The First Evolution

Chapter 94, hunting, hunting

Bamboo Yeqing immediately said:

"where is it!"

Fanglin Yan pointed to the road behind:

"It is there."

Bamboo Ye Yong waved, immediately a few big men were forced to pass, and the result came out from the tree.

Seeing this person, Fanglinyi pupil is slightly contracted, Mcis is already called:

"It's you?"

It turns out that this person is the acquaintance of Fanglin Rock and Mcsp, which is the original owner of the Sherlong Dragon Bunch of Fanglin Rock Wrist! Arctic Circle!

In the past, Li Dache said that some people successfully saved the holy aunt, and then joined the five buckets. Fang Linyan guess it is not good. It is really like this.

Between the heart, Fanglin Yan directly pointed to the Arctic Circle:

"It's he! I see this person's sneaky seems to steal things, and it is very good, I want to ask him to ask him, and he actually shot directly!"

Of course, the Arctic Circle is certainly impossible to recognize, directly smiling:

"I am the believers in this Road, soon, I have saved the holy aunt, why do you say that I am ghost?"

"Tap, you have a bloody spray, and I will smear with me, where do I attack you?"

Who is Fanglin Rock? After listening to him, I immediately responded that this is a deliberate setting language trap.

If you ask yourself, then each other: Do you have evidence? That is directly dragged into this language to pull the leather trap.

The purpose of the Arctic Circle is not a victory with you, he is pure to drag the time.

Now Fanglin Rock is sensitive to this kind of thing, so it will not be entangled with this, and immediately bitten the tongue, and then look down! A quite exaggerated sprayed a blood.

Goats are also very tacit with Fanglin Rock, and immediately screamed.

"Head! What happened to you! Is this guy just not to go to you?"

Then I greeted the humanity:

"Come around, everyone came over to block the wind, I will help the head first aid !!! His old wounded, will be dead !!"

Not only that, the vulture is even anger:

"He must be aware of the secret, your dog wants to kill people !!"

So a man was re-gathered, and the countdown of 30 seconds regression space was directly launched again under the public.

The reverse rotating stopwatch illusion on the five-person head can only be seen, the plot characters are invisible, so the bamboo leaves and the rest of the elite guards have never seen any flaws.

After all, Fanglin Rock looks very much about the blood, the companion is also the temperament of people.

However, in this way, the Arctic Rings are in the belly. Lin Yan, this is really raped, it is not very treacherous, and it will not be on its own set, not only this, but also the army!

If the Arctic Circle is not interrupted, then it is obvious that the task he came here will not be completed.

However, if the Arctic circle is interrupted, then the bamboo leaves and others are already in the tiger!

Obviously, they have first trip to believe in vultures, and subconsciously treat Fanglin Rock as victims (after all, some people vomiting blood coma).

If there is any little action in the Arctic Rings, then the nature is very serious, it is equivalent to doing bad things directly in the police station!

The Arctic Circle is also an urgent person, hurriedly made an angry expression, then pointed to the vulture:

"You actually have a bloody spray!"

Then, the vulture has been aligned, and the intention is also obvious, I want to be close to the vulture.

Results What is the vulture? The same is also a non-critical old fritters, immediately know what the Arctic is playing!

I will go directly to the ground, and then painful:

"Ah! You actually use the evil !!"

The Arctic Circle almost didn't have a old blood spurt, you can't talk little in TM? Labor and capital refer to you, how can I play like a six-in-law?

And the vulture shouted, it was clearly made of bamboo leaves and others anger, and it was a bit bad to see the eyes of the Arctic Circle:

"Playing flowers in front of us? Are you a dead?"

In this case, the Arctic Circle suddenly feels tight, it feels like an invisible rope.

He was shocked in his heart, he saw that Zhu Yongqing had reached out to himself, and the words:

"Kid, your behavior is a bit suspicious, why is this deliberately opposed others?"

At this time, the Arctic Circle can of course make a bondage of bamboo leaves, but the consequences of breaking freeness, but he can't bear it, it is not good to be directly exhibited.

But if you don't break free, do you look at this born directly? Then I am not bad!

"It's evil, why don't you come? If there is a helping army, I will stay in front of these kings in front of it."

"But I am even throwing now, and I am too late to hysterect them, I don't know if my sacrifice is."

After the Arctic Circle is hesitant, it is really defeated. You can only look at Fanglin Rock and others' body shape and one by one in the air, and disappear directly.

In the face of such a wonderful scene, Zhu Yaqing and others are also open to vain. After a while, they will let the Arctic circle open, and the bamboo leaves are cold and cold:

"For, since they have been called the dragon mountain, then this matter will be, let's go."

Obviously, when Fanglin Rock left, the S number should have created related illusions, so that these drama people have reasonable memory.

The Arctic Circle only felt that the body was loose, retreated with freedom, he sighed, and only felt that it was a bitter, standing in the same place, but found that he had nothing to do.

After almost a minute, the Arctic Circle suddenly wrinkled because his retina broke up.

The North Pole is changing, hesitating, can only hit the head, there is a flat voice, it is blood ax Bless:

"We have reached the periphery, but it also takes eight minutes of time to make a quaternary, then you can rush, you have to strive for nine minutes, it is best."

The Arctic Circle was silent for a while and smiled.

"Adult, the other's sense of smell is very sensitive, I have made my best or there is no way, they have successfully returned."

