Just in Fanglin Rock successfully fled to the first floor, when I was going to go through the garage, I saw a window of the sixth floor, I jumped directly, and there were two illusions behind them. wing!

In the middle of the air, this figure is screaming, and the knife is shining, it is already the end of the other party, full of fierce murder.

It is in the eyes of Xian Nia to chase the above Lin Yan. When a bit bite, a props called "The speed of angel" is used, and the number of moving speeds of the angel is not said, but even the jumping force can add one meter. It can also perform seven jumps by means of generated light wings!

Such an expensive prop site is not mentioned by Xian Nia, and it can be seen that the hate of her opponents!

Xian Nia usually seems gentle and soft. In fact, it is just a look, and her bones are a very paranoid person. Anything that is considered must be done.

In the hands of death in Fanglin Rock, for her, she has become a heart magic! Even caused her to suffer from severe depression.

I don't kill the role of Lin Rock to unlined my heart, she is sleeping! !

But in the face of her, this fullness, Fanglin Rock actually just put the body micro, and then heads and continued to escape.

Xian Nia took a hurry when he was toned, and the wrist was picked up, and she could look at the other side in the next second.

It's just that the knife is smashed, but the figure of Fanglin Rock is like a water wave. The knife in Xian Nia actually penetrates his back, and directly falls on the reception bar next to it.

Between the splash of Mars, the marble on the bar suffered from the pool of the fish, and the fierce one knife was broken.

At this time, although Fanglin Yan did not look back, it actually a very wretched backward, which was more than a middle finger. It can be seen that he still swims at this time.

In the anger of Xian Nia, he immediately biting his teeth.

However, I just rushed out of the hall, I saw a motorcycle, rolling over her, because the speed of throwing came over, so I blowd a fierce wind!

Such a violent blow, Xian Nia is in the heart, there is no wish, and can only send an angry scream, jump next to it.

The motorcycle smashed on the column behind her, and suddenly fried, the flames and smoke were also filled.

A burly man who blindfolded his face was standing in Mc., who was throwing a motorcycle to block Xian Nia, let Fanglin Rock retreat.

At this time, Fanglin Rock has rushed to a car in front. It is driving by the mechanical elite, as long as you can go to the car, then the sky is high or the bird is flying, the sea is a fish! !

But when this is the most critical, there is a roar of a sniper rifle horrible!

Fang Lin Yan only felt black in front of this moment, and then the whole world seems to sway the water wave, the whole person is disgusting,

Not only that, but all around the rapid rotation, drift, the feeling of people is like sudden falling into the water, it is unstressed.

The heart is even more unable to describe the great terrorist emotions, that is the most deep desperate! !

That is a great fear of death!

The mouth is also coming in a rust taste! !

At this time, Fanglin Rock did not say that the full reply medicine (small) was used, which was worth 2 points, and then opened Athens in an instant.

At this time, Fang Lin Yan said that he was only five or six meters from the bus, but now the car is more than a dozen meters away! !

He had already returned to God in two or three seconds, and he was actually headed by a shot, and it took directly to the mountain!

Not far from the whole process, the whole process has witnessed Fanglin Rock by the headshot. It is only to see Fanglin Rock between Fanglin Rock, but not only the same, his head burst a big group thick blood. fog! !

On the window of the first two meters away from Fanglin Rock, it seems that the blood is splashing, the window is splashing on a lot of blood, and the sound of the sound, even the alarm of the vehicle itself. Trunge, "wow wow" yelled.

After opening the bless of Athena, Fanglin Rock saw a series of combat tips from the retina:

"You were numbered the Skills of contractors: two-shot hit."

"Deduction of PVP Declats / Debut your own defense / deduct the passive damage to the chain of the cruelty of the cruel."

"The actual injury you receive is 86 points."

"Your head has been hit hard in an instant, the deducted life value exceeds 1/3 of the total health value."

"You will fall in a negative state within five minutes: Brain oscillation LV3, at this time, you will have sequelae dizzy, nausea and vomiting, and it is difficult to conduct a target, and occasionally lose balance in action."

