The First Evolution

Chapter 26 is extremely endless

It turned out that Fanglin Rock was previously thus thundered at the same time, but the core of the machinery manufactured, and a new elite machinery was summoned.

Then Fanglin Rock is in the front intentional punches, and it is nonsense with Belvil. Of course, it is necessary to give the elite machinery, it will take the steel shock. As a result, Burtville has fallen in the situation, and the opening of the opening is over. Among the calculations of Fanglin Rock.

In the face of the eyes of the eyes, it is the Bird Ville that waves both hands.

Fanglin Rock can certainly miss this great opportunity.

In the spatial training ground, a very skilled way is very skilled in front of Fanglin Rock, and then he directly chose a maximum of power.

So Fanglin Yan will start, and the Berville rushed over, then he burst jumped in advance, and the two positively collided with a moment, Fanglin Rock's double knee super impact on his head!

This moment can even hear the sound of the skull deformation!

Such a bumper is amazing, but the flaw is also quite, the enemy is really dumbfounded once the enemy is.

If Burtville is hurt by the steel shock to the head, it is not true, and Fanglin Rock does not dare to use such an adventure.

After this emptime, Fanglin Rock is also lost to the ground, and immediately climbed up again, this is coming to browse a series of combat information that appears on the retina, and suddenly showed a smile.

"Your running empty knee hind (based on the Basic Bars LV5 / Fighting Trip 3 Addition / Force 14 points), 26-point theoretical injury is caused to the enemy."

"You play double crit (hit head", will cause 52 damage to the enemy. "

"Debut the contracter's mutual attack and deharging rules, will cause 26 damage to the enemy."

"After deducting the enemy's own defense, you causing 19 actual injuries to the enemy."

"The enemy continuously suffered from the short time (five seconds) head, the loss of life reached 34 + 19 = 53, crossing 1/4 of the upper limit of the health, the enemy will fall into the lack of moderate function, caught into the brain Among the negative conditions of the shock, the movement speed, the reaction rate is reduced by 20%, and the duration is 300 seconds. "


To be honest, this Birdville is really self-supporting. If he knows that let Fanglin Rock will be so fierce, then it will definitely say nothing will eat such a big loss.

At this time, Fanglin Ran came to this empty knee and he couldn't keep the center of gravity and fell directly.

Burvil's finals were equally fierce, and they were hitted to play seven or eight rolls, and then they were stopped by the stone next to them.

He breathed a blood on his face. He just waved his head and prepared to stand up, but he was able to put it up with heavy elite machinery. After it was pressed to the ground, he hit his fist.

It is said that the last time, the Langui experience, Langyan felt very appetite, so this trick was forced to keep it by him, set into the attack program of mechanical elite.

However, Burtville has a little bit of strength, that is, his own power value has a lot of sixteen points. Whether it is Fanglin Rock or elite machinery, there is no way to play crush damage.

After being taken on the ground, Bird Burt is a god, it is really anger.

He is expected to be a shot by Fanglin Rock, or a boxing, but it didn't expect such a big loss.

"Ah!" Berville's surprise, open his talent skills: power is endless!

In a short period of time, he allows his strength attribute to soared 100%, and the duration is three minutes or attack the enemy five times.

After opening this talent skill, Birville roaring a scales and hit the elite machinery in front of him. While being shocked, he also hit the elite machinery and talked toward the rear.

Caught this opportunity, Bofvel roared, his hands fiercely grabbed the shoulders of elite machinery, at this time, his power value was as high as 32 points, and he took it out of five or six meters.

The elite machinery hit the strike on the hard rock, scratching a series of sparks, and finally standing in a few laps, falling into a pit next to it, looks like climbing up. difficult.

Through this opportunity, I climbed up, and then immediately biting his teeth, and the hands and feet were pulled by Fanglin Rock.

He is very clear at this time, just a calling thing in front of him, and entanglement is just white feet, directly from Fanglin Rock, this summoner is true.

Just look up at this time, there is almost no blood spurt.

After the original Fanglin Rock, he did not say that he didn't say it, he didn't say it.

Taking advantage of Berville and elite machinery is entangled, it has already escaped more than 30 meters away, and it is actually an AUG rifle to be aimed at Berville.

