The First Evolution

Chapter 70 is her

Next, there is no need to make a row, first use the drone planning, then the climb of success, the process is unexpected, and in the feeling of Fanglin Rock, it is not very different.

After successful arrival, Fanglin Ran took a break in the water, and the sky was a starry star, overlooking Athens city, the light was brilliant, and the night scene was awkward.

At this time, there is a breeze blowing, and the wind has brought the smell of cloves and the camerant, and the back is full of Athens Acropolis that has a feeling of disabled vicissitudes. It seems that there is no life in the past, a historical breath that is accumulated for the millennium. From the call, you will feel the feeling of life.

After the recovery is almost the same, Fanglin Rock re-took out the reel of the gaze of the ancient god.

Suddenly, I saw a bit of size white and semi-transparent light ball from this Athens Acropolis, and the bird returned to forest.

Not only that, the pattern above the reel has also become translucent, but it gives people a feeling of returning to the light, but the content of the inside has also produced huge changes.

Although the background is still dusk, the dark is prone, but the dry tree has already been chemically formed into a big tree, the leaves, the new green leaves show the ovulation, the pattern on the tree also sent a touch of light.

That pile of dead eagles have disappeared, replaced by a white owl standing on the branch.

"Sure enough, my guess is not wrong." Fang Lin Yan got her eyes.

"Olive holy tree, war and wisdom, and owls, these three characteristics added, this goddess, the identity of this god, has already come out!"

"She is from the beginning of the father and god."

"She controls the strategy in the war, can always lead the generals to victory."

"She is one of the Olympia's 12th owners!"

"Her duty is war / wisdom / craft, ten thousand people respect!"

"She is praised by the people, being praised as a snake, thousands of dragons!"

"She is the goddess Athena!"

One thought and this, Fanglin Rock's heart is also can't help but feel excited.

"I went to the world, it is the world of magic and scientific mix. In such a world, because there is a nonsense phenomenon, and the timeline is an eighteenth century, the god is still able to attract some believers, that Athens, Athena just fell into sleep, did not fall. "

"However, the world I am now is a non-crux of science and technology side. In such a world, even if I have believers, it is also a privilege!"

"Because the gods are unable to develop, and the foundation of society is science, encounter anything, people's first choice must be from scientific aspects, rather than devout to God."

"When the Germany at World War I am afraid of being desperate, the disease is in a hurry, and finally, it is actually going to China Tibet to find the earth axis in the mysterious Shambara cave, not to offer the god of war, you can see it. Out of the gods of Olympus did not fall. "

"Don't say that I am in the world, even if it is a shallow message, it is also divided by Catholic, *** teaching, Buddha's fondam, the Eastern local stream of Confucianism, Taoism is also obvious Micro, not to mention Athena this ancient god. "

"So, in this world, the original goddess Athena has been completely fallen among the long-lasting sleep. At this time, I should have a god seed of Athena with another place, come here to receive fallen gods. Heritage! "

After the consequences were cleared in the heart, Fanglin Rock found that the light ball of this nearby belief has been absorbed by the reel, and the reel is carrying the reel and is an amazing place to go through the power of another belief.

There is a Paton Temple!

It starts from being built from the highest in the centrian center. It also stores a miracle of Athena goddess in the temple. It is carved with gold ivory, just in the sixteenth century. At this time, it was later rebuilt, only the broken building group was left, but it was still a miracle of the world level.

When you travel all the way, Fanglin Rock has been carefully avoided the camera, stopping the footsteps at ten meters away from the Paton's god.

But even if he is just going here, it has already found that the credibility of the reel absorbed is significantly changed. If the previous area is like a firefly in summer night, the stars are dots, at this time, the power of the belief in the temple has been If there is a substance, it seems that the liquid is directly aligned with the reel.

Then, the spool flew into the Temple of Patron, the empty hanging, greedy absorbed the power of the faith, Fang Lin Yan also heard the sound of the rumbled sound in the ground, should be a secret room hiding the millennium Open, then there is a treasure of the stars to fly in the reel, and the golden rays are shining in the light of the night sky.

This scene is glaring, the beautiful statues, the golden products that can only be able to solve the big problems in the moment.

Oh, unfortunately, I can't get it.

Just at this time, there was a flashlight with a flashlight, followed by an angry, and then I saw two people chasing it. Fang Lin Yan frowned, knowing that she accidentally was in this The guards inside are discovered.

He looked at the reel of floating in the air of Patnong Temple. I know that I will take it at this time, I can only stay here, and then run next to it.

The two guards are certainly refused to let go, and after chasing, Fang Lin Ran ran out of ten steps, deliberately seemed to go to the feet, falling in the ground, while holding a few euros of exchanges toward next to it .

I can't find it. After the two guards chased, I immediately ran to pick money, and some people looked more loyal to, and suddenly came over, and I also broke out, I took out the police sticks in the waist. The face of Fanglin Rock has been smashed.

This is very obvious, if it is replaced with ordinary people, it is estimated that it is necessary to add brain oscillate on the spot, at least three teeth.

Fanglin Rock self-assessing is really wrong, but it is said that it is a fine of fines that have been fined. This guard will make him feel deeply malicious.

So Fanglin Rock did not refund, the head flashed his hit, and it was very simply burst into his arms. The knee moved towards the top. This guy immediately widened his eyes. Come on the crotch and gently fell to the ground.

Then Fanglin Yan Hao Ran returned, and he left the guard who was closely close. He didn't just bend his money. After hearing the footsteps of Fanglin Rock, he shouted:

"what are you going to do!"

Fang Lin Yan is a punch on his face. This guard immediately painfully held his face, and his tears and nose were emerging together.

Anyway, there is no scruple, and Fanglin Rock has no counsel. Let's take the cribed guy to tie it with a belt, and then hold the mouth. Then I turned and came back to find the security guard.

This guy is at this time, the pain is slightly planning to take out the phone and ask for help, but see Fanglin Rock returned to him, and suddenly scared is that there is a few photos, and it shouted:

"do not come!!"

Fanglinyan is not annataries to him, still step by step approaching.

This security guard is obviously unknown, simply turning around and runs, but I feel that there is a lot of efforts to pass on, and then I'm fell.

Fanglin Rock bent down, whispered in his ear:

"Hey, I have a few questions to ask, if you can cooperate, then have the opportunity to see your family, if you find lying, then look at the scenery, after all, after death, it is estimated I can't see it. "

I heard the word "dead", this policery is trembled, and then hurriedly said:

"You say!!"

Fang Lin Yanyue took a look at his body, then he said:

"your name."

"My name is Furunis, Mr.! I swear about the gods. I must be true for your return!" Mr. Furius trembled.

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I will come here every day this week, but every day, it is the news that Athens is not open! Can you tell me the reason?"

Furiis said:

"Because from this week, it is a day for maintenance and maintenance."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Is this in previous years?"

Furiis said:


Fanglin Rock Road:

"So what is the strange thing recently, or an abnormal thing happened?"

Furunis hesitated:

"Well, if there is anything, that is, our supervisor seems to have been removed, in exchange for a new supervisor called Torres, I have never seen him before."

"And after he came, he strongly emphasized the problem of patrols, which stipulates that two people will patrol together every night, and a very stringent reward plan is also developed."

When he said here, he started to complain:

"We usually do this, you will work more, and the night shift will patrol the city again, then everyone will take some food to take the dishes, drink from the evening to 12 points, chat with a chat On one side of the game, then sleep early, where is it like now, I have to play five times every night! "

"Well? Yesterday suddenly appeared, the idiotic point in the ancient gods also resonated here is also yesterday, will this hacker?"

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