The First Evolution

Chapter 21 Robie's trouble

Samaplag Road:

"First, you have to go to King Cross Railway Station. Then enter the magic door between the 3rd platform and the 4th platform, enter the way and enter the peer lang."

"You have entered the three-year-old platform, go to buy a train ticket to Kathnes town, just take an hour to arrive, then get off at the platform, you can see it. Go to Qifel Mountains. "

"In the cave under the foot of Chifel Mountain, you can find Ms. Falid Tintan. When you visit her, you must remember to bring the three cows in the past, but also one hundred kilograms of purple, because she The favorite food salad is bovine blood. "

Fang Lin Yan also listened to it, and some hesitated said:

"Waiting for one, etc., why do you want to visit her farm with cows in the cave?"

Samaplage said:

"The whole Qifield Mountain range is her farm. Oh, there is one thing, Ms. Falid Tintan does not hurt humans, but once she is in the estrus, she likes to mate with human men, so if you don't Special hobbies, then it is best to go to her estrus. "

Fang Linyan face has a bit blue:

"Ms. Falid Tintan is in the end, what is it?"

Samaplag Road:

"A kind and learned female giant."

Fang Lin Yan footed for five seconds in the original place, only nodded, sighed, and some painless said:

"Then the female giant's estrus should be a year?"

Samaplag is ruthless:

"Wrong, similar to the ovulation period of human women."

Fanglin Rock lined his head and sighed:

"Really, I hope that I have not heard these news, Mr. Samaplag. You brought me a bad news!"

Samaplag shrugged, his mouth revealed a smile:

"So, I wish you good luck, Mr. Wrench."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"So can you still tell me one thing? How should I leave the Nikha Lane to London? I don't want to break the road of the kettle bar."

Samaplag Road:

"You have to buy some flying flour first ..."


After half an hour, Fanglin Rock has got enough salt and walked on the way to return to Xitense Temple.

It is worth mentioning that when I go back, it is already in the morning. The patrol of the night has changed, and Fanglin Yan sees that there is an unlucky egg to be called the past, and they are directly drunk to the wall stood up with high hands, this After guilty, the guy was swollen by the rude, and then he was beaten a ring that took the ring.

After seeing this scene, Fanglin Rock immediately planned to leave, and he has been seen by the patrol, drinking him.

However, Fanglin Rock will certainly do not leave, and he is not willing to conflict with the patrol representative of the official power, so very simply ran, the majority of the Scottish farm is negligible to exercise, to catch up with Lin Yan It is really a very difficult thing.

However, the Langyan is very unhappy, that the patrol is blowing a whistle, and the "Ripper Jack" is here ....... If he is not a time, it is estimated that it is really good to clean up this stupid goods. .

There have been a bonfire of many piles on the square, and the Royal Dragon Cavalry has withdrawn from the cathedral. Re-establishing a defensive front, their current main task is responsible for shooting the quirky creatures who wandering, so I can see it. Both parties have basically formed a stalemate.

Fang Lin Yan went to Lieutenant, and the two were talked about a few words. He has already gained a notice, saying that it is already in a very subtle state in Xitin Temple, should not have too many human influx, otherwise Once the casualties are too much, the blood-filled flesh and blood from the body will lead to more monsters, so at this stage is based on defense.

However, now they have found a thing, there is a considerable limit in the magic magical biological activities in Xitense Temple area, and there will be a big group's fog from the area of ​​the abadle energy. This fog is actually scattered. Part of the abadle capacity, the more powerful magical creatures prefer to stay in this fog, and will not run, so the defensive factor is also in line down.

At this time, Fanglin Yan also saw Robei, at this time, he looked more embarrassed, and his head was stunned, it looked tired and painful.

But to be honest, he also helped Fang Lin Rock a big busy. Fang Lin Ran did not likely not care about it, he walked in the past:

"Hi, Robei? Thank you very much."

