The First Evolution

Chapter 14 is louder

I ate a loss in a meeting, I am better in Fanglin Rock now double the basic attribute, and the piety is still full, so it is not something wrong.

Not only that, when I was in hand, Fang Lin Yan didn't commit a mistake:

That is, this guy is the four arms of the foot. In addition to the pliers of the left hand, there is a whole three arms, so it is straightforward, which is the main reason for him being flying.

But in the next second, Fanglin Rock could find the mighten but Ding didn't rush to his face. His sudden speed can be said to be a far-fashioned imagination! !

It took care of it. When he was on the front, the four wings behind him fought quickly, which undoubtedly strongly enhances its explosive power!

In the rush, Fanglin Yan reluctantly prevents his knee, or "wow" vomiting a blood.

Fang Lin Yan is not from the midst of his own, the monster but Ding double hands are prescribed by the underground, and the foot of Fang Ran suddenly sprouts a dark red magma column, directly like the volcanic eruption, five or six Mi high!

This moment, Fanglin Rock is basically no, the whole person has entered the floating state of the wolf imbalance.

The monster but Dinghua made a straightforward wind, and the pliers of the left hand were suddenly opened, and the clamp blade began to shine out the terrible light, and then gave a clip of Fanglin Rock!

This hit Rock can say that it is avoided, it can only be hard, and its power can be said to be extraordinarily amazing, Fanglin Rock's head top, Her Kong jumped out of the amazing 1731 hurt! ! !

If his attribute is now doubled, this pliers can have the life of Fanglin Rock.

Under the stimulation of severe pain and serious injury, Fanglin Rock called, and a punch was smashed on the convex surface of the magist but Ding plugged in his waist.

The voice of this punch is very dark. It is not like it is on the metal weapon, the monster but Ding is immersed, and the Fang Lin Yan will fall out.

Fly, Fanglin Rock continued to roll a few laps in the ground, and he left a bloody blood. He biting his teeth, but he would stand up, but the huge terrible wound between the waist directly restricted his actions.

The power of this clamp blade is almost almost directly on Fanglin Rock. His spine is cut off. The internal organs are even flowing out, only a small part of the abdominal wall connecting the body. If you want to move, you can only rely on your hands. !

Such serious injuries, replaced by ordinary people, have already died on the spot!

In the end, this is still a great reason for Fanglin Rock, thinking that it is the main family and attribute doubles.

At this time, the words of "pliers sword" once again appeared again in front of Fanglin Rock.

When he entered the country, the goddess gave a special message to warn him, did not expect it to have a big loss on this!

"Wait !!" Fanglin Rock's gaze stayed on the previous battle record.

Do you not warn? The two words left in the goddess are not a warning?


There is a way to be a disease!

The monster but Ding strokes the clamp blade of the left hand, and the eyes are cold, then the Fanglin Rock has been stepped over. At his feet, the green grass flowers are burning, leaving a burning. Horror dark red footprint.

Just when he came to the top three meters of Fanglin Rock, the Olympus Mountain in the distance was lit up, and it appeared to have anything from the light column.

The monster but on the surface, it looks a full wind, in fact, he is far less relaxed as it looks so easily:

Battle in God, almost equal to the lion to fight in the river, not only the attributes are fully suppressed, but there are three kinds of necessitations not use, even the magic technology that can be used is doubled, the effect is reduced half.

When passing through the space channel, the monster but Ding is even more in the body, and the basic attribute declines small.

And don't forget, he also suffered a fragile curse that the goddess had been prepared for a long time! Fanglinyan has previously fights a punch, although it is misunderstanding, but also makes him feel a heart!

So, at this time, the monster, but the Ding looks that all in the body of Fanglin Rock. It is actually the whole god, and I found that the Olympic Mountain is moving, and immediately looked at the past.

After all, Fanglin Rock seems to have no threat, which is more than the dead.

However, in the moment of the monster but Ding, this should be louder, the dying Fanglin Rock, got to the monster but Ding straight!

At this time, Fanglin Rock has directly taken a bottle of comprehensive recovery agents (large), which comes from the mysterious items that make him full of blood.

When he doubled, he was full of power, and it was also a rolling in front of it, and fully utilized the tall disadvantage of the other side, and then fell out, accurately slammed the sword of the monster but Ding.

And still the position of the previous Fanglin Rock!

After this fist, I immediately issued a crisp sound of "", just like the sound of the egg shell was broken!

The pliers are in the middle of the place, and there is a shallow pit, and there are several cracks that have almost invisible.

The monster but Ding launched a painful roaring. The instinct is a remember!

However, Fanglin Rock has already played the spirit of the twelve points at this time, and he burn this hit using his body model.

At the same time, I used a piece of equipment directly: the devil bell! !

This equipment has repeatedly succeeded in the world of gold, because its own impact of the demon whispering is quite powerful on the influence of the plot.

Devil whispering is after the range of attacks, and the range is very large, and all enemies with a round-diameter of five meters.

The plot people will have a certain chance to have fallen into the volatility of the devil, so that it enters the fall of the deceased.

If the storytell has a firm will, even if it is caught in the fade, it is just a daze, coma, vomiting, etc.

If you can't work, then you will be mad.

Before the war, Fanglin Rock had a teammate, and even a big priest discussed this equipment, unanimously thought that it was a fuss about the devil.

Obviously, but Ding is coming is human beings. At this time, it turns into the monster, so he is definitely no resistance to this demonization, or it is less resistance, otherwise it is?

