The First Evolution

Chapter 15, two silver plots, two

Bill low channel:

"The equipment or skills of the ice system can often bring the effect of deceleration, so it is always a hand cargo in the market, even if the people who don't use it will also be shipped."

The head seriously said:

"With this reel like which is tailored, my strength can play eight-range, and the next world may have a team fight! In order to save thousands of universal points, our team will lose their people or lose. ... Do you have any risk ratio? "

Bill is silent, nodded:

"Head, I know, I am really not suitable for this matter. On the contrary, Mona's negotiating rookie will let the other party put down the heart, sincerely consider selling things to us."


Fanglin Rock certainly didn't know these behind-the-scenes of the twists and turns, he just saw that Bill was an old fox, and his things did not have to especially, so simply walked.

At this point, for Fanglin Rock, the handheld reel is already a landscaping, which is clear that she wants to sell a good price. Since there is not lack of buyers, why is it to deal with Bill?

Fanglin Rock has a very self-knowledge. If there is no confidence to account for cheap from Bill, so you can't afford to hide, so you will not be in the field of the most good in the opponent, and I sold it to him.

That head is absolutely a very powerful guy, actually judges the pattern of Fanglinyan's thinking.

After Fanglin Rock wandered several markets, he suddenly received a SMS that made him snack:

"Dear friend, I am Mona, listening to Bill, I like a black scroll, I am willing to take two silver story levels and you will change."

Fang Lin Yan suddenly told a cold!

This is the equipment of the silver drama, so far, he has had a piece, that is, the " " that is dropped after the Black Magic Master, this is too large, telling the truth in the silver plot The value of the equipment is definitely low.

This is the case, the last Fanglin Yan also successfully changed it three, and the success of success is maximized.

And this Mona opens, it is necessary to use two silver plot levels and this black reel for yourself .... This is really completely, and there is a kind of illusion that Fanglin Rock can't believe in his eyes. There is even a happiness that mice fall into the rice cylinder.

He immediately returned:

"Please forgive, I have to confirm, you are willing to use two silver plot levels, change my scroll: cold ice shines?"

Mona immediately:

"Yes, if you have intention, then we can talk about it."

Fanglin Rock immediately:

"where are you?"

Mona said:

"I just changed from Bill, he has gone, so it is still booth at H District 405."

Fang Linqi heard that Bill's old fritters left, hesitated:

"Okay, I will come."

In fact, Fanglin Rock is only one or two hundred meters away from the H. 405, so it does not cost time when it has passed, and then he sees Mona.

This is a girl with wheat skin. Although I can't see my face, my body is very hot, and I have a slight hoarse feel that gives people the first feeling is sexy.

Fang Lin Ran has not spoken, Mona has already taken the two things that are going to exchange it. Fang Linyan noticed that her heart thinking is not in the transaction. After the things are displayed, they will start to stand on the finger. Niach.

Then, the two things that were taken out were attracted.

The first thing seems to be a wooden pile, but it is also inserted with several horizontal wooden poles. It should be wrapped with brown paint, and it seems long time, there is a pulp of crystal light. phenomenon.

Wing Chun: Wooden Pile

Type: prop

Material: Elm, Tung Oil, Iron, Fluorite Debris, Fine, Obvious Crystallization

Quality: Silver plot

Conditions: Basic Tall LV2 or more

Description: This is a wood-style pile used by a nationalist surgery to practice Wing Chun. For decades, such as a day, this wood man pile is also contaminated into a silky, and after using this item, this prop is permanent. Disappearing, you will randomly get a skill in Wing Chun boxing.

Description: The extraction of a trick will be in the small thought, the hand, seek bridge, labeling, and serial kicks, kick, 6:30, 8..

Inscription: If you hear the sound from the upstairs, please don't be excited, because they may be playing slippers, it is possible to be happy, of course, the biggest possibility is still in the woods.


Looking at this Spring: The description of the wood people, Fang Lin Yan stayed, then immediately pays the information toward Noah, and suddenly I found a very embarrassing thing.