Robei looked up and barely squeezed a smile:

"That's good, how is your business?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Almost the eyebrows, I see that you stay here for a long time, is it troublesome?"

Robbie's lips were smashed and shook his head:

"Oh, okay."

Fanglin Rock sat in the past and patted his shoulders:

"Hey, buddy, now it is not a guest, we are also a person who has taken a risk, I have helped me again, I am very grateful to you, so I don't want to talk about everyone." "

Robbi should have a saying, and there is a self-abortion, so it is definitely not sent to strangers, but after hearing Fanglin Rock, finally can't stand it, the bamboo tube is like a five one. Ten said out.

The original Robbie is a new member of the Magic Department. Now the magical world is because of some very bad emergencies, so the entire magical part is present.

Just in the face of the government's contribution, they can't ignore, so I will send the order to the relevant magical biological research department, then ....... No one is willing to touch this hot salad.

Because I will know if I look at it, this kind of thing is laborious, doing there is no good benefit, once I haven't done it, I will definitely directly deduct your head, so I finally fell to the oldest Shune's Robie.

Robbie is a typical scholar. It is usually drunk in studying these magical creatures. When I heard that this is very excited, because of the dissipative and air energy that is scattered, it will attract a lot of rare magical magical creatures. So Robbie has promised after he heard this task, and there is a lot of causations in it.

In fact, the truth is, like Robie is obsessed with the study. People who have a low demand for treatment are not careless, as long as they don't leave their own research, it can be said to be very good. , So do not look heavy on this task.

The key is that before Luobi departs, there is a usual girl in Nataia to see the relationship between Nataia. I feel very troublesome, so I will take my own powerful magic props. Borrowing him, this magic props is the magic suitcase that he is in his hand.

It is said that this magic suitcase is the latest product, must have a particular difficulty "no trace" in the box, and more importantly, it is also necessary to afford it. The anti-therapeutic material is known in the known material, only the adult Rainbow Dragon's scalp can reach this goal.

Finally, I have to add "lightweight Hong Kong" curse to this magic suitcase. This is just a big merit.

So this magic suitcase has a house in the room with at least a villa, which can be placed in a hundred magical creatures to make them feel relieved. More importantly, finally, the light of the light, it is, can you let a Muggle can also take this box everywhere.

The preciousness of this magic suitcase knows, and it is a 18th birthday present for a Cifen to her daughter.

However, when you accompany the British Royal Dragon Cavalry to Xi Min Temple, Robbie is also lost in the big chaos, and then fell into the past, when he woke up, I found that the magic suitcase around me didn't see it. .

This is an important thing that is blocked by Robbie in Ximin Temple, and Robobi is imaginative at this time, it is imperative, jealous, annoyed, and pain can be said to be in his heart.

Perhaps slow Robs that he feels his own feelings.

Robie has just quietly entered the Ximin Temple searching for some, but I found that this magic suitcase fell in the range of thunderbirds, this powerful monster is a typical temper. A known.

And it seems to lack of materials in the construction of the nest, actually looks in the soft material of this magic suitcase, so it will be paved in the bottom of the nest, and the Robbie saw the last one of the suitcase, it was found that there were several regiments. Suspected to stain of the mystery of bird manure .......

Before listening to Robbie, Fanglin Rock decided to help Robs once, and wait until he found that the key to complete this task is the thunderbird, but also feel that this is the sky, so I took Robei. Shoulder:

"It turned out to be this thing! You can rest assured that you are in me. In this way, your current state looks very bad, rest to rest and eat something to sleep, restore physical strength, then my companion should come. When we went to take it back together. "

When I heard Fanglinyan, Robie was very grateful to lift his head:

"Ok, Mr. Wrench."

At the same time, Fanglin Rock also gained a prompt:

"Trial, ZB419, you triggered a related story mission, but the world has not officially started, and you are the identity of mercenaries, so you can't activate it."

"You can only complete milestones, explore tasks, loop tasks, but you can't activate plot tasks and main line tasks."

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