After this series of combat tips, Fang Lin Yan couldn't help but bite the teeth:

"Koi .... Let's walk!"

At this time, it was a sniper gun sound, and Fanglin Ran was on the earth, and the light of the meter was flashing. The whole person was once again flying three meters away, and the harm is directly in Athena. You gave it absorbed, you can see a warhead slipped from his heart.

Not only that, Shi Nia has been pursued at this time, and the long knife in his hand flashed, and the distance from the twenty meter is actually flying.

In the case of the knife, the floor ground is cut out of a broken line, and an electric car parked next to it is also a two!

Seeing that if you have to stick to the car and escape, it is bound to be attacked by Koi and Xian Nia.

So Fanglin Rock did this at this time, there was anything else to think, that is, actively pounced towards Xian Nia to the knife gas.

The knife exploded in the air, but she still did not destroy the defense of Athena.

On the contrary, through the thrust from the explosion, Fanglin Yan directly jumped from the same place. The left hand stretched out the camouflage light box hanging next to the store, and then pulled one to one, and made a gymnast commonly used. Roll back the ring action, then the whole person fell out, climbed to the terrace of the second floor cafe.

At this time, Fanglin Rock also took the camouflage light box, and he would set off from the shelf.

Then, he ran a few steps, and the koi shot, but he successfully broke the coffee shop window next to it and fell.

At this point, it can be said that there is a tiger after the wolf, Fanglin Rock can only return to the building of the SPX company, at least in this, there is less opportunities to attack the dead koi attack.

At this time, Xian Nia had run to the crash under the crash, she has the props of "the speed of angel", and the jump is amazing.

As soon as I jumped, I would succeed in the air, I have to succeed in two paragraphs, climbed to the terrace of the cafe.

Just at this time, there was a trash bucket again, and smashed in the back of Xian Nia. She flew her out. It is the Mc. of the blossoms again.

McChiscovered water at this time, and did not have the melee with Xiania, so I won't have Max information in the battle record of Xian Nia.


How is Koi pursued two people in Fanglin Rock like a movie?

The problems in this are in Mesters.

Previously, the Kiki team has been in the mason group, and the plan is to put all of them, so it is closely monitored by several core characters in the Max team, in which Mcis is no exception.

The way to track is the principle of the mysterious school, but it is necessary to obtain physical tissue such as the other's blood or hair, and the greater the spirit and old black difference, the more accurate the effect of tracking, the more accurate.

Unfortunately, the Messe's spirit is only 7 points, which is slightly higher than normal, so it is called a quasi.

It is a big problem that is a big problem that is a big problem that is going to be resolved.

However, the koi did not expect that the radish took the mud by the way ------- The damn wrench is actually, then who will use anyone?

In fact, at this time, for Koi and Xian Nia, Fanglin Rock is a target that comes with unlimited ridicule, and once in front of it, it is inevitable to kill him.

Xian Nia was so delayed by Mc. naturally hated him!

But she is more clear that once turned around to dealing with Mes, then there is no necessarily to kill each other, but more will make the wrench to run away -------

Because the news in the team's channel came, the fooder BOSS actually turned into a second form mechanical form, there is no way to help in a short time.

Therefore, Xian Nia knows how many words will be interfered, so simply directly broke the glass curtain wall next to it, directly rushed in, from the insidestairs stairs straight to the café.

At this time, Fanglin Rock finally got a rare dozepose asthesia, he was at this time, although the negative effect brought to brain shock, nausea is difficult, but the idea is always very clear.

You want to chase me above?

Oh, I will go well .....

At this time, Fanglin Rock already knew the position of Koi, specially selected a shot of the café terrace and then returned, returned to the first floor.

Then he actually drilled in the hole that was cut out before Xian Nia, and it was to look at it.

But now Fanglin Rock really doesn't have the thought. He is just because of the three-dimensional construction model of the building from Mc., thinking to flee from this fire passage to another parking lot, then from there. escape.

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