The First Evolution

Chapter 107 of the death of wild cats

Of course, this blinding skill is so powerful, and it is definitely a shortcomings, and this shortcomings are still very big!

That is, once it is the same, it reverts to an entity, it is actually in a non-owned state. If the injured is still alive, it can be easily incorporated into his own capsule.

Why does Gate Hill can have a high-end weapon such a silver plot, the reason is that the owner of the weapon is not him at all, but the strong rent behind him will lend him to enhance strength. Once lost, the consequences even him Defare.

Therefore, Gaqiu Mountain has used the blush skills of the red beast dagger, in fact, it has already shown his determination to be killed! ! !

Clear red face, wealth is moving ...

The reason why it is alone in Gaqiu Mountain, but it is not only a bad breath in the chest, but also the phoenix bow that is not ordinary behind Xian Nia!


Ten minutes later,

Not far from the top platform,

The wild cat vomited the blood and bent back in front of Xian Nia. He has three terrible knife on his body. This is the commemoration of the last time in Gaqiu Mountain.

Fanglin Rock stands on the top of the top ten meters away, still holding 98K, his big body is covered by the branch, there is a clear blood mark on his cheek, which is the phoenix of Xian Nia. The commemoration of the bow gave him, only a little headed! !

At this time, the heart of the wild cat, there is no curb, and four words of "the end of the poor".

He looked back to Xian Nia, his hoarse voice, said:

"I tried my best ... But you can rest assured that they want to touch you, just get up from my body!"

At this time, Xian Nia is very strange, it seems to have some sadness, it seems to have a relaxed weight, but it is not recognized that she will have a beautiful, even if it is in this life and death, it is still a bit. Style.

When she didn't respond to the wild cat, she looked at Fanglin Rock Road, who was ten meters:

"Spanner, now I have been forced to the road, so I want to ask you a question, I hope you can tell me the answer, can we watch it in a part of the fight?"

Xian Nia can be said that the beauty is like jade. At this time, there is a poor, it is so embarrassing, even the cold and evil guys like the Gate Hill are somewhat shake, of course, I don't want to spare her, but Do you want to kill again .......

However, Fanglin Rock is completely hidden behind the bunker, very simply:

"You said, but I will not answer."

Shan Niya brow slightly wrinkled, obviously the first time I met Fanglin Rock, there was a person who had no charm of her eyes, and her eyes were annoyed, but she was soft:

"I have a self-friendly sin, why always feel that you have hostile to me, don't think about it like other men?"

Fanglin Rock did not hesitate:

"I like men, of course, see that you have a manner's behavior is not pleasing."

Gay Hill: "........"

Shan Nia: "........"


Xian Nia is slightly eyebrow:

"It's really regrett, I didn't expect you to tell me honest."

The wild cat whispered at this time:

"Xian Nia, don't say so much, you will go, I will cover you if you die."

Xian Ni married a sigh of relief, faintly:

"Do you really die for me?"

The wild cat bites teeth, very resolute:

"You don't believe me now."

Xian Nia reveals if the flowers bloom like:

"Well, then, please go to death!"

When she said half of the sentence, she paid 400 universal defaults, leaving this temporary team.

Then I pulled out an arrow in the backhand, and the back of the wild cat was stamped!

Her arrow of the arrow shines with the general light of the purple crystal. When I look at it, I will sell the extraordinary is a limited edition. I have been in the back of the wild cat. It is even more like a broken bamboo directly from the wild cat. come out!


Blue sky white clouds, sunny, the sky's funnel-shaped clouds look don't have a foreign style, and below is Yang Vicious with a bruises with a heavy piece of soil.

In such a big context, the crystal clear purple crystal arrow is broken. The cutting edge will pick a bright and unhong blood beads. The face of the wild cat is due to pain, not willing to distort the ultimate, and the rear is Xian Nia. * People's smile.

This scene ... It's really brutal, and it is also extraordinary!

Looking at this, even if there is a fierce and brutal cover, there is an unsolicient, there is an unable to describe it, such a woman, really subverting his cognition, can't help but break the road:

"You fucking is a madman? He is clearly willing to die for you, why do you want to kill him!"

