The First Evolution

Chapter 7 RC injury

Space is certainly impossible,

Wrong is likely to be Jane.

In fact, Fang Lin Ran is exhibited from Athena, the value of the defensive power of the magic shield on his body is calculated according to its original defense + spirit, and it has actually reached 8 + 16 = 24 points! It is reasonable to reduce the soldier who took the shield.

With the unllowed mind, Lang Zeng biting his teeth, tatched out the dagger in his hand, but he made him big eyes, this time the dagger was clearly advanced, still stabbed.

He immediately understood that the other party's refraction parameters were again adjusted, and he must adjust the advance amount again to accurately hit the opponent.

Just at this time, Fanglin Rock has been reversed, and a punch is on his nose and played his golden flowers in front of him.

"Ah, ah!"

Langdu's heart is also coming out, a bottle of treatment, and then uses a bottle of treatment, then rolling up towards the rear, came to the dead angle of the machine gun tower shooting, and at the same time align his dagger Fang Lin Yan threw the past.

His glove is the ability to have the base throne, so when the distance between the two sides is only about three meters, this throw is almost ten nine stabilizers.

Not only that, after the enemy in the dagger, the passive ability of the glove can be received after five seconds.

It is only a desperate thing that Long Ze, when the dagger throws up is about to come into contact with Fanglin Rock, the chest of Fanglin Rock actually strangely blurred, popping up a fantastic badge, and its appearance looks It is quite similar to the British Imperialist Zombie.

Then, this dagger is clearly a hit, but it is like an invisible force, and it is played directly.

On both eyes of Lang Qian have grown up, then he saw the tips mentioned in the battle record:

"The passive ability of the other party: dodge the effectiveness, your last hit attack is successfully dodge the enemy."

It is also a black, Fanglinyan district, 17% (the power of Athena's powerful blocking effect and dodge), actually triggered.

At this point, Lang Qi finally lost his fighting, he intended to give up this game that made him passive and fierce, he never had such a wrogging battle.

From one hand, I found that I seem to fall into the deep mud, and I have an abnormal feeling. Even if I don't do my best, it seems that the fist is like a cotton, and I can't make it.

What is the mother of this mother?

However, at this time, the heart is still full of confidence, that is, it is agile physical strength, even if it is, don't you flee it?

Wen Qi, this guy relies on the fixed machine gun, the battle is a good hand, I am TM-minded! Don't you fight here?

In this case, Long Zeng immediately threw a smoke bomb at the foot, and then turned to the window when the smoke was disgraced.

Saying this trick or he looked at the fire.

However, when he just fled to the window, the good sea breeze and darkness were actually seen to him. In the face of such emergencies, Langui's first reaction is definitely a strong eyes. Look, at the same time make a dodge action.

But he just widened his eyes, suddenly felt that his eyes were very stinging, then it was a white.

Drone: Flash shooting!

At this time, he went back to God. He was hit by a flash of flash, and the flash bomb exploded in front of his eyes. Directly brought him directly to his vision.

At this time, Lang Qian still kept calm, and continued to follow the direction of memory and rushed to the window.

He has long since there is something like to save the salute, in the private space, in such a night, there is definitely dangerous in the public sea, but it is absolutely much smaller than sleepy.

And Lang Qi remembers very clear, and the warmth of the heart of the heart is far from 5 or six meters. The key is that the interior is full of smoke bombs released tear gas, the visibility is almost zero, so Lang Zeng Already on a discussion, how is it to come back to find this scene ...

However, a very cruel thing has occurred next second.

Langqi suddenly felt that a huge power came in the right, and he flew himself, let him suddenly have a feeling of north,

When he didn't have time to come back and went back, I felt that a heavy body was straight up, let him breathe.

"See the ghost, how is this death of the dead, how is this king egg so heavy, at least one hundred kilograms!"

Long Qi didn't know, he is not gentle in the face, but a murderous machinery without feelings!

