The First Evolution

Chapter 65 is a disaster

Fang Linyan "Oh" has a very clear, but the woman in Xian Nia can not be simple at all. Since she will say this, then I can't get information. If you want to buy information, it is estimated that it is also to open the relevant reputation.

He also thought of his 4001000 neutral steel box brotherhood, couldn't help but feel some emotions. After all, the intention of his own is the real thigh, brush the sound, how to get the top now, really What is it?

Soon, the wild cat is coming out, then low voice

"The latest news is that the contribution of the Shangguangdom suddenly decreases for a few hundred points before a few days. However, he took out an extremely rare blood orchid blade! This stuff is a drug that can extend life. The main raw material, and it did not appear on the market for half a year. Therefore, Okotom ramped a piece with this. "

"He just uses three blood orchid leaves, just in the people who urgently need to have a big opening to the amazing wealth, the contribution of individuals has skyrocket, even enter the front ten positions of the total contribution of the Steel Boxing Brothers Not only that, but it is said that the life of life dew in the future is also divided into a cup. "

To be here, the wild cat hesitated, and looked at Fanglin Ran continued.

"I spent a lot of platinum coins, detecting a very tightly tense news! This news was originally a category of non-selling products. However, the guy inside the store was very lacking, so they will be released. It is estimated that he has This ticket is going to run. "

After Syonia listened, his face was serious.

"Oh? What news?"

Wild cat

"The person who spends a hugegar and godham trading, is also the core figure inside the Steel Boxing Brothers, called Cona, which covers some of the biochemical laboratory. This person got the serum lame It will put it in the biochemical laboratory of the following, and his purpose is just to determine that you are not pit. "

"The following people must of course please boss, so this is clearly a small matter, but also to let the leadership for more than 20 years of chief experts come to the whole process. As a result, it is really found out that it is not normal. Place. That is, this blood orchid blade is not only parallel, but it is extremely rare boutique. The servant exquisite content of life dew is very high, exceeding normal level at least 50. "

"This chief expert queried the information and concluded that only the result of the servulant flower, the bloodlang essence in the blade can reach such an amazing level!"

"The intelligence side suggests that recently has a new breakthrough in the research on the fruits of the sericulture flower, just that there is no research sample in the past few years. Not only that, to know, a servulant flower Valuable part is six leafs and serillers, that is, the hand of Gaodo is likely to have three leaves and serille roots, plus almost ten years of difficulty in the servulant fruit, so A huge wealth is enough to be jealous. "

Fang Lin Ran was also very surprised when he was in the same time. He is afraid to suddenly come out of his name, but after the secret of the wild cat, after the last conclusion, he suddenly secretly, almost did not hold back Come

It turned out that this thing said, actually is it.

The roots of the three-piece blood orchid leaves and the serille have been traded by themselves. The servulant fruit has already entered his stomach, and it is unclear to do his own allegiance.

It's just that Fanglin Rock has not been cool, and it will be a white, because I accidentally think of the terrorist experience that is governed by Shi Nanhua that night.

The abnormality of Fanglin Rock did not cause the attention of the two.

Because Whether you are Xian Nia or a wild cat, it has been attracted to the "Blood Flower Fruit" news, this is not a way to be smooth, it is too big, even if they are two People don't know the specific use of the servulant fruit, but only to see the high-rise of the steel boxed brothers, they are all likely to tear their faces.

Therefore, there is no need to say more than many people in Xian Nia and the wildcat, and have ran in the direction of the maintenance base. Once the mobs along the way, the two are not nonsense, and the two people will kill them directly!

In the case of all the best, three people came to the door of the maintenance base for more than ten minutes. The big old and far heard the fierce guns and explosions in it. After seeing this situation, Xian Niya and the wild cat looked at it and saw the highlights on the opponent's face.

There is no doubt that the two are most feared is that there is no sound here. The representative has been withdrawn after the other party has been withdrawn. At this time, it will be fierce, then it means that they have not been late, and there is a chance to touch the fish.

If you don't wait for two people, Fanglin Rock has released a drone, and it flew it in the past, and he also received a prompt at this time, saying that he is now in the team, so you can choose sharing mode, and accept the drone The image directly projected onto the retina of teammates and produced a first view window of a drone.

After such a new function suddenly appeared, it would undoubtedly let Suyia and the wild cat have been surprised, and there is no doubt that look more complicated to the eyes of Fanglin Rock.

Soon, with the advancement of the drone, the situation in the maintenance base was quickly displayed, it can be seen that the bodies appeared along the way, obviously guarding the people here also have a fierce resistance, but in each other Suddenly beat it easily.

The core area of ​​the war is carried out around the office building of Gamotho.

Before Fang Lin Yan also entered here, the feeling at the time was just a normal wooden structure three-story small building, but now I know that this is a small point that is unclaked! Many of the wood decorations in the outer floor have been exploded, revealing the reinforced concrete structure inside, and there are many fire shootings on the building, and the very dense firepower is formed, which is almost completely dead.

However, for the situation of this small building, the directors Omi (ONI have long figured a clear, even targeted, three criticisms that attack it.

However, the problem is that when they suddenly arrive here, another group suddenly appeared from the rear, immediately let Ali (the power in the hand in the hand is not light! This group of casual is the Gamotho on the school. The main reason is now.

Fortunately, this group is not a aid army in Gombham, otherwise, ONI should now consider the problem.

At this time, Fanglin Rock, which is known to know, can of course infer it, and these people come back, most of them have a big loss of Connance to capture the trust of the sericulture flower!

Now the trimester has formed a temporary fragile balance, Omi (ONI, in the north of the small building where the godham is located, the universal passenger is in the south side of the small building, the two sides look like it is like a small building, actually Not like this, when one party attacks, the other party will stop, led to the scattered energy of the Actum college, so that the opposite is cheap.

However, over time, such balance must be insisted in not, after all, the longer, the higher the chance of the aid, the ratio of the two sides is done, it is the day of the Campus of Okdom. .

After understanding the situation, the wild cat whispers

"If both sides are not allowed, then I will give them a reminder."

After that, he left Ma Li and then went to a house outside of hundreds of meters. Soon, I saw a signal and supporting, but also made a clear screaming, even if it was a big day, the red trace of the signal leaving in the air was also in the air, and the long and clear. visible.

Seeing this scene, even if Fang Ran's impression of the wild cat is not good, I can't help but call a "sharp".

This signal played although it was a wildcar, but fell in Omemi (in the eyes of Connaught, most of them were one tight, thinking is the other party's aid, or more unlucky is to rescue Gamotho Arrived!

In this case, if they still want to keep the hope of achieving the purpose of combat, they will be a poor to see the poor.

Sure enough, after the signal is out of ten seconds, the gunshots of the thinlala suddenly become dense, and the explosion is constantly ringing. The small building in Ofham has finally faced two-sided festivals in the true sense, and the pressure is doubled, and the casualties in the inside have increased.

Okdom's appearance is not wonderful, and quickly retrans into the basement, but in the retreat process, it is a heavy casualty, and finally the remaining iron cross the military defensive, obviously the squad.

In this case, the overall situation has been set, ONI's people and connant are also a fierce conflict immediately.

The two sides know clearly that this time who retransmonds, it is necessary to officially announce that this conflict is out, so this small-scale battle is actually playing the earth.

At this time, Omi (the main force of ONI, this seems to be the foundation of the fortress. He lifted a heavy explosion-proof shield slowly, and there was a faint light on the explosion-proof shield, as long as it was shot. The bullets that go up will be bounced!

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