The First Evolution

Chapter 42 officially

The process of cleaning the wolf king lung is a water grinding effort. Fanglin Rock is waiting for it to be rinsed. It starts to cut the almost a small piece of corpse to study its materials.

First, Fanglin Yan found that after the stuff was cooked by water, I took it directly into the water, I got! this idea fetal dead belly.

Then Fanglin Rock intended to eat hard and tasting his own taste. When he eats, it is impossible to find that there is no strange taste, just a slightly.

But he quickly found that his idea was very true. After five minutes, the tongue started to laugh, and then he won a hysteresis negative buff. The spirit will be reduced in the speed of 1 minute, up to 10 points, continuous Time 12 hours.

After a careful study, after the continuous failure, Fanglin Rock finally had a reliable planning, decisive pot boil, officially started the journey of the dark black chef!

First of all, Fanglin Rock directly cut into silk 200 cavi king lungs, 100 grams of corpse (cut out like a konjac), rinsing, with chopped wooden ginger, houttuynia, Douban, pepper (last) These four seasonings are cleared to make it into the taste.

After fifteen minutes, Fanglin Rock was burn oil. When the oil temperature is five mature, the 100 grams of the corpse is too old, and he has used 30% oil temperature, and the 50% oil is warm and nine-centered oil temperature try. Over, this temperature ratio is the most appropriate.

Although this stuff is in water, it is still good after the oil is in.

Not only that, according to Fanglin Rock, most of the plant toxins and animal toxins are made of proteins, amino acids, peptides, which is very unstable under high temperature, so since it can't be water, then oil is a good chosen.

The lungs of the Wolf king need to be added to the pot when the oil temperature is 70%, so that in addition to the drug, it can also take care of a certain taste.

After over-oil, Fanglin Rock will pick up, drain the residual oil, restart the pot, and change the new oil.

Then put it into the saban, and the scent will be put, and then add the dried chili!

The share of these three additional ordinary seasonings is used: it is a pepper (dried chili segment and her own hand grinding paprika), Douban, tinted oil.

Then, put it in a good oil, the lungs and the corpse are too old, and the three below will pick up the pot.

To be honest, the biggest difficulty of restricting this dish is that it is only allowed to use three conventional cues, under normal circumstances, oil and salt occupy two kinds.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock relieves the use of Douban sauce to replace the salt, this is a flashing operation.

When Fanglin Rock will be on the table, after the table is on the table, he does not forget to sprinkle the chopped wood ginger and the Houttuynia to passenger onion, this dish will be satisfactory, and he is still awkward at this time.

Because of the previous process of the lungs and corpses that were too old, he was wasted to have a lot of materials, so the remaining wolf king's lungs were not enough to stir fry.

In this case, there is no doubt that Fang Lin Ran will face the dilemma that can only succeed.

When Shoulin Rock was sitting in the table, he suddenly popped up a prompt in front of him:

"Please name this cuisine for you."

Fang Lin Yan hesitated, as a decisive:

"Sapphidish weeping gigant is delicious to eat the tears flow full of the world unparalleled fire."

Ruthless prompts come:

"You take too long, you must limit within six bytes."

Fanglin Rock Road:

Hot double wire. "

"By, please eat the dark cuisine you made by you."

Fang Lin Yan took a sigh of breath and then put a chopsticks in his mouth. ,

"Well, this taste and taste is better than I think. The wolf king's pell chews actually has a crunchy taste, the taste of Douban and pepper cover the smell, cover the shortcomings."

"Not only that, the taste of the body is too biased, which makes the spicy taste are touched, but the taste is better! Now I should need a bowl of rice, so it is more feeling."

When Fang Linyan, the "hot double silk" was eaten after seven or eight eight, but also prompts, "CD" must not serve, the remaining solids remain more than 10 grams in the plate.

In this case, Fanglin Rock can only eat it, after a few minutes,

Tip from the retina:

"Below, the dark dishes made by contractors ZB419: hot double silk review."

"Selling points: c."

"The fragrance scattered in the cuisine: b."

"Fine taste score: B"

"Cupping method score: b."

"Account final effect points: C"

"Comprehensive score: b-."

"The final result evaluation is ......."

Taking this time, Fang Lin Yan selys the eyes to see the state of his body, and the previous "hysteresis" negative buff has been canceled, and it is referred to as: dark cuisine buff.

