The First Evolution

Chapter 13 terror, Ding Ding

() After a waiting for almost ten seconds, Fanglin Rock successfully received the prompt:

"This operation can be executed, but it will cost ten energy blocks, and the corresponding mechanical creation of the summons will reach, the delay time is about 15 minutes, and the specific length is related to the current vortex nearby."

I heard the price of "ten energy blocks", Fang Lin Yan is really dark in the heart.

But under helplessness, I can only choose to accept.

After getting this series of things, Fanglin Yan suddenly heard the sound came from the side, and the heart suddenly tight!

It turned immediately, I found that the shrub next to it was actually drilled out of a golden beetle of a big grinding disc.

This guy looked at Fanglin Rock with green beans, and then slammed into the bushes next to the big, and took a bright red fruit next to it.

After Fang Lin Yan stayed, I immediately found that there was a unicorn on the grass next to the grass. I was grazing. I saw a look at Fanglin Rock, and then relaxed alert and continued to eat.

With the strange feeling of "first-to-provo", Fanglin Rock gave a look at the four weeks, and found a small hill outside more than 100 meters. It was a gentle slope, like the mountains of Guilin, like a girl (developing normal) It is really pleasing to the eye, so I will go to the past.

On the road to the hill, Fanglin Rock passed a small piece of jungle, and found that the trees inside were not intensive, and pedestrians were free to pass.

And these trees, most of them are fruitful, with green, red, yellow ...

You can pick it at will, it seems that it is very rich and full, emits a wonderful honey and milk mixed, smells, you will be refreshed, and you will be very pleasing, and you will go to Pick a thirst.

However, when he was about to reach out, he suddenly came up with a voices:

"If I am your words, I will not do this."

Fanglin Rock turned immediately, and found that the sound was actually coming from the sides of the stream.

Look carefully, this creek is very clear, the water inside is trembled, and the sun puts the trembled water into the spruce tree and the grass, the spray is on the trunk and grass. The water was emitted in the tremor, and the grass as if it was growing in this music, and the water shadows appeared so.

Soon, the water has emerged as a hard-to-throw, the old face, looking at Fanglin Rock Road:

"God of the god, you are still living, the food in the goddess is to give you an emerging and the gods, not suitable for you."

Fang Lin Yan stunned, then said:

"Thank you for reminding you?"

"I am the spirit of spring."

Fanglin Rock immediately:

"Mr. Quan Ling, I am looking for evil creatures that were incorporated by God. Can you find it?"

The spirit of Spring shakes the head:

"Sorry, I am just a devout believeator, being dispatched by the goddess to govern this spring water, and the requirements you mention are outside me."

Fang Linyan nodded, then turned to leave, came to the top of the hill, Fang Lin Yan is gave up, suddenly thinks that the vision is open, and it is refreshing.

Extremely far-sighted, there is a group of half-horses in the grass on the grass, the lakeside of the west, and the half-sheep is comfortable to play the leaf on the side of the stone.

Not only that, in the world, a unique garden is distributed everywhere. These gardens have seen a clear Babylon style. The main material is marble and granite, which is built on two to three layers.

The platform is supported by a large number of column, as well as complex irrigation systems with gears and lever structures, it seems that the garden seems to hang in half empty, gorgeous and mysterious.

There is a garden in the garden, and the gardens are essential, and each garden is essential is the goddess of the goddess of Athena. These gods have both women's gods. They also have an owl avatar and big snake avatar. All the Holy Spirits inside will visit.

Of course, the most striking, still a mountain outside five or six kilometers.

This is a sacred mountain, majestic and magnificent, standing in the mountains, the whole mountain is covered with rays, here should be the Olympus Mountain created after the goddess recovery.

Above the mountain in the Olympus Mountain, it is a cloud sea, the cloud sea, is a collision, the front of the colonnade is a garden with a wonderful flower, here is the home of Athena.

Just in Fanglin Yan standing here, when he felt the miracles, he suddenly found that his retina had prompt:

"Contractors ZB419, you are now on a special place!"

"Because the will of this special place is very friendly, you have obtained the temporary special bonus of all the basic attribute values, and disappears after leaving this one."

"Your special skill: the words will be additionally added to the first order here."

"But this special place is built for spiritual organisms, not suitable for human survival, so if you have a long time (more than two hours), then your basic property will be permanently Continued decline, the down trend is as follows. "

"After two hours, all attributes are 1 point."

"After three hours, all attributes are reduced by 2 points."

"After each hour, the full property is doubled, until dead."


"Khan, sure enough, it is not suitable for humanity."

Fanglin Rock is a bit fortunate.

At this time, he also grateful to the spirit of the spring. If you pick a fruit, you will inquire about the current situation, it is likely that the mouth is very cool, and now it is not good to start the property.

When I was a little awkward, I suddenly came up on the same trend of "Kelamath" as if the same horror sound is like a crack, followed by, it is found that there is a lot of mouth, it looks like the wound. of.

Then, he flew out of the mouth and fell out of a group with a dark red meteor. There is a lot of flames around, and you will rush.

Then, the "bang" is heavy, the impact is on the land, and suddenly a very violent explosion, then the land is even more exciting, and he hits the sky.

After ten seconds, the smoke is scattered, and it can be seen that there is a big pit on the grass above the grass. This pit has a dry magma and black powder, which is inconsistent with the environment in the world.

