The First Evolution

86th chapter turtle

Fanglin Rock and the goat suddenly widened, this crustaceous creature case, actually a metal texture?

And after ten seconds, the poor fish broke out, the abdomen was flowed out of the places, and the blood of the silk was blocked, and the crustal creature was very fast.

However, the rock next to it, fierce a black shadow, it seems like a sea bream, it seems to be a sea snake, open with a big mouth with sharp teeth, and put this crustacean. The dead fish bite together.

At this time, the crustal biology is still struggling, but this fierce sauce has bulld it directly, and then supplemented a few mouthfuls, it is directly swallowed.

See this scene, the goat is surprised:

"Head, the teeth of the squat seems to be a bit wrong."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I saw it, it should be a metal texture."

Goat shocked:

"This ... this is really subverting my imagination."

Fanglin Yan Shen Sudoku:

"This should be the reason why the blood umbrella company's biological machinery department technology has flew, and they use the submersible to catch these naturally generated semi-metallic organisms, and then study, of course, more than half of the skills!"

"And here is still the periphery of this mysterious dangerous area, there have been this semi-metallic organism, you think about it, will there be more important to find value?"

The goat captures another keyword in Fanglin Rock.

"Half metal creature? To your description, your description is completely correct, like the crustal biology and sauce we have seen before, it has evolved from the metal shell and teeth, the metal organs used to protect themselves. Let yourself be more powerful, I suspect that the skeleton of the squat can even be metal. "

Fang Lin Yan stunned eyes, with a worry:

"Now we have to face the dangers, that is, try to avoid the creatures that appear here, and evolve them out of the metal organs, is the ability to pose threate to our submersible, I only I hope that the direction of the arrow indicates should not take us on the top. "

Goats have smiled:

"It should not be."

The worries of the two people have finally become reality, but they will continue to do less than 30 meters, and the arrow begins to deflect, pointing to the lower right.

Fanglin Rock also began to control the control, steering, and left the area from the top of the turtle, and then scratched a curve and went down to the bottom.

Soon, Fanglin Rock and the goat discovered that if the back of the turtle is highly seen as a super turtle fossil, they are at this point where the tail is at this time.

At almost 50 meters below the turtle, there is a deep flat cave. The light is shun it as if it is in the darkness of the inside, and there is no thing in the dark.

The arrow on the retina is straight to the direction, meaning is obvious, that is, let them enter the cave.

"........" Fang Lin Yan seems to have a breath, bitter, smile: "To be honest, I started to have some regrets to come here."

The goat has been surprised by the goat:


Fang Lin Yan laughed and took a shot of his shoulder:

"Relax, I just started a joke."

Then a push-to-control rod, the submersible was aligned with the cave and quickly opened the past.

It seems that this cave looks like it is not big. It is just that it is only half of it. It is only a half of the mud, and it is likely to be only a third.

Therefore, this submersible needs to be very careful to squeeze, and the people of the blood umbrella company should be cleaned up to the mouth of this cave, so it will be much simpler.

Listening to the housing of the submersible, rubbing the sound of "gure" sound on the hole wall, Fanglin Rock and goats also pinched a sweat at the same time, and underwater was also rolled up, it was turbid, almost almost sight. They all shake it.

It is also a narrow in the hole. When the submersible is barely squeezed in the speed of the snail, it will feel much better than the imagination.

Looking at the cave, you can see some places and even obvious cut traces should be the people of the blood umbrella company.

Just when the two continued to move forward, they suddenly felt that the entire cave seems to be slightly shocked, followed by, although in a sealed submersible, it can still feel like there is a gas wave Generally speaking.

Under this mysterious impact, you can see the searchlight outside the submersible start to keep shining, and even the electronic devices above the dashboard are completely in chaos, and the headphones next to them are more coming. " "The interference.

Fang Lin Yan suddenly understood that the mysterious fluctuation pulse appeared. This stuff also directly turned to a no-fly zone near hundreds of square kilometers, it seems to be a burst of you. The timed bomb opened, the electronic device launched a devastating blow.

Fortunately, the bloody rain umbrella has long confrontational experience already has a wealth of experience, so the electronic instrument applied to this submersible is also special or strengthened. At this time, although there is no pecracotive protection, Actually, it can also be strong in power-on.

It is only possible to feel obvious, and the durability is also like the residual candles in the wind, and it may be completely completed at any time.

Good time in this way, there is no longer last for too long, about ten seconds.

Fanglin Rock immediately checked it, and found that it is only to damage several irrelevant parts, such as stretching the robot's sampling, etc., does not affect the main function, and finally put it down.

The submersible continues to walk towards the front, and it can be obvious. This underwater giant hole has a slightly tilted angle, directly into the bottom.

In this case, the passage of time seems to be slow, the breathing of the two people in Fanglin Rock and the goat is also a little urgent, and the heart is also ready to prepare for all difficulties.

Suddenly, the whole submersible is obvious, Fang Linyan is shocked, immediately controls the submersible to move next to it, then suddenly slow, suddenly see the side of the observation window next to it, suddenly brushing a huge Black shadow.

This black shadow probably has a hatchback size, it seems that the speed of swimming in the water is still quite fast.

Waiting for Fanglin Rocks, the goat has successfully controlled the next searchlight, and suddenly see this giant black shadow is actually a strange life like a turtle, and its form is like a large turtle shell. There is a lot of jellyfish, it looks very strange.

Its entire volume is along with the tentacles, even has a bus size.

Not only that, because its jellyfish has a large amount of glowing symptoms, it seems that the stars have dotted blue, purple, and colorful light. As its swim is flashing, it seems quite beautiful.

Fanglin Rock saw a brand new wiger above its hard shell, it should be caused by the crashing of the submersible, and the scratch is exposed, and it is also the same gloss.

Obviously, it is also a creature that grows a metal housing.

Not only that, in the other side of the hard shell, there is a long striky, it looks very violated.

At this time, this only like a monster of the jellyfish, and it seems that it seems to be aligned in Fanglin Rock again, and the two sides have generated impact.

What can the two can still? Now I will definitely be ten dead and have no life, and can only continue to go in front.

After continuously hit a few times, Fanglin Rock and goat were also shocked. Some seven gows, so that the quality of this submersible is quite hard, so there is no signs of damage to damage.

Suddenly, there were this stupid figure outside, and under these impact, the parasitic algae on the outer casing was also raised, including the long strange bumps on the outer layer. The object is also revealed.

It was actually a broken metal thorn speake, at least half of the body of the stupid parents!

When I saw this scene, Fang Lin Yan suddenly recalled it. When she was inspeining the submersible, I saw a similar thing in the box next to it, just with a long chain with a long chain.

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