This buff is divided into positive effects and negative effects, and the front effect is called iron.

The description is that your lungs have achieved a unique strength, so the lung capacity is very large, so your mobile speed and attack speed increase at the same time, lasting 48 hours.

The negative effect is called: Division, the description is that a blind toxin invaded your body, your health will be deducted every 1 minute, even if it is in non-combat.

Fanglin Rock is pondering about the related bonus of this black, and the reminder of the late is finally passed:

"Congratulations, Character ZB419, the dark cuisine you made passed the assessment."

"You officially became a dark blade (primary)."

"You have gained passive ability: dark food search, all dark foods in 100 meters, will be labeled on your retina."

"You got passive ability: Dark body, as a dark black chef, you have experienced various difficulties, any abnormal state is reduced by 20% in your body, this effect is priority."

"You have gained passive ability: the flame of cooking, in the non-combat, you can call a bunch of camp with a bunch of camp with a refroned way."

"You can use this campfire to process food, warm, illuminated, but cannot use its damage to organisms or change terrain, otherwise the fireflow will extinguish themselves."

"The flames of cooking will be able to become vigorous as your heart, so that you can control the fire of cooking."

"You got the active ability: Summon Kcy suppliers, you can call your food supplier Kcy in non-combat status, this robot is called a vegetable basket, with the ability of a face shuttle."

"The vegetable basket will sell the dark food you have mastered the formula, the ingredients are divided into two and non-bound two, need to be purchased with universal points."

"The binding ingredients are sold at a non-bound 13, but the processed dark cuisine can only take effect after you have eaten, and get the bonus of the dark."

"The dark cuisine of the non-bound ingredients is still unable to sell, only free to hand over the friend's food."

"You got dark cuisine: hot double silk formula."

"You got the dark cuisine: the formula of herring sandwich." (Gift)

"You got dark cuisine: the formula of creep black coffee." (Gift)

This series of tips make Fanglin Rocks dazzled. After they finished reading, they will be roughly understood.

Then he was curious to open the formula of the herring sandwich. I want to see how it is. The result is that it is the formula. It can be said to be very simple, cooked herring + two whole wheat toast Bread.

Its positive effect is actually an increase of the MP recovery speed of 1.5 minutes, the duration is 12 hours, and the skill instructions are in the case, "It is" The mackerel can last until the mouth of your mouth is completely disappeared. "

Such recovery speed is not what is nothing about the spiritual legal profession, but for some occupations that are highly velocity, the MP value is very slow, but it is very practical and reliable!

Compared with it, its negative effect: temporarily reducing a perceived 1 point, it is really nothing.

Of course, the "delicious" of the canned carp is definitely the price of the user to accept.

And dark cuisine: The practice of creep black coffee is obviously more cruel, first collecting a large flying feces, then finding there is no coffee beans that are not consumed, grinding it into handmade coffee.

One of the most critical steps, after the coffee is refrigerated, throw the five intestines and stir after stirring.

When drinking, you can feel the intestinal migraine body slippery on the surface of the tongue, then moved into your throat, such experience is not small.

Its positive effect is that you can increase the damage of human organisms by 7%. The negative effect will make you snoring once every time, and the snoring is to interrupt the cast (if you are cast.)

Obviously, once these dark foods were made, and when they were eating, they crouched the "diners" before Fanglin Rock, the duration was 36 hours, and they were effective for himself, and even the entire team. .

After studying for a while, Fanglin Yan suddenly noted two words behind the dark chef (primary), it is obvious that there is an intermediate level above? So I consult directly:

"How to enhance the level of dark black chef?"

As a result, this is also a paid answer, Fanglin Rock gave 3000 universal points, actually only a prompt:

"Please upgrade the darkness formula to more than 10 or more, the black-cuisine formula can be obtained by research, and can also be obtained in the experience of the adventure world."


Seeing this prompt, Fanglin Ran smashing a short time to enhance the thinhead of the dark chef.

Even now, there are three formulations, but the remaining seven formulations are obviously far away.

After processing this thing, Fanglin Ryna is ready to re-looking for Elizabeth waiting for news, but when he is about to move, he receives the help message that Omi is passed through the magic pet through the magic pet.

Before the two sides, there are so good, Fanglin Rock and goats can go to the busy to live their own things, and the trivial task process can be handed over to the remaining companions.

However, once the difficult task is encountered, you still need to summon them to help.

