The First Evolution

Chapter 4 enhances artifact

After discovering this, Fanglin Yan was suddenly lit.

This means that you have to be a three-haired dragon flash to summon a beautiful tree,

But ... now I am enough now!

Unfortunately, when the second bulls, it will be normal. It is actually directly overlapping 4 food Ming Pin.

Just this imprint is cleared directly when summoning the beauty plus tree.

If you don't know if you don't know, Fanglin Rock is the third dragon flaming, and it can summon the beauty again, which is really metamorphosis.

However, it may be a fact that it may be an illusion. Fanglin Rock feels that the silhouette of the four food and sports records seem to be more powerful .....

In this case, quickly Lesski caught in the surrounded by a large number of summoners, the speed of the paralysis was reduced to 50%.

It is absolutely impossible to chase Fanglin Rock, and its own MP has been emptied.

In this case, her defeat can really be said to be a time problem.

Probably only a few minutes, Lesski issued a scream.

It is stretched down and stretched, revealing the same horror white bone body as if the fans, only the head is still in human characteristics.

Every section of her body, there is a strange bones like the empty eyes, and then its blood-meat is a stinky black concentrated water, and it has flowed into the ground.

Finally, I only left a four-eyed skull, and there is a red little stone.

The two east-weefang rocks looked at it, with the red little stone with "unspecified" affix, so they can only receive it.

The walked four-purpose hoe is the four words written with the plot props. Fang Linyan is ready to hand over the big priest.

Then Fanglin Yan looked at his Toyota overbearing, it was found that the key is that the steering wheel is directly used by the previous Leskari variant claws for two halves, which is not open.

So he went to find the Audi TT sports car next to Leski, this car just hit the roadside guardrail, should be skin injury.

Sure enough, Fanglin Rock walked through the past, and found that if he was determined, this car appeared seriously, and it was not affected by the actual motility and performance.

So, on the cab, the throttle was stepped on, and then he quickly opened in the manor where the big priest was located.

Audi TT is fast on the mountain road, and the thinking of Fanglin Rock is of course not stopped.

At this point, the situation has been understood. The big priest should be that Leski has suffered from the enemy's pollution, so early Lin Ran said early.

However, why didn't she take it directly on the spot?

Instead, she will bring her own,

Is it difficult to say that the evil god dispatched, in fact, has already arrived in Greece and lurked in the estate! And closely monitor the one fell in the manor.

The so-called enemies in the sea are estimated to be a bait.

The big priest actually wanted to deliberately manufacture empty situation in the manor, then ........ The enemy of this hidden is.

After thinking about this, Fang Lin Yan suddenly felt that he could capture the intention of the big priest.

After he greege, he has come to a place for five or six kilometers away from the manor.

Far away from the Panshan Highway, you can find a very strange thing.

The entire manor of the women's sacred image is actually shrouded in the heavy rain.

It can be seen that the top of the black cloud is swaying, and the shape of a strange giant bowl is formed, while the rest is the wind and sun.

I will know that such a differentiety is not a category of normal situations.

When Fanglin Rock was approaching one kilometer near the manor, he saw that there was a lot of rain, and there were a lot of light blue demon souls wearing a broken Japanese warrior.

There are several bodyguards that have fallen into the ground, and their death is very miserable, and the injury to the body is cut by a sharp warrior.

There are some Japanese warrs' ghosts even to the side of the body, open the face mask, revealing the horrible burnt face, and lifting the greedy sucking blood.

At this time, Fanglin Rock suddenly sounded a voice, it was the big priest Trija, she used soothing and relaxed tone:

"You really understand my hint, I hope that Lesski has not given you too much trouble?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Fortunately, I just hot up. But you look very bad, but it's okay, stick to it, I am coming."

The big priest laughed:

"This time you look wrong, I actually intentionally shrink our strength, let the other party feel that the defensive emptiness can take advantage of it."

"Otherwise, how can the enemy be taken out? This can be a artifact with the domain of the field! This is the most missing now!"

Fang Lin Yan sighed a mouthful:

"You always like to play, if I don't understand what you hint?"

The big priest smiled:

"No, you won't, because I am with you."

Fanglin Rock is very helpless, this woman is so good, what kind of grace is in the same way, is it still not to see the core skills of Athena is the core skills of God?

After sighed, Fanglin Rock is very helpless:

"I saw a lot of Japanese warriors in the rain, would you like to kill in now?"

Big sacrifices:

"No, the enemy will not break my power barrier for a while, you don't want to show now! Otherwise, my pain is white."

"You now observe the nearby hills, must have an goddess to suppress me in the application of the artifact."

"The things you have to do are very simple, the commencements, and then give things over, this can make him uncomfortable than the hand of ten evil spirits!"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Okay, I will try. Right, my summoned attack type is dominated by physical, encountered something such as the ghosts, the killing power will be greatly limited, have a way to strengthen?"

The big priest is very simply:

"I will always pay attention to the battle of this side. Once you start, you can use the power to bother. Now, in order to avoid the crazy snake, you will remain primers."

At this time, Fanglin Rock has been directly under the Audi TT, then hid the concealed place, then uses the mechanical landing to observe the surrounding environment.

The result didn't take long, I found that there is an abovered on the top of the manor.

Then, I found out that the mechanical dragonfly came to the next, and it has been preset. There are several strange royal music on the wrong way.

The old man wearing a high crown is a head of the goddess, and the old man is full of wrinkles. It is just like a demon name.

In his side, several men have already fallen.

At the same time, he still stands a few faces that are full of enthusiasm, and it looks like to give their own lives.

The surrounding of the gods also distributed five or six Asian men wearing black suit, it should be the stream of bodyguards and guards.

These fallen men's wrists have flowed out of blood and flow into the absence of the law.

In the central team of the French, it should be dedicated to a look that looks like a fan-like, and there is still the illusion of the fire and smoke, so it is not true.

This is the artifact of the big priest?

After the mechanical lazy flying is slightly near some, there suddenly, she suddenly stood up two monsters, like a lion as a dog, and the fur showed gray, and the threatened whispering sounded, and vigilant was seen in four weeks.

This stuff is called "", in the ancient Japanese legend, is the avatar of Tian Dog and dog God, used to guard the god of the gods.

It can be understood as common in Chinese myths, protecting the spirit of God, belonging to each Japanese gods to come to a few big roads.

After seeing these two monsters, Fanglin Yan browned, he was going to quietly touch, but it was a little headache after encounter such a monster.

Fortunately, the big priest has felt that Fanglin Rock is in the past, very simply sent him a message:

"On! Here is my homeland, I will deliberately try to attract each other's attention while pressing them as much as possible."

"What you have to do is actually very simple, first kill the big godman, then capture the artifact!"

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