The First Evolution

Chapter 138, the prototype of the black pearl number

After the middle-aged person was released, he immediately opened his mouth to take a breath, and he was huddled in the abdomen by Fanglinyan, and suddenly huddled vomiting.

After being attacked by Fanglin Rock, the anti-awareness of this middle-aged person has waters.

At this time, Fanglin Yan waited for him to breathe, tightened his neck, then low voice:

"I don't want to kill, but I don't mind killing."

"Now, tell me, do you want to be brought together to block your mouth, or say that some people find your blood dried body?"

Middle-aged voices:

"Sir, I don't want to die."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"your name."

"My name is Pens." Middle-aged people trembled.

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Very good, Mr. Pass, you listen, we have not met, so no irrend. I am not robbing, otherwise, I will go directly to Las Vegas."

"I came here, just want to see the relics left in those legendary aliens, the bodies, clothes, crashed, .... Everything."

"If you can meet my requirements, then 50,000 euros here are your remuneration, if you can't, don't blame me for something that shouldn't do under anger!"

Pens was hurriedly said:

"Sir, what you have to find is in the green area."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Oh, what is the green area?"

Penz Road:

"In fact, the functions here are more military purposes, used to test a variety of advanced weapons, and even underground nuclear test sites in Nevada are also set here, so the military is especially strict."

"And the green area is stored some of them being considered to be valuable in the future, but it actually can't see something worth it."

Fang Lin Yan frowed:

"speak English!"

Penz smiled and wiped his nose:

"Well, there is a representative of the green area, just a strange crystal rod, and even attract each president to see."

Fanglin Ranki said:

"What kind of crystal stick?"

Penz Road:

"This crystal rod can sustain brightness, and the brightness can be clearly clear, and the surface temperature is maintained at room temperature, and there is no signs such as radiation so far."

Fang Lin Yan, I feel that this thing is really flat, but Pens will make him shocked:

"So far, this crystal stick has continued to shine for 146 years."

Fanglin Yan took a breath and smiled.

"Interesting, it is true that it will be valuable in the future, but in fact, I can't see something worth it."

Pengs married the airway:

"Therefore, the things in the green areas don't really look at it, almost mostly waste."

Fang Lin Yan listened to his words and laughed and laughed:

"It doesn't matter, I just like waste."

After that, I was very simply giving the stomach of Pens again. Pens' s eyes were suddenly grown. In the bed painful, I went back to the air:

At this time, Fang Ran is like a touch of light:

"This punch is warned that you don't want to claim my thoughts."

"I will give you a choice now, you can take me, but I will tie you here, and let you help, and then I will find another person."

"Another option is, you take me to the green area, then take 100,000 euros, you choose."

Penz breathed, he didn't really want the first one.

However, he is very clear that people who dare to sneak into the military restricted area, it is estimated that they did not take their own lives as one thing!

This kind of people don't care about their lives, then of course, it will not care about others.

So the first choice seems to be very good, but he feels that he has been in the chance of being out of the mouth of more than 90%! !

A smart person is absolutely not to pin your life on someone else's character.

In this case, the smart people of Pens chose to protect their own and painful.

"Well, I choose the second item, but if I want to go to the green area, I still need to get a person, only he has reasonable excuse to take us to the green area."

"Hey, he is my brother, so I can call him very much, and he is now in the economic crisis, and that 100,000 euros I don't want, you will give him a line, this money he refuses. "

Fang Lin Yan smiled:

"Very good, it seems that you have finally recognized the situation, but I will help you! He will take the money, I will naturally give him a money, I can use money to solve the problem is not a problem. "

Just after ten minutes, the man of Penz called the phone.

He is called Galtite. It is very easy to make a selection in the face of the euro and the knife.

It turns out that Galtai is a mechanical electrician in the green area, so he has the key to all walks.

However, it is like the glowing crystal and some suspected alien weapons, the body of the body is placed in a P1-level penalty area, belonging to the category of him, but there is still not strict.

