The First Evolution

Chapter 5 Planning Thanks to the Lord S of the Lord Shot

Fanglin Rock is curious:

"Summon the gods according to human weaknesses? What is going on?"

Big sacrifices:

"For example, the person who acts in justice, summoning an angel to come into contact with it. If it is a person who is evil, summon the devil. If it is unordered, it will summon the devil."

"Although these guys who look down are all five flowers, they are divided into different camps. In fact, the ancient gods from these summons are related to but Ding has a relevant contract."

Fanglin Rock said:

"Oh, I understand, but do you really realize these people?"

Big sacrifices:

"It is really possible at the beginning, but this is a non-return road design for humanity. Do you haven't seen it?"

Fang Linyan's breath suddenly awkward, yes, human nature!

Everyone is greedy, and their desire will expand as the strength.

Ordinary people have a heart, ten eight nine is a fortune,

But after the fiscal, is it? Of course it is impossible! There is no power, it is a fat pig to be slaughtered.

After having the right, this is a long way to promote the road, because the officials of nine-nine officials will press a creature called superiors.

Ok, even if it is rising to the top, the grade is also a big big, is there nothing to pursue?

No, the emperor's emperor is not very typical examples, that is to ask for a long life!

After coming to this step, the victim of this book has been contributing to the song, I don't know how much energy! And with its ability to enhance, it is certain that the harm caused by collecting energy is also very amazing.

Then hear the big priest to continue:

"Relying on human beings, but there is so much moisturizing, this treasure is also rapidly upgraded, in the initial time, according to your classification, this is just a more powerful black equipment."

"I haven't received a hundred years, and the song has been upgraded to the artifact level. Not only that, but also to try to absorb the hope, starting with the narrow of evil."

"In this case, the songs were won by a big public, and this big public joined many nobles, acting very evil, and finally provoked the anger of the true God, down the penalty, directly Destroy! But Ding's soul has been hit hard, and can only fall into sleep. "

"In this case, the function of the song is also limited, but Ding firm believes that he must wake, because he feels that as long as the greed of mankind, then he will have a lot of money."

"The reliability of these materials is not all right, but at least eight% accuracy."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"I understand! So since the song recovers into artifacts, and the goddess can't let the goddess have recovered, then it is definitely to re-produced a soul?"

The big priest nodded:

"Yes, in fact, it is also coincident. Although there is not much power in the pen you brought, it gives the goddess to enlighten."

"Don't forget, the goddess of the goddess, that is, wisdom! So, through the pen of lie to launch Asazhen ------- Nordic's power to operate, but nothing, especially At this time, the northern European gods also withered. "

"Then, I am delegated by the goddess, went to the French Saint Michel Mountain, where there was a ruins left after God's war ......."

It is said that the big priest is sigh, and he looked at Fanglin Rock:

"The result is true that people are not as good as the day, and the hundred min is fraud, I have been able to have a hand after I left."

I heard that the big priest said with an unhappy tone, Fang Lin Yan did not know why, I feel that my heart is very good, I can only laugh:

"Then have you got there?"

The big priest made him glance, and the behavior of the opposition of Lin Yan is very dissatisfied, but it is also said:

"If there is no thing that is not grasped, how can I send me to take the town? I have found a strange splice, and there is a blue feather."

After the adoption, the slice is the horn fragment used by Nordic Shenmadar, which is hushed on his own power, and the feathers are from Walky. "

"The goddess uses the resources of the artifact corner, reshapes the soul of a goddess, so that it returns to the artifact of artifacts, however, the demon is a true artifact and the last step."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Which one is step?"

Big sacrifices:

"Only blood and kill can make this newly sent to the soul to get new students, and the more powerful enemy, the more powerful, the more powerful!"

Fang Linyan suddenly understood it:

"I understand, so the enemy who came to the goddess will be very strong."

Big sacrifices:

"Yes, when you send this treasure this treasure, its charging progress reached 98%, but the goddess will be injected the soul, after the quality improvement, the charging progress fell to 63%, now the goddess is A large amount of willing is injected, so that the feeding progress has reached 100%. "

"So, this card will be high."

Fang Lin Yan simple calculates. If it is based on the implantation of the enemy, then the new enemy does the combat power can be more than a small, and then nodded.

However, at this time, the big priest looked at Fanglin Rock, whispered:

"There is also something that needs to be told you. Now the goddess feels that the high-end combat of this side is too missing, so the benefit of this war is first estimated that there will be 30% of the soul of the demon."

"And the remaining benefits, the goddess intends to integrate with the Warji I found to find that the referee of the religious referee, she is a person who specializes in duty, but this way may be with you. Advocating the opposite ....... "

Fanglin Ran is somewhat a little later:

"Now the crisis is four ordered, the goddess is in the world. If I am not there, the defensive power here is indeed weak, first can refere with the big referee, and I have no opinions."

The big priest comfortably, in fact, if the Fanglin Rock fell to the mouth, be sure to resurrectize the plant from God can only follow him, just because Fanglin Rock in the stage is still the most reliable arm of Goddess, so they promise:

"The meaning of the goddess, the next resource is immediately resurrected with Yasinos."

