The First Evolution

Chapter 130, Xian Nia's Secret

(); To tell the truth, I have been looking for Jeffrey. Hall is a quite difficult, because this guy's residence can be said to be a guard.

Unfortunately, Mcis said that Mc. said that this powerful army did not say, and there is Mike this big bug.

So, Jeffrey. Hall, the two-headed class of the defense of the guards, only insisted that it was not more than a minute, and was easily killed by Mike.

In front of the absolute power, everything is pale.

After grabbing Jeffrey. Hall, Messe successfully got a chip, according to Jeffrey. Hall's statement, the crack generator will use special encrypted short waves to return to their own. current location.

The SPX Group has a special communication to receive the car, which is designed to receive this encrypted short wave.

Put this chip into the slot, you can use a special algorithm to analyze the crack generator ------ is the specific location of the current sea launch platform.

Because the two reminded Jeffrey, Hall, will grab him to find the communication to receive the car, and get a specific location, so I am not afraid that what is the pattern of him.

However, when they came to the secret garage of the parking communication to receive the car, I found that it has already been chemically formed into a fire sea, but it is already a good time, and I directly cut this line.

I saw this scene, and the two could only force Jeffrey. Hall also has no way to get the location of the sea launch platform.

Jeffrey. Hall sighs, the only way left is to go to the military.

SPX has such a strong space technology, which will inevitably be closely monitored by FBI or military, or even in deep cooperation.

To get the military's information, you need to submerge the military base outside the city, where there is 150 kilometers away from here, Max is only one hour in the world, so the next The task of the link must inevitably no way.

Under the helplessness, Max can only choose to end the serial task, but the reward has already made him feel big, it is a 4-point random property point, and the attributes randomly coupled are quite good, and the two power is a little physical strength, except Being perceived, it is his most needed attribute.

At this time, Max also began to prepare many things after leaving, but at this time he suddenly became a few minutes in the land, and it was a new message.

After a while, Max suddenly paired Fanglin Rock:

"Wrench, some people want to make a transaction with you."

Fanglin Ranki said:

"Transaction? What can I do now?"


"The rank of contractors and the above-mentioned military rankings can receive a milestone in this world: natural roaring."

"The requirement is to collect the blood of the three-headed behemoth. These three variations of the beast are naturally evolved in the creature of the variant reagents on the crash rocket."

Speaking of this, Max looks at Mike, which is concentrated, licking a lollipop, and then said:

"However, although the blood of the three-headed behemoth is required, the alternative item has a six-headed behemoth, Mike is also in the list of this six variation."

"And the remaining variation of the beast I only know that there is another crocodile from California, and a giant wolf from Florida, a very bloody giant peasant ... After completing this milestone, then only It is necessary to get the blood of the three heads. "

"Now, all people who start doing this milestone (collecting at least one of them have changed the huge behen blood), they have gained tips, saying that this six-head variation is the beast, there is a successful promotion to the third-order legendary level!"

"So if you get this milestone after getting its blood, the quality of the monuments will also increase a grade."

"Then I have a friend just inquiring this matter, I told her, then I can't do this, she asked, I said that your acquaintance, I want to make a transaction with you. "

Fanglin Yan said:

"Her? My acquaintance? Can't you be a Syonia?"


"No, do you want to talk to her?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"of course."

Mason took out a satellite phone from his arms. After talking about a few words, it will be checked and handed to Fanglin Rock:

"Hey, the wrench, I really didn't expect you to grow this."

I heard this slightly with the sound of the woman's voice, Fanglin Rock immediately poured a familiar meaning, and then the mind was suddenly a flashlight:

"You are, Omi?"

Oimidao opposite the phone:

"Yeah, didn't you think?"

Fang Lin Yan smiled slightly:

"To be honest, actually guess this possibility, because soon, I took a cup of coffee with Xian Nia, or the evil meditation called her away, we should still talk about it now. "

"Xian Nia?" Omi smiled: "I don't believe you can sit down with her and drink coffee, but also in the face of evil."

Fanglin Yan said:

"Why? Old comrades meet, then drink a cup of coffee is not normal?"

Omei chest has a bamboo road:

"You said that others have fallen, the key is that two people in Xian Nia and the evil Zen I have focused on them, so I know that you are telling you."

Fang Linyan haha ​​laughed:

"How? I would like to smell."


"Okay, since you are willing to listen, then I just said that I said to you, the people of evil Zen are very good, then you don't know why he is?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I only know that he is a martial art, maybe a career and talent extra match?"


"The talents of the evil Zen have not received the news, but his career is a martial arts. This profession has a genre with a quick improvement of strength. It is called the vows! It means to send a huge price vow, and then get Powerful passive real words blessings. "

"I know the common vows, poor vows, will not be able to trader, use any universal points. However, the front value of the equipment wearable will increase by 30% -100%."

"There is also a very common vow, the blind vow, after sending this vow, you must use the eye mask to make your eyes, you can't use your eyes, but swearing, you can get an extremely keen audience to perceive the surroundment, and Get a strong roof kick series skills. "

"And the evil Zen also sent a martial arts vow. His vow is very unique, called the vow, it is unable to close the woman, exchanged, the blessing is brave, and every two basic attribute values ​​can be obtained. Additional little value. "

"Simply, his foundation attribute is 20 points, so you can get an extra ten base attribute bonus!"

"Even if this addition will have a certain limit, but the addition of the addition is quite horrible in the first mid-term, so all the basic attributes of evil Zen are very powerful!"

"Plus the high-level characteristics of the martial arts exemption and high resistance, at least during the early mid-term, there is no headache to it."

Because it was in the hands of the exemption, the words of Omei were also clear, listened to it, and suddenly said:

"I will say, no wonder this guy is so metamorphosis! It turned out to have a huge price."

"But I heard that although this vowed flow has gained strong, once the oath, the punishment has been severe, not only the addition of the addition, but also the whole, but also directly deduct 10% to 20% Attribute value, it can be said that the loss is extremely heavy. "

After Fang Lin Yan listened, if he thought, he said:

"Very comprehensive science, but what is the relationship between our topics? Why can't I sit with Xian Nia?"

Omi loudly said:

"The evil Zang hit the ball here, the content of the prostitute evacuation is unable to have a relationship with women and men, but Xian Nia can accompany him to meet his needs."

Here, Omi specially added "everything" two words, heard this sentence, Fanglin Rock immediately suddenly:

"What you mean is that Xian Nia is not a woman! So her service is not in women's color?"

Omi means deep and long:

"Probably, possibly, perhaps, it should be ... and you should not know that Xian Nia is very special, and it is very difficult to define the space."

Fanglin Ranki said:

"What is hard to define, nothing more than men, women, oh, there is still a demon."


"No! Shan Nia is even one of these three categories!"

Fanglin Rock said:

"Ha? Is there such a thing?"

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