The First Evolution

Chapter 60 is finally opened

"Mr. wrench, you have received a total of 100,000 points of transaction volume in the 211st Temporary Sale of Star Foundation, and I use a human rights to help you fight for some discounts, and I will directly have a transaction amount of 100,000."

"So from now on, you are the grade VIP customer of the Star Foundation! Enjoy private housekeepers / private package / any shopping transaction 7.5% off, please accept your VIP card. But even if it is lost, it doesn't matter. Because your personal information we have recorded, you can identify your distinguished identity for the next time you go to any of the sales points of the Star City. "

Fanglin Rock won the VIP card, stuffed into the arms:

"I have got it, and I will take the No. 3."

Ruto Road:

"Good gentleman, but unfortunately I can't hand it over, you need you to pick it up, and it is worth reminding you, this thing is very weird, it is unable to put into your dream. Private space."

Fang Lin Yan listened to his words, stood up and took directly to the exquisite box in the hands of the robot.

At the beginning, he was a single hand, but after holding the handle on the box, he knew why the robot was shipped!

Just because this box doesn't look much, it is actually a stunning component, and Fang Lin Yan will hold one hand, it is actually a silk! Fanglin Rock has some unfinished evil, directly uses both hands, go all out, this box is still not to move to move! It can be seen that the 3rd weight of the lottery is very amazing.

Ruto is very intimate at this time:

"Dear level VIP customers, the weight of this cargo is 1267 kg, the density is amazing, you can enjoy five free shipping services every year, as long as the delivery location is specified on this star ball, please ask you Do you use this service? "

Fang Lin Ri is just a promise, but he suddenly felt a thing, laughed and smiled:

"No, I just joked with you."

After I finished, I lifted the box and I was very easy to take a few steps in the ground.

Luo looked at it later.

Fanglin Rock is connected:

"I heard that you have the service right to give people to leave? I don't want to make this stuff going out to sway the city, I estimate that some people outside are waiting."

Ruto Road:

"Yes, we can escade you to the specified location and guarantee your safety in the escort process, but because you are making a joint trial task, the location where the top visit must meet the two conditions, the first must be you once Arrived and stayed for more than 60 minutes, second, there is no life to you within one kilometer near the place. "

Fang Lin Ran wants to think, first and teammates say, say that he uses the giving service of the Star City to leave, and then consider itself need a quiet and alone environment, put the designated place in the designated location. Double discard gas station.

Before leaving, Rutto 31App download address

"Dear level VIP customers, maybe I have a message, you will be interested, I hope this news can get your friendship, let me be served next time."

Fanglin Ran said:

"So this news is free?"

Ruto Road:

"of course."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Okay, if I will come to the city, I must specify you to serve me."

The Luo wants is this sentence, and the sound is lowered:

"Duoyi-level VIP customers, because this transaction has two levels of rare goods, the transaction has set a new high since three months, so that the headquarters is very unexpected, so the headquarters decided to make a replenishment. So, you are Inside the next risk, you may face some new props or weapons. And these things are not seen when you have visited the menu before. "

Fang Lin Yan stunned, but first asked another question:

"Two levels of rare goods? Is blood orchids and serillers?"

Ruto means a deep way:

"Of course not count."

Fanglin Ran was somewhat for a while, nodded:

"okay, I get it."

Lutro recognizes:

"please take care."

Fanglin Rock suddenly said:

"Yes, when you serve me next time, it is still changed to holographic images, like what Aoi, Matsuoka Mo You, Shuimi, Maida Love, Sen Mo, Bridge. ... ... I don't like it! "


After ten minutes, Fanglin Rock stood in the original place and looked up at the water drop of the Star City.

This time, the trip to the city can be said to be squeezed with almost all savings, and even the weapons you have played, if it is not the imprint of the chest, he will never do this.

It took a few hundred meters in Fanglin Rock, and then drilled into the hidden waste oil library.

After he put the box in the ground, the stone in the lower part immediately came back a series of broken sounds, and it was an amazing thing in the weight of the goods inside. The reason why Fanglin Rock can be easily lifted is not because his strength has increased, but he is in force, and the print of the chest suddenly turns a slight shock again.

Not only that, the auction item 3 inside the box should feel the impression of the imprint, and it is activated in an instant. Let's have a humming resonance, and after the resonance, the weight of this box has become very powerful. Fanglin Rock is naturally very easy.

After entering the hiding place, Fanglin Rock opened the box in his hand. He immediately saw the real version of the auction item No. 3, which compared to the previous 3D virtual image, the auction item 3 physical objects gave people feel different, It is quite good to sell from the sale.

First of all, its surface is like the beautiful stainless steel member, which has just wiped the same, and there is a layer of crystal oil bright and loud, very fresh, as if there is a life like it.

Of course, it is precisely because of this, the one of the auction items on the 3rd number of the auction will appear very eye-catching, and the tip of the metal, the torn distortion, and the internal precision complex structure is clearly present. As for the thickness, it gives people a feeling of exceptional cruel.

Second, from the broken position, the internal mechanical parts are even running in Xu, and the operation mode is still like the dominoes, no sound, completely subverting the common sense of Fanglin Rock!

Looking at the metal components in front of this half-disabled, Fanglin Rock is also somewhat stupid, quite some mice have no feelings, this stuff seems to have no screws, even if you want to dismantle, there is no tool. .......

After he thought about it, he tried to put his finger on the 3rd of the auction item. Suddenly, he immediately felt that the shock of the print of the chest becomes more dramatic.

Not only that, but the auction item No. 3 itself has begun to gradually accelerate, the elasticity of the two is close to, and finally is completely unified, and it is integrated.

After this resonance lasted for about 30 seconds, the internal number of the auction items suddenly sounded a series of "" sound, and occasionally, "" "" sound, sound like a metal It hits each other.

According to Fanglin Rock's multi-year experience judgment, this represents a regular operation of the complex organ inside, which is likely to have a precise mechanical lock to protect the precious secrets inside, and this is at this time. Slow open!

Sure enough, with the last " " sound, the auction item 3 began to slowly rotate, at this time, it gives it like a tight mechanical metal bud, it is routing and slowly bloom. ......

Not only that, as it starts, Fanglin Rock also found that there are several symbols inside, and there are several of the existence of Mobius surface, and the internal precision is beyond imagined. Such components can be said that Beyond human civilization N spans.

After seeing Mobius surface, Fanglin Yan said that he had called his own chest imprint. It is accurate to call it infinite imprint or is Mobius imprint.

Finally, the auction item 3 stopped rotation, it finally opened the hard-complex shell of the outer surface, it looked like a bloomed steel lotus, and the things hidden at the bottom of the deepest exposed it. I took a deep breath in the first half of the step, and the mood of the desire to bow is in the inside, and I suddenly stunned in the original place! ! !

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