The First Evolution

Chapter 63 Third

In the face of this brutal scene, the civilian staff Lancot has been shocked, but I don't dare to say more than half words, and the terror of Tin rock is poisoned by him.

However, it is more than him. Fang Lin Yan never does nothing to do, as long as he is obedient, Fanglin Rock will definitely try his safety.

"Well?" At this time, Fanglin Yan suddenly found that Noah's print began to vibrate, and then a line of news appeared on the retina: "Can you receive it?"

Fanglin Rock Heart is a happy road:


Goat replies:

"I have now followed the directors of Vincale to the remains, and the distance between our two sides is shortened to two kilometers, and the supermarhe beacon determines that we are already a short-range call, so you can call it at will, no need to pay. "

Fanglin Rock Road:

"You are best, what is the situation now."


"You have to be careful, now Fenchur finds that the attack is frustrated, so I put a group of special infections used in actual combat, and I have been weak. I also saw the vomiting people who have appeared before, it should be responsible for test data. Road, you have to be careful. "

Fanglin Rock Road:

"okay, got it."

After hearing this news, Fanglin Yan also began to double carefully. Sure enough, after five minutes, he encountered a special infectious vomiting.

However, because of the experience of dealing with its experience, it is attacked when it is vomiting, and the Fanglin Rock is injected from its mouth, and immediately hurts his head.

Next, this is a clear pick-up to the grenade transmitter to give it a hair, filling it is burning grenade, and then let it pay directly.

It is just a hard to scream.

Probably heard the explosion, another special infected person is also as scheduled, this shape, thin monster, is called a loon.

It is only similar to humans, and its hands are thick and thin, and its gene should be mixed into the gecko, frog, etc., so able to climb, you can go to the normal person can't reach, then initiate with a strange angle Raid.

Once you look at its appearance, you will feel like a nightmare that I have arrived at the horror, because half of his face is a tumor, with an amazing tongue.

Once it is locked by it, it will spit out of the ten-meter-long tongue. This stuff is accurately, it has become more similar to the snake and tentacles, and the speed is very fast.

The tongue will secrete strong paralysis to the body of the person, so that the people who have lost their actions in two or three seconds, and then drag the roll into the dark corners of the side.

It is probably that the rest is not good, so its attack targets Lancott, Lancot has no resistance to the force, and is dragged and drove.

Fortunately, the elid next to it in time, clunging the terrible yellow tongue saved it, and at the same time, it took the power to pull the loon to himself.

How can the ordinary power of the lizards are confronted with the clear people, and they are pulled over. It is just that it seems to have the ability to cut the limbs in the lizard. Therefore, when I actively cut off the long tongue, then quickly flee it. go with,

Fanglin Yan has opened two shots, but the bullets played in this special infectious body, but they only took out two groups of green smoke, it was not painful, even its actions did not affect.

Seeing this scene, Fanglin Rock suddenly moved in the heart, and it was reasonable that Vincao was the main research direction with mutated beasts, while Gambower's research direction is the combination of mechanical and human body.

However, at this time, both companies have taken the vomiting of this special infection from human variation, and the opposite is the development of human potential, Daxan, is a blank in this area ...

What is the meaning behind this is the representative of Vincao and Gambo intend to initiate challenges to Dickland's field.

What is the bottom of their challenge? From a series of things that have occurred in the near future, is it a significant breakthrough from the meteorite debris?


Half an hour later,

Fanglin Rock has led two clerks, and the special infection of Fench is sent in, and the people who have saved several withdrawals will be saved, and they also sent them to the power chart along with Rancot.

At this time, Finch is also the exact information, Gambower has been searching for another remains, is not satisfied with the results of the search. They are about to take this, leave it to Fenchier. The company has not time,

Therefore, Finch is very simply starting the bus, pressing all the power to advance, and it is necessary to work hard.

But Vinci has not expected that their plans and whereabouts are completely sold by the goats.

Then Tangyan uses the environment here, and produces several temporary traps in the top of the remaining laboratory. Next, the elite machine is quasi-pronounced, and the probe specifically detects the variant biological detector. Silently stay.