The AUG rifle appears to be very cold, in fact, the model is very good, and the visibility is not low, the police is special, the purchase shortcut is B44 is it, the self-strap mirror is very high, the posture is also small.

The guns of Fanglin Rock are he spent on the world. It consumes 3,500 universal points and a TK throwing wooden handle to exchange from the market. The quality is just a white weapon, but it is enhanced to LV4.

The value of this gun is that the additional attribute obtained by its LV4 is actually called: repelration, can cause it to cause a stop effect while causing damage to the enemy, and 40% of the chances will repel it.

However, although this hitting is quite high, it is a unclatted double-edged sword. When the enemy tries to rush to you, this skill is definitely very useful.

However, when you pursue the enemy, the repertemption attribute is completely helpless, which is equivalent to accelerating the enemy to escape .......




This series of continuous guns sounded, and it sounded like a rhythm.

In the face of the face is blood, it seems that the injured birds are generally rushing, and Fanglin Rock is very calm to pull the trigger.

This gun is also the most ordinary bullet because it is white weapon, so it is two or three injuries in Bauville.

However, Fanglin Yan still patiences, aims, and shoots.

For the continuous shooting of Fanglin Rock, Berville's choice is to use the thick right hand arm to move forward, then continue to flush, at this time, he has already cursed Fanglin Rock in his heart, and swearing to the death of this death. To crush every bone on him!

However, when Birdvil did not expect it, he suddenly felt a pain from the arm, and he actually came from the part to a soft but there was no resistance, and he launched his hard student toward the back of the force. I disappeared.

This makes Birdville feel very angry because he is blocked, the state of the sprint is gone, and the whole person has entered the status. At this time, it will re-accelerate the sprint again, it is really disgusting More disgusting.

As a result, Burtville just raised the speed, suddenly shirt, because he received a prompt:

"You are hit by the enemy's bullets, you can't fall in a negative state, your mobile speed will reduce 25%, last 10 seconds."

This is the negative effects of Fanglin Rock's foundation shooting LV4.

At this time, Burtville was originally moved by 20% of the brain shock, which is also over, and it is within the acceporated.

However, after the special effects of this Fanglin Rock, the movement speed is equivalent to a reduction of 45%, coupled with 40% of the 40% step back, which is really uncomfortable.

In an angry, Bobvil simply took out the bomb gun in the waist and was brought to Fanglin Rock!

Fang Linyan hiding behind a rock, said very well,

He at this time, the remote defense has reached an amazing 23 point.

At the same time, there is a protective animal bone chain to minus 17%.

Self-belled 17%,

The contractors attack each other by 50% ...

So, even if Bethvil's remote attack power reaches 100 points, but also guarantees that the hit rate hits him.

The contractor rule decreased by 50%, and the remaining injuries were 50 points.

Defense is reduced by 47.9%, and the remaining injuries are 26 points.

The chain of the protectors' beast is reduced by 17%, and the actual damage caused by the remaining is 21. ...

Such injury, although Fanglin Rock only has 60 health of life, even if it does not turn shield, it can resist two shots.

Two shots have been resistant to a bottle of treatment, and then resist the two shots.

Then use the tender branches of the world trees after the two shots, then resist the two shots .....

Burvil is approaching to five meters at this time, so it is also a bit hoping that you can use the bomb gun to stabilize an amazing one hundred theoretical damage.

However, the cruel reality is that Bervil is still more than 20 meters from Fanglin Rock, and Fanglin Rock also hid behind a rock behind ....

In this case, don't say one hundred points of theoretical damage, it is also difficult to play!

It's just a three-wheel, Birville found that he was also in it, because there was a buffering of this time, the hard-wrapped machine elite summoner actually chased it up from behind, two words, don't say a saying .

The key is that this mechanical monster actually is very familiar with the melee, but also wants to show the joint technology from time to time, this is really vicious to fleate.

In this case, Birville took a sigh of breath and looked at Fanglin Rock's eyes filled with dignity. At this time, he finally realized that he was only afraid to take a look.

In front of this trial, I am only afraid that the strength has already arrived at the standard of contractors. The reason why it is still trying, it is not good to hide the genius of hidden career.

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