The First Evolution

Chapter 29 Capture

Therefore, he has spent 2 potential points and 3000 universal points, enhances the foundation to the LV5. In this way, his base melee level level has reached the world-level seed player, which is equivalent to compete with the Olympic Games for gold medals. The group of people compared to the matter.

Not only that, Fanglin Rock found that this time he made a campaign in this world: When the mechanical core, the Linguang flashed to optimize a line.

He didn't know what changes would be caused by this optimization.

As a result, at this time, it was found that the actual effect is that the maximum health of elite machinery has reduced two hundred points, but the steel shock of its raised steel has additional characteristics, that is, the enemy can make the enemy It is dizzy for 1 second.

After getting this conclusion, Fanglin Rock chose to temporarily dispel the elite mechanical supervision and began to continue debugging.

It is found that this optimization is the most extreme, and the highest can make the mechanical elite's steel impact dizziness time reached 2.5 seconds, but the price is 10 points, the maximum health is reduced by 200 points, and it is necessary to pay for 2 seconds. .

However, it is obvious that this cost is not high.

Finally, Fanglin Rock Right Heighng ands, the result of final debugging is that the steel shock of elite machinery can be dizzy for 2 seconds, and will not slammed the enemy, but its own defense reduces 5 points, the maximum health is 200 points, the cooling time is also Extension 1/3.


After ten minutes, Fanglin Rock found that he had been re-adjusted to the best level, and he returned to the water source, and found that the variant cement was still eating.

And a pair of tentacles of its head became bright red. After congestion, it turned into some moths' feathers. I didn't know because a full meal begins to be excited, or it's the original face.

Before Burtville said that Square Lin Yan was deceived, this is really a little Fang Lin Ran. To be honest, Fang Lin Ran really didn't see that this is a murderous bee.

At this time, Fanglin has begun to slowly close the mud bee, close to 30 meters, and it has two laminated brids on the back legs. It looks full of toughness, and then holds both legs and together, Just formed a wonderful net pocket, it looks like a shopping cart in the supermarket.

Motivate the mutter spit most of the meat that bits yourself in the net legs.

After seeing this scene, Fang Linyan's heart was once, and suddenly he had already launched the moment to start attack immediately, then released the drone to start moving.

So fast, this variant the bee fly flashed, it did not see the length of the long-distance flight ability, not to drag the almost more than 20 kilograms of blood, so it is probably flying out hundreds of meters It will stop, which makes Fanglin Rock more convenient to track.

The result is probably only to fly around the kilometer. This variant is falling down, enters the side of the side of the deardes.

Fang Linyan's heart is happy, immediately followed it, found that in the walls in this deep ditch, it was excavated by this ceasete, and it has been successfully produced inside, and there are two eggs. The young bee has been hatched, and it is rushing on the blood on the blood.

"The meteorite fall is ten days ago ......." Fanglin Rock calculated in the heart:

"If this variant is found in ten days, it is too far away from the process of taking the diamond / marriage / marriage / prenatal / buying area, so there is only one truth, that is the truth. This variant is infected during pregnancy. "

He thought of, but didn't be idle in his hands, raised the anesthesia gun in his hand, and then the sprily switched into a ring mode, aiming at the hole, pulling the trigger.

"" Sounds, sounds like the plug is pulled out of the wine bottle, and a tear that is smoking is incident into the nest of the cement.

At the same time, Fanglin Rock also deliberately let the drone hover in the hole.

The stuff that Fanglin Rock said is a tearful bomb, in fact, it is rumored by Dickland, and the smog that has taken place actually contains a strong anesthetic effect.

If it is in the rest, the mother variant is facing such a bad situation, it can fly out of the opposition to the opposition or escape.

However, in your own nest, it is absolutely not, because the drone of Fanglin Rock put it makes it a threat, once it leaves the enemy, then you can't guard your egg.

So it chose to bite the teeth in the nest.

This scene is Fang Linyan's music, so he put a anesthetic bomb in a few minutes, let the cave continue to ensure high-concentration anesthetic state.

