The First Evolution

Chapter 102 capture

After listening to this sentence, Langcot's face suddenly became very ugly, but still biting the dental road:

"You this spy, you are still filthy me now."

Fanglinyan deeply looked at the inexpurful Rancoc:

"Calm, Mr. Lancot, is no longer."

Then Fanglin Yellow waved, the mechanical elite was in front of him, and the shoulders hit the door to the door.

Mori has been lost too much, and it has fallen into a sense of awareness on the door. The whole person immediately flew out of the wall, and the head hit in the wall, and immediately became the past .

Fang Linyan went forward, in the case of Mori's chest, immediately touched a pen, he had a metal touch, and his awareness immediately extended to this pen, immediately understood it. Its usage.

After spin the brush, you will be gently press it. The front of the two people will be played immediately:

"Mori, I want to remind you again, I am now the chief researcher, I have the right to identify the authenticity of the data you got."

"Mr. Rancot, I am sorry, I don't want to talk about this topic now, and I have got too much data, I don't know which one you are talking about."

"Mage, do you have to be enemies with me?"

"Mr. Lankt, in fact, it is that you are with me, three years ago, why did you pay a week in a week, and because of this night, I haven't completed the KPI of this half year. Your student will take the title of my deputy director to success. "

Speaking of this, Mori's voice is also excited.

"Well, I told myself at the time, this is just a coincidence, but the report I applied for additional funds two years ago was rejected, and I knew it at that time, some people were in secret against me!"

"Then I inquired to ask you, you told me at the time, I didn't put this coincidence in my heart, but after a month, there were seven pounds of bloody flowers to be brought to Lant ---- Your Students, but that is clearly applying for my quota! "

"You are clearly suppressed me! You are afraid that I will take your status after growing!"

If you listen to Mori, Lancot is silent for a while:

"Well, tens of thousands of euros."

"What?" Modern.

Rancot is seriously said:

"Ten million euros, after the previous thing, you will pay it to me, I swear with the name of my father's grave, I will cultivate you into my successor."

Muqi cold laughs:

"Mr. Rancot, see my 31App download address erected, um, this is my answer !! You are humiliated with me, I will be ten times in the future!"

Langcot Road:

"So well, stay, Hey !! (Gun)"


I heard my voice was played by a five or ten. It was obvious that Lancott was not unexpected, but his current expression was covered with a slight losing weight.

Because Mori has closed his eyes, the blood came out of his skewed head, wet his golden curly hair, his face was pale, and his breathing appeared.

The most critical is whether it is Fanglin Rock or the goat next to it. Although it is seriously watching Mori, there is no meaning to be rescued before, and it is a bit nervous.

After a few tens of seconds, Lancot I felt that this atmosphere was too stiff, and I cried a smile:

"That, Wen Qi, thank you very much for helping to assist hands, kill this traitor, go back, I will definitely show your achievements to the headquarters."

Fang Lin Yan laughed and got a four weeks:

"alright, thank you very much."

When he said, he walked forward and looked at the Mori to lie down, then reached out and tried to try his nose, some sigh sighing:

"Really sorry, not him."

Goat is next to:

"Well, if I am it, I will definitely choose a higher position."

Then goats look around four weeks:

"This room is quite good, and it is small and empty."

Fanglin Rock Road:


When I heard them, although Lancot didn't understand, the heart suddenly gave birth to a strong ominous premonition, I can't help but said:

"Please forgive, what are you talking about? I can't understand it all."

Fang Lin Yan sighed his mouth:

"Mr. Rancot, in fact, we don't have any meaning to be involved in you and Mori."

Goat also said at this time:

"Yes, in the workplace, this kind of thing is essential, it is very common, it is very common ------- just like most people will be in the reason why the lifetime of women is good. She and the complex relationship between the male boss zipper. "

Lancot heard two people, the heart suddenly a wide:

"In fact, I really didn't have targeted him, these are his own expectations, always some people like to blame their failure on others?"

Suddenly, Lankot felt something wet on the back of the brain, and he heard a slap in the ear.

He looked back and saw the back of the goat behind him. He was holding a small bottle with a spray head against him, and there was a light blue water vapor drifting in the air.

Obviously, the goat went to him behind him.

Lancot touched the back of the back of the back, and then extended his fingers to the nose and smelled. It didn't have any flavors, just as the water is exactly the same, and suddenly dispel:

"You are going to ..."

However, this sentence is not finished, and it suddenly feels that there is a pain that cannot be described in the spine! ! Directly made him difficult to make self-made pain, crazy on the ground, struggle, mouth skeptive nose.

Inside the air, a unpleasant breath has been passed, and it is obvious that Lancot's size is incontinent! !

Just after a few seconds, I jumped out of a gray shadow from Langcote, and I played the past.

However, Fanglin Yan and goats have already prepared, and the goat stands behind Rancot, it will hide the door to hit the door. At this time, the spray head in the hand is immediately a water mist pre-judge. Sprayed it.

The gray shadow was sprayed, immediately leaving the trajectory of the previous flight, and slammed the oblique, hit the wall next to it, and twitched a few times.

At this time, you can find it, this is a stainless steel whose stainless steel shining, but the mouth is like a mosquito shape, it looks like a larvae, the legs are more like It is as developed in fleas, and the material is metal.

Not only that, in the back of this beetle, there is still a grain size as if the ruby ​​is the same as the ruby, it seems that this stuff seems to be like an art.

Fanglin Rock reached out and picked up, and the metal tactive immediately played the role and immediately somewhat surprised:

"This guy ........ It is not dead, it seems to have entered a fake state."

Goats have been detailed.

"You can survive the variants in the rusty parasites, and vitality is definitely quite tenacious."


Yes, this variant metal bug is a batch of rusty parasites that have been released in the year, and then the one of the same kind, and then changed.

Not long ago, it also had a person who died in the Upper Laboratory of Veroni, and the unlucky guy was also defined as missing, and it was not found now.

And Fanglin rock has got a lot of intelligence from PMusri, knowing that it does even have high intelligence, can reach the level of human ten years old and even higher.

In this case, for this variant, the most preferred scheme at this time is that the secret is parasitic on a person, and then follows this person to return to the big city, where it is its heaven.

Obviously, the goal of this variably is definitely the group of people who first entered the upper layer laboratory of Veronika.

Just Rancott, their groups also followed the meaning of Fanglin Rock, in the upper supply room ------- its nest for a long time, and this bug also attacked a copy of this group. Maybe there is a lot of intelligence from the victim.

It is apparent that this variant has more than 50% of the probability of being parasitic in this group of probability.

In the case of the group of people who escaped from the upper layer of Veronika, in addition to Fanglin Rock and goat, only two people were left, that is, Langcot and Mori.

Fanglin Rock feels that this variant rust insest has a chance to hide in them. The key is that he wants to verify the cost of this matter is low.

Because before leaving, Fanglin Rock and goats are looking for a glutinous wheel to point them to the special pesticide belt on them, and they are in order to expel those variability, the half metal turtle is to be in this thing. Drive away, and additionally, in order to capture this variant.

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