At this time, the two people are quite similar to the call, which can be obvious, the blood ax Bubo's breath has a lot of breath, and if you don't talk, you will be cold!

The Arctic Circle only felt that the heart was panicked, only to defecate:

"Adults, I didn't expect that they actually go so fast, when I found them, they directly executed the regression program!"

"I even interrupted them once, but they said that they felt very! Immediately made a strain, I really do my best."

Blood ax Biis brother gave a depression, did not send, and then hang it directly, and then bite the teeth after hanging:

"Okay, hunching king is not to say that you can drag at least half an hour?"

The Arctic Circle is standing on the island. Although there is always a time, he feels doubled from the deep bones, it can be said that it is divided, and it is profound!

After a while, the Arctic Circle exhaled the menu and launched another call application:

"Hello? Is it a hunter?"

A calm sound came against the opposite side:

"I am Alteba, there is something to tell me the same."

Arctic Circle:

"Before the hunting, the people promised my business, is it?"

Alteba faintly said:

"At any time, the hunting king will definitely agree."

Arctic Circle:

"The legend of the legendary team has left."

After Alteba heard the news, it was silent for 30 seconds.

"So fast?"

Arctic Circle:

"Yes, the blood ax adult thinks they will stay here for an hour, but they actually stay for thirteen, and they will leave without hesitation."


"So, Bisgo and Deng Bu are set up completely?"

The Arctic Circle hesitated:

"The plan of the Bisch brother is very good, but Fanglin Rock is really too delicate, just like a frightened rabbit, it is not willing to stay here for more than a minute."

Alteba sighed in the slightest:

"I know, you can rest assured that adults promise that you will not forget."

The Arctic Circle listened to the future, and spit it out of the airway:

"Thank you for your hunch."

At the same time, on a mountain, Alteba, who was smashed in Yan Tail, was sitting under a tree, and the hunting king sat on the stone next to it, and the right hand took the chin, it looked looked at the cloud in the distance. Roll clouds.

After the end of the call of the Arctic Circle, Alteba reached out and gently pressed, and turned off the call on the virtual panel, and shake his head against the hunting king:

"The legendary squad has left the world directly. After they returned to Jiangxin Island, they only stayed for thirteen minutes."

The hunting king mouth shows a small smile:

"Yes, it is true, it's really people who can hunting Melt, it is broken! It is not a heart to the huge benefits."

Alteba faintly said:

"He walks so, definitely a suspicion of us. If we want to trade with him, then it is necessary to be jeze."

Hunt Wang haha ​​laughed:

"If this battle is smooth, then I don't need to find him!"

"If you don't go through this battle, I also got the things that Fanglin Zhi will have something! If he does not change, it is his loss!"


"There is no eternal ally, only eternal interests, Fanglin Rock is a smart person, he will want to understand."

At this time, the hunting king suddenly stood up and looked at a small road under the distance of the mountain. It can be seen that there is no hoof.

After a few seconds, I can see a championship of a championship and galloping. It is just that the man's topography looks quite wolf:

The bunch on the head is directly knocked directly, and it seems that there is a coke in the vest, and it is squatting.

Not only that, the right shoulder is still inserted with an arrow, but when he is in the nearly some of them, it will be found that it is a long white feather, it looks similar to the fairy hamma, at least Tatched him has a deep body!

This white feather looks more like a blood, so that the lower half of the feathers are reddish, but the first half is still white.

I saw this scene, the hunting of the hunting is big, and the longitudinal sound is long:

"It's really a big sacrifice of Wukou Mi Road, the truth! The Tianluonet of Zuo Chain is actually out of order!"

The Jacobe man suddenly looked up, not someone else, it is Zhang Yuanmia! Although he is seriously injured, it is still no happiness in his eyes, it is very light:

"who are you?"

At this time, the two is almost a hundred meters, but Zhang Yuan is open, and the voice actually passed directly to the ear of the hunting king. This ability is really horrific!

The hunting king is underway:

"If you can pass me, the front is a Ma Pingchuan, the right road is tandem!"

"If you can't pass this, then you have to have a goddess, I am going!"


When the hunting king blocked Zhang Yuanmia, Fanglin Rock has come to the void and started to be cleared.

Scene: feudal society / supernatural power

Difficulty: extremely difficult!

Additional reward A: You changed the fate of many plots in this world, the entire world's fate axis therefore appeared, you have been very beautiful, you will have to get extra reward!

Additional reward B: You successfully obtained artifacts in this world: Qingyu sword / legendary props: / / : , you will get extra reward.

Additional reward C: You complete the front two steps of the main line task with high evaluation, then give up in time, there is a corresponding compensation.

Comprehensive completion: 88%, even the gold main line task has not been successfully acquired, of course, it is impossible to obtain higher evaluation.

Here, enter the formal settlement phase.

First of all, the basic reward of integrated completion:

You successfully received a general point 20000 +15000 (based on the bonus of the world's difficulty of gold) +5000 points (based on the legendary bonus)

You got a merit value 2 point +1 (based on the bonus of the world's difficulty of gold) +1 points (based on the legendary bonus)

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Additional reward A: You got a free attribute point 5 points + 2 points (based on the legendary bonus), the potential point 3 points +1 points (based on the legendary bonus)

Additional reward B: You got a merit value 26 + 6 points (based on the legendary bonus)

Extra reward C: You get a compensation for 100,000 Pixabay Point (Legendary Addition cannot take effect in this option.)

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