After he showed, the fooder boss suddenly opened his mouth, it was already sprayed from the mouth, it was its tongue, and he wore a gunner's chest.

And this tongue seems to have strong paralysis like a lizard, and it is even more moving after penetrating his chest.

A sharp scream in Xian Nia, the long knife surface actually shines out a few illusory purple runes, the knife is flashed, it is already chasing this tongue of the fooder BOSS!

Under such a pain, the fooder BOSS actually continued to catch the gunner, the tail has been tall, and the sharp alloy steel tail is like a light flashing. It is obvious that the next second will throw out again. , Target points to this gunner.

At this time, the three people have a bamboo at the same time, because the knife shield soldiers have already hit it, he has a skill to throw the shield, which can be used for the enemy can also use it, because the current level is low, so Need to sing two seconds before use.

After the shield hits (goals), it will generate a push effect to the target, which is hit by it.

If the goal is an enemy, you need to accept a judgment on strength. If the power of the target is lower than those who throw the shield, it will be established, otherwise it only causes damage.

If you hit the object, if you are a friend, you will push it open, the body surface gives a layer of protection shield, the protection shield lasts for five seconds, and the health is the defense force of the caster × 10.

Obviously, at this time, the target of this knife shield warrior is the gunman, you can save people in time.

However, when he held the shield tightly, when he started to eat, Fanglin Yan suddenly shineshed next to it, and his hand was a red lightning directly.

This lightning is a flaming.

For this knife shield, there is nothing wrong with the killing of the rickets,

However, the pain brought by the gland in the middle of the villain, but he shakes his entire people!

This can not blame him, even if it is a contractor, it suddenly has a painful attack under the unpredictable preparation, there is no tragic screaming, it is very reliable.

So, the shield of this knife shield throws out, when the shield suddenly slammed, from the gunner's head, she hit the wall next to the wall, smashed a decorative painting, and then flew out again .

This is a typical venue for surrounding.

Fang Lin Yan after issuing a gangma, because it is not sure that his interrupt can work, so it is actually a double-pronged, and after the influence is flashing, the skills of the shoulder have self-contained skills "trapping", one The purple black big net flies the past, and the gunman is also in the net.

In this case, the alloy steel tail of the fooder BOS is like a striped bamboo, and the chest of this guy is, the raw nail is on the ground, then the situation will take it out!

This gunman screamed with long-awaiting, and the pain rolled on the ground a few laps, and it was paralyzed by the toxins injected inside the tail.

The lickers BOSS has already flicked, and the fierce and exceptions are covered with the pose of the Taishan criminal top. Two full of blood-colored eyes fierce four shots. It is already high to raise alloy steel claws.

This can be said to be a change of the elbow, after seeing this scene, Xian Nia issued a scream, and the scabbard held in his hand instantly crushed, forming a huge scraphracein, if there is a substantial grid above .

The paws of the fooder BOSS were taken behind the scabling magic, and they were actually shelled, and they can't catch it.

Xian Nia pointed:

"Quick escape!"

The gunman screamed, and she suddenly drunk a bottle of drugs. It seems that it is the negative effect on the body. It is definitely not cheap to see his meat pain, and suddenly remove the paralysis effect.

However, when he stepped away, he found that the chains of the trap of this skill did not be removed!

..... This damn skill is priority! ! !

When the gunman suddenly panic, the start of the hand is ready to use another item.

However, this time, the virtual scabbard of Sinian Taken is already supported, and the fooder BOSS roar, a claw!

The gunman entered the dying state in an instant, and the fooder BOSS will then make up a bite, and they will become a little bit of light.

I saw this scene, I also want to continue to make a knife, Fang Ran dumb, I can't help but in the temporary team:

"Is the evil Zen not be very powerful by you? How did their team skills are dead?"


"Team skills are divided into many kinds, and you said that the life of life is just one of them."

"I am simple, I will have a threshold after the establishment team. After you arrive at this threshold, you will give you a certain point, let you go to the team skill list to buy, the team's skills are much more."

"Most teams will use all points to buy a defensive passive skill, but some teams will purchase the rest of the options directly."

"For example, I have encountered it before, there is a team not buying a defensive skill, but I have purchased another two, one is that all team members have an additional increase of fifty points, and one is all team members. The crit rate increased by 5%. "

Listening to him, Fang Lin Yan suddenly understood, this is that he controls the "Ripper Jack", and the model is extracted, and finally the reward is completely combined.

And this way of extracting rewards is difficult to have an optimal combination, because you are hard to say that the life of the team is good, or it directly increases 50 points of life.

Both are increasing the fault tolerance rate among the battle, which seems to have a bigger life team, but in most, it can't produce, and the cooling time is long.

Increases the passive skills of 50 points of life, it is not a moment of action.

Obviously, when the evil meditation is in the selection of team skills, I gave up the life life skills, so this gunman was dead, and it was not rowned on the backhand of Fang Lin Yan.

Of course, at this time, Xian Nia has discovered the existence of Fanglin Rock.

However, at this time, they will not be retaliated at all, but they must worry about their safety.

Because the fooder BOS is dry after the gunner, the next goal is lying on Xian Nia, because after the war, at least two-thirds are caused by the damage of the fooder BOSS. ! !

It is the so-called ,,,, b ?

Under the two or three, Xian Nia has already left right, and the dangerous icon is round, it looks very wolf.

That knife shield hand on his head, cold sweat, he wants to help, but the front of Fanglin Rock will go, re-incoming the darkness.

It seems that this guy seems to have left, but the heart of the knife shield is very clear, as long as it is alert to be vigilant, then this guy is likely to come out again like the ghost.

To be honest, the knife shield is very confident for yourself to temporarily resist the food, but once the damn enemy appears out with the BOSS, then the problem is big! !

At this time, I saw that Xian Nia has begun to help in the team's channel, and even "seeing the death of the death" said that the knife shield can only rush on the head, for Sian Niya A blow to the fooder BOSS.

Xian Nia, who has got a gas, immediately didn't say it!

Her heart is very clear. This war can't beat it. The enemy is like a snake, and the consequences of dragging it will only wait for death.

As for the sold teammates, Xian Nia is not the first time to do this, and it is the most important thing.

At this time, the fooder BOSS slammed on the shield of the knife shield. He shocked his whole person and then went directly to Xian Nia.

Although it is a lot of ordinary lickers, it is still a jumper, and then it is like a lizard, and it is poured on the ceiling, quickly crawling out.

At this time, Fang Ran did not say that Xian Nia was got.

At this time, the situation in this time is obvious. The people of the evil Zen team may come to reinforce, and Fanglin Rock's purpose is to cause the evil Zen team to cause the greatest harm.

This knife shield hand left knife, the right shield, when you look at the attack and defensive, if you don't have someone to help, you have to kill him is not impossible, but it will take a lot of time, the key is not necessarily kill.

However, Sun Nia is very critical. Fang Lin Ran will fill it directly after rushing it. She only has to be hysteresis for a second because of the pain, and they will make up a trap. The fooder BOSS will get the rest of the rest in minutes.

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