The First Evolution

Chapter 133 Fans 51 District

In the face of such awkward scenes, Fanglin Rock really doesn't know what he should say.

Loss this time Davis's attention is taken by the female old boat, so there is no inquiry to ask Fang Ran's principal where it is, otherwise Lin Yan really can't answer!

At this time, Fanglin Rock began to worry, he is not afraid of Mike, but is afraid to provoke Mike's people!

At this point, this guy has been promoted to the third-order legend, even if the SPX company wants to catch it again, it is not a cost-effective cost.

The key is that once the big thing is made, for example, some people are bumped and alarms by Mike.

Then this matter is recorded, whether it is entering a police station, or a media clue, it will immediately trigger the attention of SPX.

Even if Mike's actual body is much smaller than before, it is believed that SPX companies will not let go such information.

Fortunately, the fear of Fanglin Rock did not become a reality. Mike quickly climbed branches at high speeds, and the big shot came back.

This guy is now slimming, and the speed is extremely amazing. Fang Lin Yan worried that it was almost impossible to see by ordinary people.

And it is still a hot hip-hop dress, and the horizontal pace of Hiki is going to the door.

It doesn't know where to steal the banana where you are stolen.

After seeing Fanglin Rock, Mike also said that the active folding of qi and a banana handed over. This behavior of this share food represents the position of Fanglin Rock as a family.

At this time, there was an impatable voice from the top of the car:

"Hey, have you disappearing water and bandage here?"

It is Davis that said this.

After I heard Davis's voice, Mike's eyes were so big, then even the bananas on his hand didn't want it, and then slammed it and flew into the room.

I can't tell, I immediately came forward, "OMG" "omeg", " ", or this voice is a old man sent, then the passers-by will only think that there is any 18 ban on Good play.

After waiting until the two, the drama is almost over, and Fanglin Rock has embarked on the car, then said:

"Mr. Davis, time is urgent, I will say short."

"First, Mike helped me very busy, so I don't want to spend it in the laboratory, so I bring him out."

"I think, you may be the only person who is willing to take care of it in this world, so I will find you."

"Secondly, Mike seems to be small. In fact, it takes a solid step in the road of evolution. In fact, its strength is more powerful than before, I can definitely say that it even has a city. strength."

Davis excited:

"God, God must hear my prayer, will let it return to me in this way! Thank you for bringing it back."

Fang Linyan recognizes the truth:

"Mr. Davis, I must communicate seriously before I will pay you back Mike."

"The agency who seized Mike before, it would hold it, because Mike now became more valuable."

"That institution is very powerful and horrible to the extent to which the government policy is decoached! Yes, I can tell you its name."

"It is SPX company! So, do you know what Mike means?"

"Your lower half will be displaced, hidden surname, and live in tutanes in this traverse."

"You will lose your current life, identity, and status. If you don't have this kind of psychological preparation, then I don't recommend you to accept Mike, I will find another way to settle it."

Davis is very simply relieved:

"Sir, you have just seen my current life, it is like a group of shit, if I continue to go, my result is because the mental illness street, alcoholism, so I have no current life. You can stay in love. "

"Mike is my family, do you know? It is abandoned by the mother when he was born. It is a little bit a little bit. At this time, it returns to me, my heart can be peaceful. And the weight begins to live a new life. "

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Very good, I heard you, I am very relieved."

He said, one side came out from side, it should be a box that should be used to install fruit, and then very casual open:

"There is about $ 500,000 in this box."

"Mr. Davis, this money is not given to you, is my gratitude to Mr. Mike, it saved my life, and helped me get a powerful enemy, this money is my thank you for it. Be sure to accept it. "

"As Mike's guardian, I hope that you can use this money, so that you will have a comfortable life."

At this time, Davis opened his mouth and found that I didn't know what to say.

Because of the early consumption habits of the rice, Davis even is a golden collar that is not buckled, he has never directly with more than $ 500,000 in cash,

With this $ 500,000, rely on Davis's own outstanding ability, even if it is next to the surname, he can live very comfortable.

Fanglin Rock is connected:

"Although the biochemical company hunting Mike Mike is still a foggy, because they have not got any relevant information of Mike now, but my suggestion is that you will continue to stay here."

Fanglin Rock has two fingers:

"Two hours, Mr. Davis, you have two hours to pack things, this car is no problem, you can drive it directly."

Davis is very refreshing:

"No for so long, I can pack all things away from 10 minutes."

Fang Lin Yan finally handed him a piece of paper, which is an electronic mailbox.

"After you settle down, I sent an address in my email address. If I have time, I will see you."

Davis Road:

"OK, thank you very much, I don't know the name."

Fang Linyan has left the elite machinery, and smiled back.

"You can call me a wrench."


After about two hours, Fanglin Rock boarded the plane to Las Vegas.

Because the fifty-in-one district of the Ding Ding, only one hundred and thirty-ten kilometers from the famous Las Vegas.

On the map, you will not find the specific location of the fifty -n-one area, according to the news sent back from Dharma, the information they get this is very limited.

Fanglinyan saw that the most detailed record is described in this:

From the Caesar Hotel in Las Vegas, it takes only 12 minutes to come to the seventeenth road.

Along this road, you can't gallop for more than one hundred and twenty miles. You will see an exciting building in the desert on the right, which is the Betley Gas Station.

Here, you can find diesel, Eighty-nine gasoline, ice beer and oil, of course, there is a big butt girl called Lisa,

When she served her for me, she told me with a vague voice. She just came to a part-time college student.

But my friend Delto tells me that he can find Lisa almost every time, I think two of them must have a person lying.

Ok, if you have no demand in the gas station here. Then go out of the road,

Remember, be sure to make sure that the sign of the gas station is kept behind your car butt.

Then you lock this direction to continue to do 40 miles or 50 miles, you will definitely have two military Hummer mysterious appearance, and then let you hurry.

I tried to install confused and protests, they directly warned shots.

If I continue to travel, I believe that this guy will be shot.

So I chose to turn around, drive back to Las Vegas to Baile Palace to eat a lobster roll! The boss displays the gawaguen soup is really delicious.


Fanglin Rock believes that this record is very credible, so he is intended to find the mysterious 51 zone before it will follow this information.

Soon, Fanglin Rock got a plane, then got a car to open the door of Caesar Hotel, once again, the path opened in the road.

As a result, there was an unfavorable teacher, and the elite machinery was not only eight minutes. He turned over to use the turtly mechanical electronic synthetic audience:

"Unable to execute the command, the owner, please confirm the correctness of the path."

Fang Linyan suddenly stunned, hurry to query the data, which found that the records passed by Dickland have been eleven years ago.

Las Vegas suffered a unprecedented sandstorm attack in five years ago, and there were still four earthquakes. After the natural disaster, the road network near Las Vegas suffered heavy, so most They have been repaired once.

In the re-repair, the seventeenth road is extremely serious, and there is a certain problem when it is designed, so simply is abandoned, and it is no longer incorporated into the highway network, and will not send people again. maintain.

According to the harsh climate among the desert, the road will not be swallowed directly from the desert in the dark.

Therefore, the 17th road to Fanglin Rock is now estimated that it has already disappeared in the sea sea, and it is not to say that the Burtry Gas Station.

I heard it, Fang Linyan immediately started to check the Burtley gas station, but unfortunately did not find it, it has already disappeared on the map.

However, there is still the last last clue, Fanglin Rock can only dialed the phone call again:

"I need your help."

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