The First Evolution

Chapter 127 Strange gesture

Under the good condition of the camera, the hacker of the evil Zen team can monitor the internal situation at any time and then timely stop Mike's behavior in time according to the situation at the time.

Because he can remotely control the control collar on Mkji neck, discharge, inject anesthetic, even from the interior pop-up multiple steel needles straight into the depths of the spine, causing severe pain to stop it! ! !

However, in this case, the hacker of the evil Zen team did not know anything about the situation, and suddenly there were some handsome tastes, he couldn't help but

"Hey, Xian Nia, we still fainted the monster, anyway, the damn wrench has been closed, isn't it to say after five minutes?"

Xian Nia snorted to bite the lips and suddenly some hysterical roads.

"No !! I always feel that there is a bad thing in things, I want that feathers, immediately, immediately !!!"

When I finish, put the long knife held in your hand on the neck of hackers, sharp

"You are not allowed to do anything, I want the damn wrench to be eaten by this monster !!"

The hacker felt the coolness of the knife on the neck, only to raise his hands, showing smiles that are grouting.

"Xian Nia, you are calm, don't be excited, you see my hands to pull up and self-evidence."

Xian Nia snorted, before the entire team did not fill Mike's idea, kill it, will definitely get a lot of gains.

Therefore, some people have detected the fierce variant orangutans, which actually found that there were several properties that can only be swept out, and the rest is ???.

Such a data showed that the evil Zen was surprised, this shows that its strength is far from them, and the attributes that are sweeping are also awkward, the power is 68 points, agile 39 points, this is not the kind of ordinary The leader of the monsters can only be described with legendary creatures!

It is worth mentioning that the evil Zen team considers the possibility of the detonation of the collar, and finally gives up, because the huge beast will break the horrible destructive power, and no one can stand in the team. Anti-hanging out, so I still give up.

Therefore, Xian Nia's inference is also good at all.

If there is no accident, it has passed for such a dozen seconds. The guy guy faces this fierce legendary beast, which is likely to be directly torn out. It is estimated that there are only a few bloods to stay in this world.

However, the world's most is unexpected.

Fang Linyan knows that the other party in the absence of himself in the absence of himself, then it is natural to have a bottom sign.

That is to spend a thousand points of general point to return to this trick.

This is the special reward that he has completed the hidden main line task with A + evaluation. I don't know this thing!

So, at this time, I looked at this white silver back variant gorcheon. He looked here. Although Fanglin Yan was also panicked, it was absolutely unrest.

But the next second, this white variant gorcheon is moving towards this, and he walked opposite with his fist. This is a unique walking method of gorilla. It is full of cruel and bloodthirsty! !

The viscous mating is also flowing from its mouth, it seems to have eager to taste delicious flesh.

But at this time, Fanglin Rock suddenly lit up! !

Because he saw the neck of this white variant gorcheon, there was a small group area to grow black hair, and it looked like a half bib.

Such a feature immediately made him think of a thing.

A thing to be forgotten almost all.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock immediately did not refund, welcome it to go to the loud

"Mike, are you okay?"

After Fang Linye, this white variant gorcheon stopped the front step, heard the words of Fanglin Rock, and shook his head seems to be some fascinating.

However, the eyes of the eye were violent and blind, and suddenly slammed the , crazy and hit the chest, the sound of the sound is like a kick, very shocking!

At this time, Xian Nia heard this voice, knowing that this is the movement of the moraro angry, the long snatch is angry, and it is also in a few steps, leaning on the wall, and the tears from the wall from the cheek. The upper flow, the damn wrench is her heart,

Now the heart is dead, she can finally walk from that nightmare.

However, Xian Nia didn't know that although Mike this white variant gorcheon seems to have become angry, Fanglin Rock's mouth exposed a smile,

Because this guy has hesitated before, it has a reaction to his call! !

This is enough to explain that the things in your memory are derived.

Since the name can only cause mild stimulation, then Fang Ran will make some more exciting.

Next, he faced this frenzied beast, actually made a very strange, even very wretched action! !

Fanglin Rock was again shouted

"Hey! Look here, Mike !!"

Then he raised his left hand, then headed the thumb and forefinger, so it formed a circle.

Then, his right hand holds a fist, reached out, and stretching this circle, then it is still very wretched in that circle to reach out.

When I saw this scene, I stayed in front of the huge beast in front of him. The eyes were great, and the fat lips became the "O" shape, obviously what I thought!

It's going to flutch it in the next second, and you walked when you were crazy.

Next, Fanglin Yan is more crowded to get the wretched gesture,

Mike's huge face is a little disappeared, and then it seems like a magical, and there is a bit hesitate to extend its own thick left palm, and then learn the movement of Fanglin Rock. The score,

And with its scope, this giant orangutan's look is getting more and more wretched, and then looks at Fanglin Rock, and finally began to laugh. After touching, the knee is fierce Take a ground, a beautiful look.

It turned out that this giant orangutan Mike was abandoned from a child, and then raised by an animal in the National Forest Park, so it was actually a lot of humanized actions, and can even use the sign language. Simple conversations with humans.

David, which is biased, Davis, is a strong man, so it will be small, and the sister is still less.

This guy has been very smart, and made this wretched adult gesture when I saw Davis and my friends, and then two people chatted very happy. This small machine spirit will learn this gesture.

Of course, when it was originally, it didn't know what it means. After that, after Davis, Davis was very embarrassed, and next to the giant hip black female researcher was a very happy, with prank psychology, it was more Happy, more flying more than it is.

Wait until, Mike began to mature, because it was a small shape in the male gorilla family, so it was basically no mating right, very depressed.

I have encountered this kind of thing, I'm not sitting in Davis, so I always want to use food to abduct some female gorilla, then Mike can rush to the Sen, complete the adolescence Spulming.

I have encountered some females than Mike, and the old Davis will be directly simple and rude.

Then, Mike learned the meaning of this gesture, so when it has a demand, it will also go to the old man to make this action in front of the old man.

So, this seemingly wretched action gesture, for Mike is an unspeakable plan in the depths of the soul, both representing the joy of childhood, representing the sex of the year

Because of this, although in this underground laboratory, it was suffering from abnormal pain, even suffering from depression, but Mike saw this gesture, still can't help but calm, even excited. .

Then the key to the problem is, such a secretive thing, how is Fanglin Rock I know?

I still remember the mechanical gassay that was thrown down when I was in the Veronica laboratory?

Although the Mechanical giants are developed by Gambower, their gene samples are still from crashed heavy vultures.

Because this gene sample is the most stable and most complete, the genetic samples developed by the remaining Gangbo, they have disintegrated and cannot be put into application.

And this stable gene sample is actually from Mike.

So, fundamentally, the mechanical gassay is actually Mike's replica.

After the mechanical gag, Fanglin Rock has also received a prompt at the time, saying that he also made a contribution in the battle, got a props, called mechanical gassay. Core fragment.

After this place is used, you can read some of the remaining memories inside, there is Mike's daily life memory fragment!

Even even the big-headed animalologist in Michara, Davis's looks very clear.

When Mike recalled past, when I laughed, Fang Lin Yan went forward and tried to touch Mike. This is falling into the big body of memories, so Fanglin Yan will start picking up one next to it. Huge iron scull gives it a hair.

Obviously, this is a piece of enjoyment that Mike very likes, second only to find a female gorilla.


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