It turns out that there is a hunting that is listed, only the standard and interception kick is the silver plot quality, the remaining minimum is blue quality and black quality, and the extraction is completely random.

So, Huichun: Wooden Pile This props is that the silver plot quality is also reliable, but in case the face is smashed into the blue quality skills ... Isn't that you want to cry without tears?

So, this silver plot class has some names that are not realistic, and even the top more can only say that it is 1/4 of the silver drama propulus.

Next, Fanglin Yan looks to the sexy child to look at another equipment:

Anvit sunglasses

Type: Equipment

Material: plastic, glass, large pieces of micro-light

Quality: Silver plot

Use conditions: limited to women

Equipment: Make the wearer's charm +3, perceive +3

Equipment: Make the wearer's field of view of 10%

Equipment: Any effect that causes blindness to you will be invalid (this effect is priority)

Skills: Focus, focus your line of sight on the target and leave a mark, so that you can continue to track, unless you are more than five kilometers.

Inscription: This is a very excellent sunglasses, the only shortcoming is to use only women.

Looking at these two silver plot items, Square is really a little crying.

Is them not a silver drama item? The answer is inevitable!

Because the other party does not have a deceptive, there is no fake, clearly written in white white.

However, the value of these two items is absolutely no normal silver drama item.

Wing Chun: Wooden pile is completely gambling, face black, then gambling a blue skill is very embarrassing.

The second piece first, it is awareness and charm. These two attributes cannot be said, but it is not like the three major properties of force sensitive, can not directly increase the killing property, so the popularity is affirmative There is no three major properties.

Secondly, the user is a woman, which directly advises 80% of buyers.

The most critical, it is still a silver plot equipment, which represents the seller's psychological base price will be very high.

Why is the thin face before Fanglin Rock? Blue equipment, charm addition than this equipment is high, 5000 points actually transaction price can start ------ This sunglasses are five thousand points of thought to give people a quote?

In this case, although Fanglin Rock feels ourselves with a reel: cold ice shines to change these two things, it is definitely not losing from its value, and even earnings. However, it is a big problem after exchange, and it is necessary to have enough patients waiting for those who appear for the conditions.

However, when the situation of Fanglin Rock himself is still far wealthy, it is possible to rapidly achieve its strength.

In this case, Mona seems to have seen the idea in Fanglin Rock, very simply:

"This way, if you think there is something to see, we can talk about it, you can see what we show here."

Fanglin Rock is in the heart of the heart, saying that the conditions like the truth are still good.

But at this time, a man who has just visited the market is suddenly talking:

"Where are you? Is that cold ice sparkling reel still there?"

Fanglin Rock replied:

"I'm here."

Tono is very simply:

"Where, I am coming to you."

"H District 405 booth."

Fanglin Rock replied.

The result was less than a minute, and the New Gupo came in from outside. He is a very special person. He is wearing a hot robe, and the road is also a fascination, and it is extraordinary.

And he came in, Mona immediately stood up and cooled:

"Don't welcome you here."

The New Glen smiled:

"You can rest assured, even if you ask me in the Arctic circle, I will not come here."

Then he turned to Fanglin Rock Road:

"35,000 universal points, the reel I want."

Mona's expression suddenly became very ubiquitous, so at this time, Mona seems to have received any indication, very simply said:

"forty thousand!"

At this time, Fanglin Rock immediately realized that he was facing a great opportunity at this time. This opportunity to bid a bidding in the auction house could not usually!

After this, he went to a circle of market, and he had been evaluated to the ice sparkling reel:

This skill itself is instant, the power control is strong, and only this point can be worth 15,000.

Second, the rest of the skills have been learned, if there is alternative skills, it is not used to waste, but this skill is existing in the way of the reel, even if it can be used in the future, this is also worth eight Thousands of messages!

Finally, this type of control skills are very scarce in the market, because it can also be able to help, this can also add eight thousand universal points.

Here is the three thousand universal points, that is, the actual psychological price of Fanglin Rock is a 35,000 general point. At this time, Mona has opened 40,000 universal points, which has made Fanglin Rynnesis in the heart of the heart, I can't help but come. The sum of the grat express.

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