The First Evolution

Chapter 59 Water Drops

"Little Cori is re-lived under the treatment of Victor. Ferrancinstein, but this also represents a small sin, but what is the relationship?"

"At this time, I only knew that Victor. Ferrancunstein is actually the illegitimate child of Di Lan's bishop! And Di Lan's bishop has been diagnorated, and it is Victor. Fedoztein also bundled the kind of handless. A few years will be delayed. "

"Victor. Ferrancinstein is a geek that is obsessed with his research. It is completely indifferent to the rest of the matter. Once the Di Lan's Burg teaches to die, then he will be sent to the fire rack and is undoubted, just time problems."

"So, Di Lan's bishop is very urgent to find a successor to take care of his illegitimate child. There are several alternatives in his heart. I am one of them, so after my nephew, Dilan Cardian is quickly I learned this news. "

"When I got the same boat with them, I started rapidly in the church, and the Di Lan's bishop had supported five years. In these five years, he helped me to help me."

"I can get the right power, and the help of the Dilan's bishop the same year ........ The Fenx, which is seen this evening, is my friend, Victor. Ferrancinstein The third generation of sewed beast products appeared in the laboratory. "

After listening to this, Fang Linyan heart suddenly turned tight, knowing the weight of this conversation! He seriously looked at the Morgi's bishop, waiting for him to tell the truth.

I didn't expect this time, my old age is back, my God is in the beginning, I don't know how long it is in the heart of Fang Lin, but I always keep respect, I don't dare to say. - after all, Moleghi The horrible scenarius of the two deaths in the room is also visible.

Until for ten minutes, someone knocked on the door outside, and the Morgie's bishop said light:

"Everything you see is true, it is true that our people are manipulating Finkith ------ and Fin Kex is the Ripper Jack of the people of the Scottish farm ------ in white church A hunting of those poor women. "

"But all this is why! These poor women will also take out the reasons for the internal organs after being killed, because they have become the test items of the damn black magic."

Fang Lin Yan suddenly surprised:

"Ah? This ... how would this?"

Morgie's big bishop is dignified:

"We have already got a very exact evidence, indicating that these guys among the Ashes rally actually do a very taboked thing, that is, attempting to make the transformation of silent people, try to get the power of silent (" Obscurus! "

"This is an era who is from ancient dark taboos. It is born in the age of the wizard and killing by ordinary people. Its essence is the combination of magical power and negative emotions. It has a violent strength to destroy everything!"

"The people of the Ashes rally use the dark species of the mining relics, which are prepared for a very overbearing silent medicine. After the human woman drinks, the body will mobilize the deformed embryo from the body. "

"However, the Black Magic Master responsible for putting the silent medicament did not pay much attention to this matter, because he felt that it can be transferred to a silent medicine at any time, so it is very casual to pour the original experimental agent into the next door. Among the fermenters, this wine is responsible for supplying drinks from bars and dances near white church. "

"Just the next day, a raid of the Magic Ministry was misconducted, and the remaining dark species were all destroyed, and the black magician who watched the land was also killed, along with the drug guy. It was also killed. "

"These guys who have left all left by the Ashes, because the bottle can be scrapped in the experiment of experimental medicine, but it has become the hope of only one night, but waiting for them to find the drops of the drug. It has been put into the fermentor for more than five days. "

"From this fermenter, there is a fresh brewable beer that exceeds more than three tons, these beers are assigned to bars and dancers near White Church, and then have been diluted with 3,000 people. Ok because of dilution The concentration is large, so there is only a few part of the quality woman who will be infected by the experiment. "

Speaking of this, Moyghi's bishop is very serious:

"Take this, Victor. Ferrancunstein urgently transformed a kind of Finn, which has a strange organ that is very different from humans, can infertile women in 100 meters."

"So, using Fin Kex to do the poor woman, and also taken some of them infected the viscera that seems very cruel, but this is actually redeeming them, but also redeems millions of people in London!"

"To know that the deformed embryo of the syncatist can only mature one month. From the second week, it will bring great pain to the mother. It is not as good as death. Finally, it will even take it directly, if true There is a deformed man who is born. It spreads the magical plague. It is even possible to sweep in Europe, bringing millions of deaths like black death !! "

Fang Lin Yan is already a bit shocked, can't help but say:

"Well, women drink this feeding beer will pregnant with the tires, then men?"

Morgiel Bishop:

"This is to see the body, and there is an emotion at the time. Because silent power has been from negative emotions, if the people drinking at that time, it is very unfortunate, he is very unfortunately, he is not easy to feel There will be big trouble. "

"According to our survey, there are 15% of people will get sick, vomiting, fever, mortality, almost more than 30%, good in men, do not have the ability to malfibrilize the deformed embryos in men, so death is also harmless."

I heard here, Fanglin Rock has been roughly understood, Shen said:

"So two hours ago, we found the black magician and ------ No, how do your Finn stay together?"

Mo Leghi's bishop laughed:

"That's because our whereabouts have been mastered by the Black Magic Master. They gathered together. In fact, it was that our people would like to appear in that area. They actually stay there in the rabbit, in fact. This news is right. "

"It's just that they are also a hundred percent of the determination, so they will work hard, waiting for our control, Finn will only start, I didn't expect that your people also stared on them, then played in advance, It has become an illusion that is made by you. "

Fang Lin Yan Shen said:

"So writing to the police to provoke, should I claim that the Jack is not what you did?"

Morgiel Bishop:

"Of course, this is what people doing the Ashes rally. They are very urgent for this matter, because Vikedo. Fedo-Phkenstein's approval of early infection is very effective, in this respect, they are suppressed dead, So I can only want the external force of the Scottish farm to intervene, let our pressure are more stress. After all, what we do is like an evil. "

Fang Lin Yan suddenly thought of one thing.

That is, when I first encountered my bones, I tried to make a scholar title upgrade, I saw a purchase order written on the blackboard in the magic shop of Bo Jinbok, and the unfamiliar people saw it. Harmful application.

But after I asked myself, I showed another acquisition order.

At that time, I chose a ferry lung in the fresh blood of Thunderbird, but there is still something on the list, it is called silent organization (the new time is not more than ten days), and it is also written to understand the words that is about to sat.

This thing is a lifetime of something that Moleghi's Babysi said, and it is true that credibility is still quite high, so his heart has believed 70%.

Fang Lin Yan silently took a while, standing up to the Morgi's big bishop:

"It turns out that this millions of residents in London owe you a thank you."

The Morgien Canton suddenly said:

"Life and death, since ancient times, it has been divided into the banned area of ​​God. The dare to intervene, all of which are all-ended, all to go to the fire."

"But I am a big church, but in the back of it, I will help this area in this area Victor. Ferranne, don't say it on your surface, you must also be in the belly?"

Fang Lin Yan suddenly asked:

"There is a knife sharply, and the murderer is killing people, then is this knife?"

Morgiel Bishop:


Fanglin Rock continued:

"There is a sharp sharpener, and I was cut by the police, and the people who were wound by the rope were rescued. So did this knife?"

The eyes of the Molesnica bishop showed a touch of smuggling:


Fanglin Rock has opened his hand:

"A knife itself is not good and evil, deciding where it is used, is a person who holds it."

"I have a knowledge that is involved in the penalty area is not evil ------- In my opinion, this is the Lord by Victor. Mr. Ferranne, give you it, let you use it It's better to carry forward my Lord's glory! "

"In fact, as long as the knowledge of Mr. Francunstein is not difficult to make a few miracles, it will let more lost lambs come to my horses."

The eyes of the Mo Leghi's bishop flashed, telling the truth, Fanglin Rock's rhetoric is really bright!

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