After ten minutes, he controls the drone in the past, and suddenly the parent in the cave and the young bee in the hole and hatching are not moved, and they are in depth anesthesia.

Next, Fanglin Yan starts to take pictures, shoot videos, these shooting processes have a strict requirement, such as shooting distance can't exceed how far, such as the photos must include vision and close, in short, and in the car accident The test is similar.

Then, these detailed first-hand data is uploaded to the designated network safe, and there will be more than five people to perform screening, building, registration ------- These things seem to be cumbersome, actually Dakland The company's prescribed process.

One is to collect the data of variant creatures as much as possible.

The second is to avoid malignant events such as disputes and greed.

For example, a variant creature is caught several people, and the public is known to have a reason, and it is claimed to be caught.

So embarrassed, everything is subject to the above time, who first submits the original information of these first hands, who is who the credit is.

People responsible for identifying the library information more than five, belonging to three different departments, so the chance to cheat is extremely small.

Fanglinyan's data quickly received, and someone started to contact him after ten minutes, and then let him give a specific location and prepare to discharge special fireworks positioning coordinates.

After twenty minutes, a "support slavery" helicopter flew over, then jumped over six very professional staff, quickly transporting the mud bee and young bee, not only, they even around Dirt did not let go.

Then jumping from above, a man wearing a white coat, Nirle, a highway:

"It's good, I didn't expect that you have just arrived last night!"

Fang Lin Yan smiled:

"I am just lucky."

This man smiled slightly:

"I have never believed in luck ..." Do you want to go with us? "

Fanglin Yan shrugged:

"Yes, I am still quite good now, but the anesthesioplast consumes seven or eight eight. So even if there is any discovery, I can only open it, unless I plan to dry off the variant ... Or by it. "

When the man nodded, he invited Fanglinyan on the plane, and then stop the helicopter driver in the temporary camp.

On the plane, Lin Yan and this man talked a few words, and he knew that he was called Delto, and he looked at him to know that he was a big figure.

However, there is no chat with two helicopters to the temporary camp, which looks like Delto's impression of Lin Yan, nor does it know if it is a role.

When Fanglin Rock offers a plane, Eisen and Tana have been greeted below, but they are obviously rushing to Drento, but the latter is just faint to wavily leave.

At this time, Tanner saw Fanglinyan, finally did not board a dead face, and someone who will do things can be welcomed, encouraged his shoulders:

"It's good, the news that has just been received is that your team captured the variant creatures of three stars. As of the current, it was the highest value of the value in this action."

Fang Lin Yan sighed his mouth:

"After arrived last night, I will order the rest of the team and I will start with me, but I am sorry, no one cares about me, so this action is my credit, and they have nothing to do."

Tana's eyes showed a smear:

"Very good, I know."

Fanglin Yok's time is also a good time. I didn't make a score to tell the department who didn't listen to the call. The thing is obviously a thorns that can't help it, and appease him.

After the card, Fang Lin Yan stated that he had a very hard and hoping supply last night.

Tana immediately told Eisen, and the other forest rock will give priority and provide the most advanced equipment to the past.

Although Esson is very not a cold because of the ones of the fight, now, the leader is only able to speak, and the Fanglin Rock directly took the newly opened modified specialties, there is the latest shipping Supplement.

After entering the replenishment, Fanglin Rock straight into the rice cylinder straight, what smoke bomb / anesthesia bomb / explosive grenade / special hand thunder, anyway, he is now promoted to Shangshi, private space A lot.

This guy stayed in the replenishment of 20 minutes to stay in the room, and seeing the expression of his face. It felt very wretched. If it is one other smoke, you will be considered by the passers-by. .

After the replenishment, Fanglin Ran wants to find someone to inquire the latest situation, but found that most people in the camp are bright when they are bright, so there is almost no one outside of the staff.

So he went to the temporary headquarters to report it, ready to make a task again, and the result was called by Eisen, and he came to another special car.


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