Therefore, in fact, the devil whisper is in the magic, but it is equivalent to the verification of "bloodthirsty" "violence".

If you use the meaning to fight against, then you will come.

If you can't pass the verification, then the negative emotions in your heart and the like are unlimited, caught in the madness.

Obviously, a crazy only knows the enemy of the bloodthirsty instinct, or is it full of ingredients, the experience of extremely rich in combat experience is easy to deal with?

This problem is of course easy to get answers!

Especially in Fanglin Rock has been prepared for a long time, the enemy introduces the home court! !

Just in an instant, the magist but Ding's ear rang the terrible whisper:

"kill him!!"

"This stupid antique, dare to hurt my sacred body!"

"This damn place, I want to ruin all this."

"The fate is so unfair, the world is ignorant, everyone can kill, all have to die !!!"


However, Ding Xin is very heavy, acting is also extreme, and it is called the sword to take the front. Otherwise, the words are not to use the flesh and blood to forge "Divine Common", and the tactics soul is hook.

At this time, the devil whispering was influenced. The negative emotion seems to spread the wildfire, and instantly became the trend of the original.

The magist but Ding Xu looked up, the six eyeballs on the spider-shaped face were actually starting a little purse, followed by roaring, guring the governor Lin Yan straight.

We have witnessed this scene, and Fang Linyan is mad: Cheng! !

At this time, the monster but Ding direct avatar for a crazy beast, and the "Douload" crazy sound is issued in the throat.

In this case, frontal hard steel is obviously a very special iron.

Not only that, there is a long way to eat a long time, Fang Lin Yan is slightly bigger, and it is directly opened, and now it is very careful, as soon as possible, I can.

For the party you want to delay time, it is clear that it is not a wise move to play with the enemy in peace, and Fanglinyi has already chose to avoid the place, that is, a aerial garden nearby.

There are many columns in the column, the stone carving, the terrain is very complicated, or the three-dimensional structure is more, but the spatial space is more.

Soon, as Fanglin Rock and But Ding, the mismuth but Ding's other weakness is exposed, that is his acceleration ability.

Initially, Fanglin Rock has been played by this trick! The speed of the sprint is fast, and the acceleration generated after the wings is flashing, and it can make it an amazing level in an instantaneous speed.

Fang Lin Yan also was again played again by this trick again. It is good to avoid the fierce attack of the pliers, but it is still a knee, only the ribs are broken, and the eyes are black. Everything is vomiting.

There is a good trick, eat all over the sky, the mismuth, but Ding soon will skillfully, but this time, Fanglin Rock is upgraded to the benefits of LV10: The first effect is triggered.

The instructions of this skill are: At the time of the War, you have 33% of the chance to trigger the first-attack effect, your attack speed and mobile speed increase 50 points, last three seconds.

To be honest, 33% trigger the chance, until now, it can only explain that Fanglin Rock has recently had the recent impact of the Black Gulmon.

This time, there is an extra additional bonus, Fanglin Ryna has a very simply brief side of the past.

Then he found the biggest weakness of the scorpion but Ding, that is, the straight speed is too fast, so it is difficult to turn in the middle, and it is difficult to stop after the shout.

After found this, Fanglin Rock began to try around the circle when running. In this case, the sprint of the mismuth is not a locking skill. After the continuous impact of Fanglin Rock, all by Fanglin Rock escaped. Open.

This is because the scorpion is the sprint of the mismuth, there is a threatened, the wings will flash first, and then accelerate in half a second.

The buffering time of half a second may be difficult to use for ordinary people, but for Fanglin Rock, there is sufficient avoidance time!

So only two minutes, Fanglin Rank has succeeded in escaping the nearest aerial garden, but it also pays some costs.

Even if I have taken a full recovery agent (big), his health is now deducted, and the MP value is also reduced by one third.

At this time, Fanglin Rock has been summoned, and the madness after the madness but Ding has two major skills to make him feel the most tricky. The first skill is when this guy is attacking. Even if the attack is flying to the ground, it will also Production of sputter injury.

And this sputter injury is the type of damage, as the name implies are the magic shields that cannot be absorbed.

The second big skill is the migrant but the purgatory atfeng surrounding the body. This place will continue to constantly erode the enemy around, this is the scope of the difference, just like the land of the land, it will be trampled. Will appear in the footprints.

The key to this ability is not anevant. It is like a piece of ink into the clear water, and it will not be able to pollute the surrounding water. Fang Lin Yan unless it is far away, then you can't escape.

In this case, Fanglin Rock suddenly heard the magist but Ding came to roar, and he heard the sound of him, as if it was away, it was not like a feeling of chasing before.

Under the big odd, Fanglin Yan returned to see, suddenly sent a mismuth, but Ding was actually a greegeed unicorn, but the top is on the chest, not only, there is a few angry semi-sheep people. Put him in far away arrow.

To be honest, these gods of gods have to look at the magist but Dan, but it is not painful, and it is in vain.

If the monster but Ding is in a sense of reason, then it is certainly directly ignoring them, continue to die, but now he is completely relying on the instinct to act, it is an roar, and the elf of these God is rushing.

Fang Lin Yan sighed, just rushing to help ------- not he likes to do a good job in protecting nature, but because everything in God is the goddess, the magist but Ding is smashed, the smash, destroy The larger, the greater the trouble left the goddess, the greater the future.

Today, Fanglin Rock and the goddess's interests are strictly bundled together, so he is now finely settled, and it saves.

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