The First Evolution

Chapter 81 Learning a Lianyan Japanese Writing

At this time, the goat suddenly pulled the rock, the two were returned to the shadow office next to the shadow, and the goat took the lead in sucking a mouth:

"Head, we are only afraid to take risks."

Fang Lin Yan frowed:

"Do you say that it is strong? I also considered it, but once it is exposed, the pressure we have to face is very amazing, Gambower will definitely come to us!"

Goat shakes his head:

"No, there is a possibility, that is, we directly destroy the camera, then directly kill this monster with the moment of Thunder! Do you think that Gambower will think?"

Fang Lin Yan's eyes suddenly bright!

The proposal of the goat is indeed in his thinking blind spot. For those of Gambower, this special infected person should only be sent to the road, and it will collect its own data.

After all, the meteorite fell talented ten days, it was modulated as a special infection, and it should be in the test period.

Therefore, once they are like the goats, they directly played the effect of this monster "sudden death". Most people who think of Gambower are extremely dangerous here, or the special infected person's own gene is unstable Will not think of the funeral dog of the Daxia company.

Therefore, their most normal reactions are definitely not immediately dispatched with the army ------- Here is the danger of being infected with the special infection, there may be a lower end ------- but Displaying one to two investigators figured out what happened here.

In this case, the two of Fanglin Rock won enough time.

Fang Linyan shakes his head:

"Directly destroying the camera is very difficult, and I suspect that the hunter's eyes also have the function of transmitting data, so we launch an offense from behind, and I can control drones directly shoot flash bomb as a first."

"Special infected people's hunters are quite special. I suspect that it has night vision, so it should be very susceptible to strong light. Of course, this is just guessing, but I think at least we can fight for five to eight seconds of attack time .. .... "


Speaking here, Fang Linyan suddenly

Looking at the special infection: The hunter's life frowned.

Because he is about to count, it is necessary to play the effect of the enemy. He and the goat are not grasp, even if it is the output of the mechanical elite, it is also a big difference.

Unless it is possible to play the effect of rolling, even if it is, it is estimated that it takes a whole ten seconds!

This assumption is too much, the first must be crushing, the second must have a whole ten seconds,

And the one who done this family is 10 seconds. The shock of "sudden death" is not so strong, and even the people of Gambower will think that the dispatch of defense and life is relatively fragile hunters. Can support this dangerous area for ten seconds, there is not much dangerous here ...

Obviously, Fanglin Rock's watches have also seen it, but this time is completely hard, goat is also helping, can only rely on Fanglin Rock to make a decision.

At this time, Fanglin Rock can only sigh a sigh of relief, watching a thing in the private storage space.

For this thing, he has been a little played, even if it is very confirmed, I plan to bring it back to the space to sell, because the chewing is not a big taboo.

But in front of the dilemma, he can only change the previous plans unless you give up this hidden main line task, it is absolutely unacceptable!

Trial, ZB419, do you want to use props, Wom Spring: Wooden Pile?

Using this prop version will consume 3000 universal points, and the user's base melee must be above LV4, and the power must be above 13 points, perceived more than 10 points.

After using this props, you will get skills: even the row of Japanese characters.


Fang Lin Yan sighed a sigh, chose it.

Suddenly, 3000 universal points were directly deducted. His mind suddenly appeared a person wearing a blue gown on a pair of wood people.

This person is back to yourself, the body is thin, but it has a strong temperament that is strong and upright.

Initially, this person hit the movement of the woods and the movement, which can be said that even the primary school students can do.

However, his movements are slowly accelerated over time, and it is not sudden to explode, but there is an unsuccessful calmness.

Just like the source of the Yangtze River Yellow River is just a small stream. It is so losing that it is unver, let me gather, and finally into the long dragon.

In the end, the double punch of this person has been unclear, and it has become a phantom, and the hit is hit on the wood man!

Suddenly, he will hold his best, and it will become extremely quiet.