After again entering the tragic close mell, Lang Ze still biting his teeth said that there is no fear, and the heart in the heart is also coming out, and the dagger in his hand will slamming the other side.

Just when he said a knife, I actually felt a strong in the cheek. The whole person's head could not help but fierce next to it. The big half of the left is numb, as if the flesh is not It belongs to yourself, I have a hot pain.

Langui immediately counterattack, continue to raise the dagger, but the more felt shocked, why did the touch you have come up with a lot of touch, it is not like a man! !

And the other party smashed so many times, there was no response to the half-point pain, just pressing them below, just so silent and silent is a punch.

This punch will slap the Nose nose. Langui only felt that the brain is in the mind, and the long flow of nosebleed continues to fight.

He found that he was accumulated, it was also hurt, scratched the opponent's seven octsu, but he didn't call his own. Even the voice of breathing did not, as if it was a silence. A strong machine, the only thing to do is to raise your fist, let's take a look!

In this case, Lang Qian naturally struggled, so it was easy to grasp the bed of the bed, it wanted to escape, but the brain spoon was in a punch, played his golden flowers in front of him, immediately found A cruel fact.

"No, this person is not a gentle, and the warming meat is very different ....."

"Ah! How can my health have dropped so fast !!!"

After eating a heavy punch, Langui was panically discovered that he used to use therapeutic agents before escaped, and the health is re-filled, but how do you only have more than half? ? ?

At this time, although the vision has not responded, but real-time battle records are directly appearing on the retina, so they can also watch, and they see the populated data, Lang Qi suddenly stiff, a strong fear I am in my heart.

His since the entry into this room, the first time I realized that today may die here.

Because real-time battle records have shown a thing that makes him stunned:

"Trial Xer X is suppressed by the enemy, only partial combat information is available."

"You are hit by the fist who is unknown."

"Judgment ... Your power value is 6 points, the enemy's power value is 22 points, the enemy's power value exceeds you, even if the damage is not possible, it will cause additional rolling damage to you. "

"Raw damage is 50% of the theoretical injury of the attack."

"Rolling damage will be defaulted to an additional attack, and ignore your defense and any damage effect. This attack effect has strong priority when conflicting with the rest of the effect."

"The actual injury you receive is: 8 + 11 points (crushed damage)."

At this time, Langdu's health is only 200 points (wearing ring and waist with life bonus), and the enemy can fight away from 20 ordered value, and have already in the whole four boxes! Is the remaining life value is more than half?

"Ah, ah !!" Lang Ze has been red in this time, he has already wakes up, this time I only fell into a trap in this time.

It seems that he takes the initiative to hunting this gentle, but in fact, this treacherous sinister is very good, it is like a trap, just like a poisonous spider, silently waiting for himself!

Suddenly, Long Zeng bite his teeth and worshiping a top card and took out a reel shining with rays.

The white light shines, the rays of the reel surface suddenly dull, and a cold ice is shot, hit the guy who is fighting with himself.

The chamber suddenly cooled, although Lang Qi couldn't see it, it was clear that the mousse table of the trick will be immediately covered with a white frost, and then the rapidly cooled ice is banned for five seconds.

However, although this cold ice is very controlled, it is very low, and in five seconds of its imprisoned, it also received the protection of the ice layer, so it will be large. Weaken.

After the unknown enemies were banned, Lang Ze immediately felt a relaxed, there was a kind of high-quality bird flight, and the sea is a comfortable.

At this time, although the eyes were quite right, he has begun to gradually recover vision, but it has not been expected to become a biggest obstacle to the smoke bomb that has been thrown by his hand. It can only fall into the smoke to explore. .

In view of the previous trip window, people who have been outside the window have done a flash bomb, so this time Langui directly rushed to the door, and it seems that there is no hindrance to touch the door handle.

Just when he thought he was soon to escape, it stretched a arm from the rear, and kneaded his throat!

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