The darts came to her, and she took her shoulders. The koi's body was obviously trembled, and then opened his hand in a few seconds, and angered:

"what are you doing."

The darts are transferred in time:

"Yes, how do you get this monster? It's still two heads. If it is not my happens to find you, help you solve a head, you are in trouble today."

He said, one side of the food, the bodies, lifted the Pakistan.

Although Koi knows that the darts are in the truth, it is still cold:

"Do you think I can't pay it? What do you want to do?"

The darts have become accustomed to the voice of Koi, and the coldness is not thinking about her, laughing and laughing:

"I am a guy, this person is called a wrench. He is really like a loach. I am not easy to catch his trail in Utah. I didn't expect this bird after ten hours. The ghost place, I almost thought that the time-space road was wrong. "

Koi really focused, Qi Dao:

"You got the time and space on him! This is a bloody. What is the things that he makes you so angry?"

The dart laughed and laughed:

"He wandered in the market, but he took out our boss to go to something, plus the romance of the hostile team, so that the boss can only bite to teeth, and let his life and wrench change, but When I exchange, I took the time and space on him, and then sent me over, let me be responsible for chasing this thing back. "

After that, after the end of the darts, the palm of the palm of the palm had more ipad size, and then turned a few:

"This time our team uses the time and space of the team to be low-distributed. It can only be blurred to be three kilometers near the target, so I have a hard to find someone, I am, I am, this is the wrench I collected, Have you seen him? "

Koi took the handheld computer and then read photos for a while, nodded:

"I have seen it, he followed the company here, the identity should be a small group."

Then the koi recalled him:

"You know, I am hired in Gambower, and their news is behind, so I will give me a task, I want to monitor the help of Dickland, and then find The opportunity has done a guide to the road to Dickland. "

"Not only that, but also give me an emergency task, you have to continuously use the laser positioning system to make them precisely from the war of Yermie's watches from the nearland track."

"When I continued to guide, I must aim at the group of Dhaklan's group of people, and the boot time is up to eight seconds, so I have paid a huge price."

The darts smiled and went to take her shoulders:

"You must have no problem, then?"

Koi opened his hand and he glanced at him:

"Then I opened the battlefield monitoring system, changed a sniper bit, see if there is a chance to leak."

"However, although Gambower is very powerful, and the people of Dickland are difficult to make up, but in the end, I still didn't find the opportunity, but I was very disgusting a delicious lickier .. .... So you can make sure the people you're looking here, and I also have a recording of its combat process. "

The dart smiled slightly:

"I know you won't let me down."

Koi is very simply spread out:

"To record, give money."

Dart Haha smiled:

"No problem, I will see the goods first."

Koi nodded, taken out the component of the battlefield monitoring system from the waist and start playing.

The darts began to look more serious, but the back is gradually spread, some disdain:

"This wrench is this level?"

It turned out that when he was fighting with the semi-mechanical gorcheon, Fanglin Yan has always been very simply soy sauce, so the things that the darts seen are completely the farthest, taking the firearms of the firearms.

Koi also said at this time:

"Well, this person's shooting level is not bad, but it is fetched by you, his movement is not fast, the middle and lower level, the perception should be, it can always avoid the nausea of ​​vomit, so it should be a standard Gunner, but you don't want to be bad, don't he are hiding? "

The darts are faint:

"I am doing this person is the style of lion rabbit, you can rest assured, no matter what he hides, I will have to make it."

Koi hesitated:

"You have to be careful about this person, you know, my eyes are very special, you can see some strange things from small."

"I was watching him at the time, I found that he had a strange phantom, but a snow-white owl parked on the green branch, it should be a look of a god, so, if you simply be used as a gunman If you have no bigger, you have to eat a big loss.

The darts mouth is slightly:

"Oh? God? Sorry, I have a means of restraint!"


Although the wizard is killed, it is basically determined to come to the vicinity of the Veronica laboratory, so Derto ordered to find local stationed and build a temporary camp.

At the construction of the camp, Delto's mood became very good, because this time Gambower can say it is a big loss, it costs the huge price to put his own body weapon.

The result did not reach a strategic goal, but the wreckage of their own organisms was also got by Dickland, I believe that many trade secrets can be obtained from it.

These are Delto's credits.

After completing these things, Derto convened its own people, divided into six groups, then scratched into the district, and lived in finding the Veronica laboratory.

Fanglin Rock will not be said, continue to lead Coke and Limm.

After the three came out of about seven or eight hundred meters, Cal was stopped and started to put a seemingly ipad's instrument on the ground. Following Limi and throwing a bomb in the sidelight.

This is the black technology of Dakland, and analyzes the internal structure of the valley with the shock wave generated by the bomb, and then that detector can automatically conduct surveying and investigation.

After about seven or eight seconds, Karli took the detector on the ground, and found that it had already depicted the nearby terrain, and there were four red dots in the nearby valley map, and there is a text. Description:

"These locations have a certain difference in the normal formation of the geological structure, and there may be artificial buildings."

The three people walked through the nearest red nodes, and the winds were still very big. He worked on wind and air mirror, but he was disappointed after the red dot area.

Because this is a cliff, it is deeply unspeakable, and even a buzzing yellow pungent smoke is taken out from the rock crack on the cliff, so even if it is hidden, Fang Lin Yan is not in a short time. Maybe understand.

So Kah can only draw a question mark at this red point, indicating that it is survey. If the last summary is not found in the Ronika laboratory, then these are only hard to search.

Next, they went to the second red point. I quickly found that there was a landslide. One piece I didn't know what texture rolled down from above. This stone can be said to be hard. I have already smashed a deep pit.

Then Tangyan went to the third red point, this red dot looks very close, but is in the opposite of a canyon. The middle space is separated from the deep mountain stream of five or ten meters. The following rocks seem to be interlaced in the dog, which is daunting, so the whole is more than three hours.

Here is the open area of ​​the canyon, so the wind is much fierce, and the nearby rocks are high, as if a skewers who have not been cleaned, it is a misery, dog teeth, forming a rocky landscape.

However, Fang Lin Yan noticed that in these confusing stone cones, there is a road around it, although it is no longer known to have not been repaired, but it can be used to see the direction of travel.

Soon, Cal is even discovered a site of a permanent position on a high-level highlands.

Although the artificial building here has been removed, the Lim is watching it on the ground. It is found that there are more than a dozen deep hole in the highland, at least in the depth position of 2 meters, these deep The hole is to take down the fixed steel pile, whether it is setting the landwork or the replenishment station.

After going forward, Fanglin Rock found a manual hole, the edge of the cave is very smooth, and it is artificial, at least five meters high, ten meters wide, and the two side of the entrance to find a clear battle. Anti-herme, but the hole seems to have been collapsed, and the crushed stone is full of passages directly.

I saw this scene, Calb walked over and carefully:

"This is human blown, a total of six detonation points simultaneously explosion, directly blown more than 10 meters long caves."

He is an expert in blasting. It is very authoritative in this regard.

Fang Lin Yan frowned:

"Everyone searches."

The result is very fast, Limi shouted, it turned out in front of him, and there was a deep crack in front of him.

According to the measurement, this crack should be at the top of the artificial cave and have been around the collapse.

Three people are looking at it, Lim Road:

"Are we going back to report now? Is it going in to explore?"

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