And after the elite machinery is transformed, it is completely a steel cream that is created, nor does it cause the attention of the body weapon released by Finch.

In this case, when Ventell came to this passage, the elite machinery was distorted by the elite machine to detonate the laboratory of the laboratory. The two high-level are not combat staff, just a high level of weight. ,

Under the scorpion, hundreds of steel beads were blown out from top to bottom, and the high-rise of Vintel was killed on the spot, and this guy was usually not very much, and the goat looked at him. I haven't been pleasing to the eye.

Goat is a prompt of Fanglin Rock, and directly fell another high-rise to the ground directly. It saved another high-level life.

In this case, it is also a very happy situation. Fanglin Rock killed a high-rise of Finch, once again, and took the other party commanding the system, immediately launched a frenzy with two clear people, and killed the threat. The largest giant sword tiger.

Similarly, the goat is also working hard, and the Town of the Town is the Savior. The name is that the high level of his quite appreciation is to be in great importance by his talents, which will be moved by his faith.

If the goat can see the relationship between the two, it must be rising from friendly in the moment of being thrown ...

However, when saving people, the goat is just protecting the high-level face and the chest and abdomen. His legs are also raised by the six-seven steel beads, which can be said to be painful.

For the happiness of your own life, this high-level immediately gave yourself injecting drugs, and then sent to the rear for treatment, and unavoidable to get rid of the battlefield.

Next command to command the heavy responsibility of the variation of organisms to continue the battle, it is inevitable to hand in the hands of the goat .......

So the two were really difficult to fight, and the outsiders were fierce, and they have been hitting the remains of the labore laboratory from the inside of the remains.

Under the outstanding command of the goat, actually hard-erased the situation of the disadvantage to pull back, after a huge price, actually caught a broken arm.

This is the signature biochemical weapon of Dakland! Just like mentioning the Russian Air Force Su 27, the Japanese Air Force's zero, the French Air Force's phantom, can get this harvest, there is no one dare to lose the loss of the resource loss under the hand under the goat.

The goat is still standing, and there are several transformation of the snake directly to the other Lin Yan, because the scene is more and more, so the two are directly hit,

Of course, it is the kind of discussion.

I saw that Fanglin Rock hit the shoulder of the goat, and suddenly blood flow was asked.

Goats are also unsweound, grabbing the opportunity, a big fireball bombards the past, this stuff is absolutely unbearable, and the scope of damage is caused by hitting the target, the difference is similar to a grenade.

Immediately, the fire is the bears, and the fire is full of fire, and the hair is twisted.

According to the two conventional plans, the last Fanglin Rock should eat a big fireball.

Goats will be hidden by Fanglinyan: Elite Machinery is a punch, and finally the wolf fails, and this kind is also defeated.

After so-handling, even if the on-site battle may be seen by the rest of the person, it will definitely think that both parties are fire in the real gun.

The goat squatted, holding the wound on the right shoulder, blood came out from the fingertips, the whole person is behind the hard rock, only revealing a pair of eyes and half a head come out to wait and see the opposite situation .

Then he rolled back to another rock, suddenly there is a brightness, seeing that it should be captured the flaws of the enemy, and immediately touched the hands.

At this time, the goat looks very nervous, but the heart is really relaxed in this combination of the drama, and I can't wait to play a few yawns.

But at this time, his ear suddenly sounded a voice:

"Don't go, there is a trap in front."

When this suddenly rang, it turned away when she was scared, hurriedly said:

"Who are you? How did you contact me?"

That voice is faint:

"Like you, you want to kill the opposite of the gentleman, as for such a contact method, it is more simple, and a little thing sold in the merits of the store."

When the goat suddenly surprised, but many years of rich sales experience made him have used to facing a variety of unexpected conditions, and the things that encountered the black big Hanqiang trousers can be perfect, and successfully promoted a box of Su Ermei, now this situation only needs to be calm:

"Oh, I think you are a gentle brother, deliberately want to set up, I am going!"

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