Since Omi is active for help, Fanglin Rock has ruined the past, but the magic pet delivery information is not very detailed, and it is only given him an address.

Fang Linyan rushed to the past, found that there was a residence, but it was already empty, but it was just an arrow on the wall.

In this case, Fanglin Rock can only rush in the direction of the arrow. After approximately dozens of meters, he immediately heard a crazy explosion in the distance!

Then, a huge figure fierce, its appearance can be said to be very violent, but it directly broke the brick wall next to it.

London's ancient buildings are very much. It is still in normal use in the normal construction, and therefore, it shows that its building quality is really very hard, so this huge body is a lot, actually The three-story building swayed and collapsed directly!

This guy's brute force, explosive force, and impact force are there!

Fortunately, it suddenly rose a shield. After the big factor is on the mask, the mask is also a fierce ripple, actually blocked its attack.

And the mask is not someone else, it is Omi.

At this time, Fang Ran saw that this huge figure, it looked actually to be a half-class monster, the upper body looks like a wolf and some like a bear, the lower body is similar to people, the power is endless, the action is also fast And keen.

At the same time, there is also a thick white hair coverage, it seems that the defense performance is also a good.

"What monster is this? Xiong people? Wolf?"

Fang Linyan At this time, the team has been able to use it, hurriedly asked.

Omite is working hard to maintain the energy shield, but in the team channel or calm:

"This monster looks like the bear and the wolf in our cognition, but it is not like this, the appearance of the bear and the wolf, the source is the blood of the beast in its blood."

"And this monster's transformation power is from the curse! A strong curse, just this kind of curse is also from the blood, so this guy is like a wolf or a bear, in fact, There is essential difference, accurately, it should be called the curse! "

At the same time as Ome me, vultures are also delivered to the reported information:

"Curse the beast Xiwei, the provision of the first-class organism, the self-contained barrier, can isolate the enemy's detection ability, self-contained magic effect, can make strong suppression of the designated goal to unable to release skills."

At this time, the time is urgent, Fanglin Rock has not returned to Omi, it is already a far-sighted flaming, and it is right.

However, this attack fell in the head of Lin Xiwei, the white hair on his body actually got up, and the vane flashing is a countless electric snake, which is under, which looks down. Actually, there is no damage to it!

"This guy is something little!"

Fang Linyan is in the heart of the heart, but this hit has not been played, he also has no retardation, directly rushing up!

Under this rush, there is natural in his heart:

"Laozi has not retired in the gold main line world, what are you?"

This curse must feel the arrival of Fanglin Rock, but it has not only been a matter of way, after Shu Lin Ran is approaching, and suddenly waving, Fanglin Rock sweeps.

It is a hunting, and the human beings do not think that this human beings can be able to compete with themselves in the flesh!

If the other party is far away from watching the wand, then you still have a few taboos, but he has to rush over and compensate! It is estimated to be a paw! If you can't, then make it again.

However, this guy pays the price for his own strength!

Because he swept the thick arm was buckled! The curse is a roaring, and it is possible to make a break, but feel that his arm seems to be in the shackles of steel, and there is no moving.

Just joke, Fanglin Rock now has a lot of more than 60 o'clock. In such cases, this head is really flying because of the cursed and powerful monsters. It is too innocent!

In anger, this guy turned over, roaring, holding his right hand, a slap, this shot, it is indeed a way to take Fanglin Rock.

After all, it is also a big force and it needs an appropriate volume and weight to play.

Why is the international boxing to share light level, medium level, heavyweight game? Not because the differences and weight differences will bring decisive advantages?

Even the ruler of the boxing of the mushroom has been refined to 3 kg! For example, the gap between the medium level and the junior high-level level is 73 kg and 70 kg.

And the gap between Fanglin Rock and this curse of the vast forest, what is it 3 kg? There are three hundred kilograms of three hundred kilograms!

However, after Fang Lin Yan, he suffered from the damage, it was very far from him, it seems that it is far away, in fact, there is also his meaning of this unloading.

Because Fanglin Rock has reached, it is to let the embedded Omei can have the time to slow down. It seems that the drowning people can take a breath, and they can support two minutes. .

After the curse, the West was turned back, and immediately turned and wanted to continue to work hard, and did to die. The magical department of this Magic Department.

But at this time, a series of fireballs are simply like a connection, and they are directly confused on his face.

It is a goat that is also arrived in time.


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