Because in the eyes of the rice people, valuable things will not be placed here.

And the rest of the things here, even if we have no way to get the best in the world, there is no way, and the rest of the slag definitely has no way.

Next, Fanglin Rock has changed the clothing of a machine tool, and he followed Galt to enter the green area. There is no one in the day, let alone is evening.

According to the requirements of Fanglin Rock, they went to a large repository of the green area, which is placed in some large or super-giant objects related to mysterious events.

And the volume of this large warehouse is far exceeded the imagination of Fanglin Rock. Although the warehouse is manufactured very simple, you can understand the excavation of a flat big pit, then surrounded by wire nets, over the top of the plastic ceiling of the durable use.

However, it is very amazing, which is very amazing, with at least four football fields.

Because this is the Nevada desert, it is very dry throughout the year, so even the way of saving this halves can still be a good protection.

The first thing that appears in front of you will directly make Fanglin Rock.

It was even a huge warship that stood up six thousand tons. At this time, although the surface of the warship has been rusted, it is still possible to see the words of Eldri.

After a few seconds, Lin Yan can't never end:

"Eldriki destroy ship? Is it the one in the Philadelphia experiment?"

Galtite said:

"Yes, it is the warship that is used as a test product, which was to verify an experiment that can be called supernatural technology."

"Dr. Jopop, who presided over this program, believes that if this experiment is successful, the new era will be opened directly."

"Because the purpose of the experiment, it turned out to transfer the Eldri Qiqi destroyed Norfolk Terminal, and then transferred back."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Official is not said that it is a rumor?"

Pends suddenly said:

"If it is really a rumor, Why do you have to stand out?"

Fang Lin Yan listened to his words, I actually felt that this guy was so reasonable, and I actually silently.

Pens followed:

"In fact, when I experiment, I also had 198 crew members in Eldriki destroyer. In the first week of completing the experiment, more than half of the crew had a strange shining phenomenon, they will suddenly disappear in the place where they stayed. I will appear again after a while, but I don't know. "

"In the month after completing the experiment, there have been a shining phenomenon, and sixty-eight people disappeared, until the end, no longer appear."

"Of course, the Eldrid's destroyer also has a series of strange things. First, some people find that the songs will be bizarre, this song will attract people to see, people who want to see it, and this song It is a popular HE! Sweet HE track during the North and South War. "

"In addition to singing, the sound of screaming, gunshot, punctual sound, the last more terrible is that the Eldri's destroyer is actually three meters long in the year!"

"This supernatural phenomenon has seriously affected the lives of portions and ships, so after the negotiation, they will be disassembled and moved here."

Fang Lin Yan couldn't help but also looked at another wreck. The stuff barely saw that it was also a vessel, but it was a sixteenth-century wooden sailboat, and the drainage volume was about three hundred tons:

"Why do you appear here?"

Galtite said:

"Is there a legend of black pearls?"

Fanglinyi poured a cold gas:

"See the ghost, the Caribbean pirate? Jack. Spallo?"

Galtite said:

"Yes, this boat is called Bago, which is the prototype of the black pearl number. At that time, Alaska was sold to the United States soon, and our third fleet was in the north of Bailing Strait."

"Results For a certain night, a destroy defeater called Silk Tanis in the third fleet hit an iceberg, and he sinking."

"On the second day, I found out that this iceberg was frozen! And it was also lifelike through the people who saw the ship in the iceberg. The face was full of ecstasy, as if they were only in a moment. The change was frozen into the iceberg. "

"But the most amazing thing is that in the evening, the people in the Bago will make a cockroach! And there will be a lot of bricks built on the deck, because greed, so silk Tanis is in repair After the warship, the iceberg turned back to the port. "

"The result is in dragging, just encountered the night of the moon, the Bago crew in the iceberg has all rushed out of the big kill, only five crew jumped on the lifeboat. Successfully escaped."

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