Fanglin Rock did not entangle with this, nodded:

"Okay, when will I start call?"

Big sacrifices:

"If you have no problem, then 10 minutes later."

Fanglin Rock said:

"Ten minutes? This is only afraid?"

Then he fell to the fifth one and five one 10:

"There is a good idea to know each other, the hundred battles, since the soul is a person, then the first step will find the information of this enemy, the more detail, so that you can act against sex. "

"For example, the other party is afraid of water, then summon it on a boat. If the other party is afraid of fire, then we will summon the steel blast furnace."

"After gaining the enemy's related features, then of course the second step is to think first, how to do? We do this help the problem of safe running road, and also considering that the other party can't run the run, how to break the road The problem."

"The third step is of course the problem of confidential or prevention, now there are so many satellites in the sky, once you play moving and quiet, how to ensure that you are not periphered by the national power? Not only this, the world has a lot of unknown power, the battle time Long, how to intervene in others also need to make a plan. "

I heard the analysis of Fanglin Rock, the big sacrifices:

"The goddess takes this success rate, so it is intended to be in his own God of God. No matter what the enemy is characterized, it will be compressed in the goddess of the goddess."

"So most of your problems are not found, but the details are really ignored, I will prepare the relevant materials."

When I heard the big priest, Fanglin Rock took a breath:

"Directly pull it into the leading battle !! The goddess is really breaking the boat. She has just recovered, and the grass is a wood in the grass, the resurrection of the British, the gods need a lot of willingness Remove the repair. "

"If the enemy is very powerful, this battle is only afraid that it is necessary to return to the liberation."

The big priest stood up and sighed that Fang Lin Yan waited here. She turned and left out to prepare the information. After they came to the door, he suddenly turned back, it was very calm and even cold.:

"My god is the god of wisdom, is also the god of war! In order to get victory, I will never fear the sacrifice!"

What can Fanglin Rock can say, only silently a bit.

The goddess Athens was born from the ancient trend of the ancient, and the other is brilliant, glory, but unfortunately the distance from the high god is still unrelenting.

But the fate is so wonderful, let her come to another, the end of the end of the East Mountain, I originally thought it was only a sorrow, but I didn't intend to come up, I saw the summons of the whole day, I couldn't enter the high spirit!

The goddess is so complicated. Of course, I have experienced a few setbacks. I have already been treated with a very unclear setback. Therefore, I have had a toughness, so I have a bit "endure, wait, , quasi" four words the taste of!

Soon, the big priest will go back and return, and Fanglin Rock will follow himself.

The two will come to the chapel again. There is no one here, the goddess of the goddess is awkward, and the smile is overlooking, and the eyes are brought a mercy, a wider.

The big priest stretched out the golden snake stick in his hand, and the goddess left hand in the golden book "Divine" next to the "Divine Comed", there is two small angels with wings, and it will hold it down and present her.

The big sacrifice showed that he was reached on the cover of the book, and Fang Lin Yan also hesitated, and then put his hand.

In his palm of his palm, the "Divine Comedy" book seal was in an instant. It actually felt that something was actually soft and sticky and hot magma.

Not only that, but the eyes of Fanglin Rock are even a flower, it seems that it is transmitted from the full of sacred atmosphere.

It can be seen that the light is dim, it is like a wide-towering huge cave, and it seems to be in the scene of volcano eruption, the extremely, probably only four or 50 meters away.

The air floating is a bit of white dust, like ashes, like a dust, like a gray snow, like a thin fog ...

The ears can hear the strange sound of "bang" from time to time, as if there is a volcano in the distance, if you are a huge beast, the bowel!

Fang Linqi tried to take a few steps, and found that the ground was bumps, the plows, slightly not paying, will be tripped, everywhere is something such as stalagmites, showing black, smoked after death Black hem.

There is also a river that has a row of lava, which seems to have dried up, but the split magma shell is flying in the mouth.

The half air is full of pungent sulfur, and after heard a few times, even feel dizzy.

Suddenly, there is a spoken voice in the sky, and it is the bright light shining! The world law here is obviously very different from the main schedule, actually listening to the sound and then seeing the electric light.

Fang Lin Yan couldn't stand up, and the power of lightning can be expressed in the moment of the sky in the sky, and there are several latin shapes in the sky in the sky.

Chapter 17 Malfas

Then, a powerful monster suddenly slammed the rock shell next to it, and the seemingly black sturdy ground was actually blowing!

The large amount of fresh red magma is crazy, and 10 million lavments are like the rain. The rainpot is generally liter in the half empty, and then the intensive and bright red semi-coagulated solid stone bullets are falling. It is actually one. The lake is dry by the lake!

The monster directly drilled out from the lake next to it, it was seen that this is a very large monster. The shape looks like a giant, but also with two tail, its tail Red fever is hot, like a burnt steel forging.

The back of the giant, there is a clear depression, but at least two pitiful souls, the lower body of these people looks together with this double-end giant, all are all Pain mourning, the body's surface has a flame of the bears, but it seems to be will never go out.

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