are enslaved and entertained by the bandits.

Ning Xi didn't force it, she was willing to leave at will, and those who didn't want to leave could follow them back to the fief.

In the end, more than 80 people stayed behind to follow to the fief, and among them, more than 30 were women who had been abused.

Ning Xi could guess the reason why they didn't want to go back. It was not a good reputation for a woman from a good family to be spoiled by bandits. It was better to leave than to be disliked by her family and pointed at by her neighbors after she went back.

When they left, there were more than 100 people in the team, and with the slaves from before, it was obvious that the military truck could not fit in, so the 300 elite soldiers of the Ning family gave up two vehicles to take turns driving and walking.

Wounded bandits can take a car, but bandits with minor injuries or intact are escorted by soldiers on foot.

Ning Xi took people to copy the cottage, which was called the dandies, and it also opened a new world for them. It turned out that they could resist robbery. No wonder the little prince likes to raid houses.

Next, let the playboys recuperate in the car for a few days and then resume their physical training on the way. This time the playboys no longer complained in private.

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