In the bottom of the big pit, there is a blood red giant, it is constantly twitching, it looks similar to the amplitude of the heart.

Then, this giant cockroaches fried, the mismuth, but Ding Dun gasped from inside, half squatting, it seems that it is very powerful.

At this point, look from the heights, the monster but Ding and his landing point are extremely different from the environment, just like an ugly scar, directly polluting a large piece of the country.

Fanglin Yan took a sigh of relief, very simply gave a quick run of the monster but Ding Lu, which is also a very important part of the previous plan.

In normal, there is a number of uncomfortable gods, mad believers, English spirit, and even from God, it can form a big army that is a mighty source!

However, there is a very critical premise this, that is, normal God.

The goddess was just a shortcomings, and it can be said to be very weak. From God, mad believers, and the spirit of the spirit are still in seed state. In this, it will fight. If you can't do it, you can only go to yourself.

What is going on? Athena is not a good war in Ares, Poseidon, Quos, although it is a war, but represents the strategy of war.

In particular, Ares, Quos, Poseidon is like a text ugly, Cai Wei, Xu Wei, this kind of trust, the game is directly to the top.

Athens is like Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Xu Wei, Cao Ren, the force value is not high, but this kind of unclear is, unknown, but led the army and brainless guys On the top, the winning is great.

Therefore, as the Samari (career) / Knight's long (position) Fanglin Rock, it should be his top!

At this time, Dan Ding is also a grateful injury. When he is awkward, it is necessary to pass a small segment channel.

When Fang Lin Yan passed here, of course, there was an Athena cover.

However, but if Ding wants to enter, then Athena, Of course, God will not cost the power to protect it, but also deliberately let him delay in the plane channel! (This also requires additional cost of power) This is the reason why Fanglin Ryna can come in.

At this time, Fang Ran has thought that there is still a good thing to hit a water dog. If he wants to come, don't say it is a crash, that is, the passengers above after the car should be reversed, and the head is fainted?

I didn't expect that he had just ran to Ding Bai rice, this guy suddenly turned back, the red red six times seems to be !

Fang Linyan is planning to take a loss to send him a flaming, and this guy has taken the moment! It actually throwing a shortcoming!

This short gun is said to be a gun, which looks more similar to the thorn or corner of the beetle, with a strong fierce breath.

Not only that, the previous section is very popular. It is very popular. Before shooting, it seems to be dipped inside the lava, leaving a red trajectory in the air.

This gun is very fast, it is also very awkward. Fang Lin Ran did not have a dodge of the thoughts, and then I feel that this stuff has passed from the ear, followed by cold sweat.

Obviously, but the guy like Ding, there is no reason to deviate so power after the shot, and the reason why it can't be hired, it is because Fanglin Rock has taken into force.

Fang Lin Yan returned to see, after this gun flew out of 100 meters away, deeply got into the grass.

Suddenly, the pierced grass immediately coke, then this was spread toward the surroundings, and the area of ​​the nearly 30 square meters of region was treated as the coke of the garga.

On this coke soil, a layer of thick ashes is stacked, non-inch of grass is not born, and the ground is covered with deep-cut dark lines, from the bottom side, from time to time, dark red lava.

This gun is shot, and it has created an ugly coke like an ulcer in the God of Goddess.

At this time, he was surprised in the heart of Fang Ryna, but the hand did not be in love, and he continued to have a thousand meters and reached out, and a blood red lightning was down, and the head of Ding Ding!

This hit is directly playing, but the Ding is shameful. The action that is being done is also stagnant, and it is obvious that the effect has a role.

However, it is different from the 1.5 seconds of normal conditions, but the top of Ding Jings is only dizzy for half a second, and then the Fanglin Rock has come over.

At this time, Fanglin Yan noticed that this guy was as high as three meters, although the left arm was completely distorted into a pliers sword, but the rest of the three arms can also be used! Yes, there is no mistake, it is three arms, because this guy has four arms.

In the face of such an impact of this large substitute, the first Fanglin Rock felt a huge pressure, as if returned to the space, the heavy talents came to the impact, and they were afraid. From the depth of the heart.

If it is not a retina to play in time: You have suffered a reminder of the influence of fear, Fanglin Rock didn't even know that he didn't know how he did not know!

Not only that, there is still a series of tips:

You have suffered an influence of misady, and any of your chances of triggering events (front) reduces 10% (including not limited to crit rates, dodge ratios, etc.).

You have suffered from pollution of purgatory, and your heat damage will increase by 20%!


In the face of such a strong enemy, Fanglin Rock bites his teeth, directly chose the front nausea! !

He is now in the world, the basic attribute value is doubled. Under such a powerful blessing, even if the BOSS of the gold main line, he also dares to touch a touch, no reason, this magic is, Ding Neng is strong than the peak of Yunge?

At a moment of positive collision, Fanglin Rock was bombed out. He was proud of the foundation of the melee LV10 could only avoid the sweep of the terrible pliers, but the Ding's fist is directly smashed. The magic shield of Athena

The huge impact force made Fanglin Rock like a gun-like shell, flew out of ten meters long and fell on the ground, and she climbed after a few rolls.

"See the ghost!" Fanglin Rock is half a place, blinking his face, spitting a blood sputum.

From the battle records, Lin Yan looked out, this magic, but the attack is a mixed type.

Its basic physical damage is absorbed by Athena, but there is a power called purgatory, you can directly act directly on Fanglinyan.

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