The First Evolution

Chapter 120 Starns debut

() The two people directly ignore the giant vomiting that the ankle is interrupted, and then enter the database.

With the hacker of Mc., soon, I quickly queried from the server's overall structural map, and the two seem to be too simple to think of this ghost.

To sneak into the building in accordance with normal ways, you need to destroy heavy institutions, which can be bigger, and it is possible to discover at any time.

So this time it looks into the best way to enter the twenty floor, it is first until the 18th floor, then directly climbed out of the window, climbed from the exterior of the building to the twenty-two layers!

Why not climb to the twentieth floor from the 19th floor? This is because the surface of this building is actually installed a new sensor developed by SPX.

Such sensors can understand a high-end intelligent camera that is immediately in a sleep state, only when there is an abnormal situation nearby, will be turned on immediately.

It can accurately distinguish between birds, humans, bullets, or the rest of the climbing appliances, and this new sensor also forms linkage with the rest of the defense system.

When the waiter climbs the outer wall, when the armed drone, the armed drone will dispatched to attack, the exterior wall will also be powered, and the double management will prevent it.

However, Mcs queried from the maintenance record of the building, the department responsible for the sensor is repaired last week, but there are two pieces without repairing, so this vulnerability will appear.

Just this so-called vulnerability is almost impossible for normal humans.

Need to take a high altitude of more than 50 meters from the ground, step on the half of the feet, then jump out of the five meters away, and the last drop is just the empty space of the slap, and it can't damage any surrounding things. .

If Max is going to jump over or no problem, you can see if you can jump over.

Fang Lin Yan said after a while, it indicated that there was no problem, and he had enough confidence to solve this problem.

So the two quickly came to the 18th floor, and then start quickly climbing on the exterior wall, soon came to this place where you need to take risks.

Messe jumped into the past, and it was seen that he should be a kind of play to play and climbing.

And Fanglin Rock used a means that made him a tongue, it was a relaxing step, but he looked at his drop, it was a distance from the target.

Just as Mason thought Fanglin rock legs soft, he saw he can be a little in half empty! Just like the "two jumps" in the game, I will jump up with my air.

This is equivalent to dividing five meters from two to two to jump, and it is not difficult to change to ordinary people.

Messe saw this scene, couldn't help but arrogant, directly inquiry what is going on, Fang Lin Yan does not make Xuan Xuan, slightly smile, seeing not far from there is a black unmanifold fly.

This is the drone of Fanglin Rock, which is self-contained in color, and although it cannot be manned, it is still a foot feet for Fanglin Rock pad.

Before Fanglin Yan was in the half-air, he was on top of it. Although the drone stepped on the uncontrolled drop, he got enough power to go to the table.

Next, the two followed the route found by Mc., and successfully turned into the twenty-two layers.

The area they enter is the toilet, but it is not possible to shook out from the toilet, because there is two intelligent camera without dead angles, the door to the toilet, one must be captured and show the police.

And here is the WiFi, and the means used below, this is no longer used here.

Fortunately, Max has long thought of sneaking approach, since the regular roads have been monitored, and the security method is very strict and a ring, which cannot be circumvented in a destruction.

So, it will be fine if you don't go.

Mcis put his shoulders on the partition of the bathroom, suddenly worked, this wall is not a load-bearing wall, and immediately collapsed in front of Mc. More than forty power, the bricks collapsed, and the brick dust was scattered .. .... I have opened a door from here.

People who build buildings can certainly think that some people will invade this way, so the two are free and unfair to enter the next office.

Here, Masz found a USP data cable access, after inserting a U disk, summoning the hand in half empty, and the starts to invade the intranet.

However, after five minutes, Fanglin Rock suddenly smells a plastic flavor of the nose. After carefully look at it, the smoke is actually the U disk inserted by Max!

Not only that, the megaphone in the office actually sounds indifferent electronic synthesis:

"Warning, I found suspected invasive traces in this area."

"Warning, I found suspected invasive traces in this area."

"Will start the self-test program after ten seconds!"

"In the start of the self-test program, please do not use the internal network, telephone, etc., if you fail to pass the self-test program, then you will enter the secondary warning mode!"



Obviously, McS was smashed, and Fang Lin Yan wanted to comfort him, saying something victory is a military family, the success is the words of the little son of the failure, but I saw Maxi snort, I took one again. U disk comes out.

And this U disk looks very strange, the surface is still constantly shining with light green light, and there are 0 and 1 electronic digital code on the surface, it seems to be just like It is a U disk, but a flexible data that is not true.

Mcis just put this thing on the socket next to it, he saw it directly slipped in an instant.

Then Mason After completing this, it is no longer to operate, and then I dragged a stool next to it, and then I found that I still haven't driven it on the desk next to it. I took it over and pulled off the pull ring, and I drank it comfortably.

Fang Lin Yan saw this scene very different, it is about to talk, but it is found a strange thing.

Almost two or three seconds in this stuff slipped into the socket, the inverted electronic synthesis sound in the office was stopped.

After Max drank a big mouth, then put his finger in half empty, immediately appeared in the virtual three-dimensional modeling of the building.

You can see it immediately, starting from the room they stay, there is a little red has begun to spread rapidly, as if the plague is like a network crazy, the network is spreading every corner of the building!

I saw this scene, Fang Lin Yan took a breath:

"What did you just put in?"


"It is a virus I bought at high prices, or it should be a network virtual software life."

Fanglin Ranki said:

"What it is?"


"The seller said that they brought out from a place called Zi'an. It is called Smith. They sell to me this virus, in fact, it is cut from Smith in the virtual world! It is said to be Half toes furnish. "

"I also can't control this virus, I can only accept the information it feedback, and its instinct is destroying and value-added. I have never seen such a fierce virus virus."

"Do you know, it gives me the feeling, like the Australian mountain fire that spreads thousands of miles, encountered a dry crazy hurricane! It seems that everything in the world is destroyed!"

Fanglin Rock stared at the 3D modeling of Max summoned buildings:

"Then, is you this time?"


"Okay, once this virus is released, it is completely uncontrollable, so it is equivalent to a disposable product."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Then this thing is so powerful, isn't it the entire world's electronic network to be destroyed?"


"No, I just didn't say it? This virus should actually be called virtual life. Its own vitality is limited, and it is still a product of another world. It is not added here. Therefore, the final division is proliferated to a certain extent, and it will die from the life. "

This will talk about the two people, the firewall software that SPX is proud of the firewall software has fallen in Smith virus.

In fact, at this time, the SPX company's duty room, a new software engineer is hitting the keyboard, especially if the security supervisor is more red, and it is necessary to strengthen the firewall, but this is all right.

This is an absolute technology rolling, dampened and fighting! !

The Smith virus is too much, it is really a wolf, and its essence is destroyed! destroy!

I originally designed electronic doors that need heavy security inspections, directly destroyed the use of procedures, so that they open, there is a penalty area of ​​many blockade procedures, unlocked one by one! ! Alert message leading to the outside world is unconnected, and even communication is also fully shielded.

In short, it is a sentence, the original intention of the designer is used to protect, then all contact, the designer wants to imprison, all release, designer wants to press it.

In this case, Fanglin Rock and Mesters have a relaxed number of 20 floors, and quickly find where they are going.

That is the president's office, according to the information tips, there is a President's usual private computer, and only when you must go online, the rest is in the physical breakage.

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