Then punch for the palm, and the palm is slowly pressed down from Dan Tian, ​​gently smashing, and finishing the job.

After reading this scene, the prompt appeared on the retina of Fanglin Rock:

"Trial, ZB419, you successfully got the skills: Wing Chun.

". Even the row of Japanese words LV1."

"This is a famous boxing from modern China, which has very strong combat, accounting very advantage in the nearby fight."

"The owner must launch this skill when it is not more than 40 cm from the enemy, and can only use fists to attack."

"After launching this skill, you will play 7 boxes in 1.5 seconds. Once the enemy will be in the fist, it will be in the state until the skills launched."

"The damage value of each punch in the Japanese rushing punch is: (currently the Basic Battle Level) × 2 + Power Value / 3." (Converted as Fanglin Rock is 5 × 2 + 17/3 = 15.6)

"Because you didn't practice Wing Chun into the door. Small thought. So you launched Wing Chun every time, when you rush, you will cause mild damage because you are inappropriate, lose 15 points for life, and cool Time is extended by 300%. "

"The way of Wing Chun is ingenious, in the speed, in the square, in the advance retreat, sincerity, sincerity ..."


Looking at the series of tips on the retina, Fang Lin Yan was once in the initial heart, because he was about to count, if it was a Huichun. If the day, the day, the day, the rushing, the success of the opponent, will cause more than one in a short time 100 point theory hurt! Such an explosive force can be said to be quite powerful.

Not only that, if the enemy's power value is not as good as yourself, if you succeed, the damage is more amazing!

If the explosive power of this boxing is so amazing, he is estimated that you will not learn when you get your hand.

However, after seeing the negative effect, Fang Linyan is still surprised.

The negative effect that will lose his life is 15 o'clock, and you have the protection of Athena's guard, which is not very valued, but the cooling time is 300% this is a bit pit.

Because there is no clear explanation, it will seriously affect its strategic value seriously, if it is too long.

Fortunately, after further inquiry of Fanglin Rock, it was found that the specific cooling time was 3 minutes, and immediately loosened the long gas. Obviously 300% of this data is too confusing. If the description is that the cooling time is extended from 1 minute to 3 minutes. So obviously not so let him be tangled.

There is an all of the best, the two no longer hesitate, after a simple discussion, after a detail of the shot, you will be prepared directly!


at the same time,

Before Fanglin Rock found that there was a headquarters in the hall of electric forklifts, it was already a headquarters that was built by temporary transformation, and more than a dozen Gambower researchers were exciting to move, summarize all kinds of data.

From time to time, there will be "treasure" "God," "God", the exclamation from the inner heart is issued from the mouth of these researchers.

Obviously, here is the meaning of Gamba, which is much larger than the rooftop rock.

Fanglin Rock can't recognize parts like a piece of iron, have been collected by Gambio, placed in the center.

A man wearing jeans and gray windbreaker is sitting in the chair in the middle of the lobby, his coolness and the excitement of the surrounding researchers have formed a distinct contrast.

He is the master of Gambower: Lhasare.

Compared with the supervisor dispatched with the remaining company, Lhasare has not only had a high position inside Gambower, but he also has strong combat power. He wear black leather gloves, the right hand of the black leather gloves is actively cut off three years ago. Then be converted to a robotic arm.

When I was first installed, I am amazing, and now I have repeatedly adjusted upgrades, even those inside the company don't know their specific combat power.

At this time, a researchers hurriedly ran over, and his face was sweating DC, and the road:

"SIR, the first study room exploded, and triggered fire, we lost three experimoctures to rescue some of the scarce materials !!"

The first research room said in his mouth is a research office with a large number of mechanical artificial organs.

When I heard the researcher, the rest of the many people stood up, biting his teeth, as if he was burned than his own home and was uncomfortable. .

At this time, another researcher also screamed:

"The second research room discovered a unfolded bomb !! I doubt that the dead bastard is placed in all the key facilities, I apply for a comprehensive investigation of important regions, otherwise, we face the loss Will be unprecedented! "

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