The wild cat will be extremely touched on the upper cover, the health is very low, and it is estimated that only one-fifth is not. At this time, behind the sunrise, it was directly attributed to the life, and his throat was gone, and he tried to turn back to see, but the shadow of death has been completely shrouded him.

His shape is fast, transparent, and then the data stream disappears directly, and even the legacy can not be left!

Xian Nia took back the purple crystal arrow and faced the question of Gaqiu Mountain:

"Doesn't he say that it is willing to die for me? So I will let him die, what is wrong?"

Gay Hill is obviously not good at tongue with women, but he is more good at speaking with the knife and others! At this time, the wild cat is dead, the surrounding situation can be seen from the perspective of the drone, and there is no other movement, and the fierce hamits of the Hill Hill is no longer joking, directly from the side of the roof, holding a dagger When you have a chest!

In the Eyes of the Gaiu Hill, the woman's woman in Xian Nia is really powerful, but it has been approached by him to five meters, and the wild cat is also dead, that is really a chopping board.

However, in this case, Xian Nia still bow, take the arrow!

This time, the Phoenix bow that she held in her hands shines out of the bright purple light, and the arrow that is like a violet crystal is like the same thing! Not only that, she bent the bow, the arrow is directly to the sky, and the deadly knife who came to the chest is as if it is obvious.

In the next second, the Phoenix bows in the hands of Xian Ni are broken, and it has become a bit of purple crystal light, and crashed! This instant, the fantasy and waves of the moment were blown out directly, let his wolf fell into the top rooftop, and the golden flowers were straightforward. He is a thorn that must be Naturally, it is futile.

Not only that, the arrow of Xian Ni spread towards the sky is straight, and it is also fried in the air of more than twenty meters. It seems that the fireworks are even hanging in the day.

Then, this light is not scattered, and the emptiness has become two hot meteors. The next impact will be impacted. If you don't tell, a goal is to Gate Hill, a goal is Fanglin Rock, surplus The stars are flying straight to the drones in the half empty, and instantly make them out of control, then fire explosion.

Fang Linyan has long guessed that Xian Nia will have a base card, but it is not expected to be a strong trick, so he has directly slammed into the house next to him when the meteor is formed. The bookcase next to blocks the window, and then take care of the image directly to take a drill below the bed.

Gaqiu Mountain is not as calm. He first was thrown down on the top of the roof first. When he returned the driving power, the meteor had fly to the top ten meters of the head!

But what is the Hill Mountain? The truly strength can even enter the top three of this trial person. Its created forces even directly subverts the huge organizations such as the steel boxing brothers. Even if it is at this time, there is nothing, both hands I saw a translucent light golden protective cover appeared around his body.

Then the meteor shocked down! Farming!

At this point, the place where Fanglin Rock and Gate Hill, it is completely like being directly hit by the two high-explosive bombs, and has produced fierce explosions, and the black smoke is rapidly explosive. Listed, there is a lot of smoke in the top of the explosion, spread to a distance around thousands of square meters, and even form a small smashing cloud shape.

However, the smoke has not been exhausted, and the Hilki Mountain has already slammed out. In the light golden protective cover, he can say that it is not hurt.

Taking Fanglin Rock is also the building of the gray face climbed from the collapse of the collapse, and his ear hole flows on blood, even if it is evasive and dodge, he is still more than two hundred points.

Gaqiu Mountain looked back at Fanglin Rock, then he said:

"What is it! The woman is going to escape, chase !!"

Fang Linyan hesitated himself, but it was still quickly got up after watching the back of the Gaqiu Mountain.

Shan Nia is also a seed player. She still has a bloody column on her head. I still insert the red beast dagger on my legs will continue to slow down. So, although she turned and fled after she released a big move, but It is not a particular difficult thing to catch up with her.

Soon, the distance between the three people has shrunk into more than ten meters.

The situation at this time is that a person in Xian Nia has escaped in front, and the Gaqi Mountain has already arrived in her five meters, and Fanglin Rock is probably a step by step, and there is still seven or eight meters from Gate Hill.

In this case, the Shuqiao is staring at Xian Nia swaying a lot of figure, but all of them are all killing. He has already started tightening muscles, and it is ready to go because it is in his In the case, only three seconds, Xian Nia entered his own range, and then let the spicy Sao Niang look good!




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