The First Evolution

Chapter 4 Mechanical Liao


Introduction: In the future technology, the mechanical bionics has a sudden rise, accounting for a large market, the source of mechanical bionics is actually theology, think that God creates the best, so it is the best from existing animals, manufacturing it. This machine.

Type: Mechanical Biology

Rareness: black

Duration: until it is destroyed

Power: 8 points, as a flying organism of a pigeon, can have such a large force is quite good.

Agile: 30 points, no doubt, flying ability and agility are always integrated, such agility has ensured that it has amazing mobile.

Physical strength: 10 points, this is the weak ring of mechanical laoke, but the enemy is also difficult to find it.

Perception: 10 points, mechanical lanes are relatively powerful, built-in UHF data transmission system, as well as the data chain of 100 kilometers of C-band.

High-resolution front-wide infrared systems have 16 adjustable focus, and integrated laser indication, ranging applet, face recognition system, electronic counterfeit device, and moving target indicator.

Charm: 8, the mechanical laoke is in the horizon, and you can make a cup of coffee, sit in the lounge chair to chase it, enjoy the beauty of it.

Spirit: 0, it is estimated that it is impossible to understand it before it becomes mechanical life.

Weapons: Carved earlos launch system, this launch system comes with flash bomb / smoke bomb / high burst of grenades three battlefield weapons,

The maximum capacity of each weapon is 2/2, and it can be reloaded every 60 minutes, and the high-tech grenades are 40 points.

Defense: 10 points

Health value: 100 + 200 points (war mechanical manipulator LV1 bonus)

Adding slot (empty): Description, this slot cannot be placed in addition to 500 grams of additional props / equipment, otherwise the words will affect the performance of mechanical laoke.

Passive ability: Protective color, mechanical dramarks have the latest "black iguana" optical painting, can protect themselves from the peripheral environment to protect themselves.

Passive ability: jaws, after approaching the enemy, mechanical lazy to use claws to attack enemies, attack power is equivalent to agility / 2

Passive ability: inherit, mechanical laners can carry most basic capabilities of the summoner.

Explanation: This device is implanted with the enemy identification system. Based on the principle of mystery, the attack of mechanical stokes is even if it is a bullet, and it will not cause harm to the summoner or friendly.

Description: Once the mechanical lane is destroyed, then you need to summon it after half an hour.

If you take the initiative to display the mechanical lane, the cooling time will be reduced to 5 minutes. However, this operation can only be performed in a non-combat state, and the dissolved readline time is 30 seconds, and the interference will be interrupted during the period.

Note: After the mechanical laoke is summoned, the outside will be covered by the previous layer of camouflage, the default shape is a medium-sized bird (species random), or the specific species can be set with a summary.


After seeing this series of data, Fanglin Yan excitedly held a box of "Yes".

Even if it is only a variety of offensive properties of the ordinary mechanical fear wolf, and it has also been exhausted before the elite machinery.

And the active ability of the mechanical fear is biting a steel shock from all-round elite mechanical, from 15 seconds, it can be launched, with priority, dizziness, and 3 seconds, and cause ignore the damage of the defense.

At the same time, the 10-point intersection of the mechanical fear wolf is a minimum of machinery elite.

Mechanical laid is more powerful than the drone, first of all, with the melee attack power,

Secondly, it can only launch flash bombs prior to, but also the option to launch smoke bombs and grenades, and still add itself with time!

The horrible 30-point activated "Black Iguana" optical painting is even smaller than it is found.

The more than 300 points of life is getting a guarantee, and even Fanglin Rock can be output in critical time.

Not only that, Fanglin Rock tried it, and found that he can put " " this props in the mechanical slot, suggesting that this stuff can take effect on the smoke bomb to the mechanical laoke, this is an accident. Hi.

At the same time, you can choose to pay an additional 1000 points in the installation, saving the props itching this props, so that once the mechanical lane is destroyed, this props will automatically return to Fanglin Rock's private space.

Fanglin Rock is still the rest of the 2 points, and 12200 general points should also be enhanced again.

Here to explain the relationship between the basic attributes and the basic capabilities,

For example, the basic agility is equivalent to the amount of money in your wallet, and the basic footsteps is how high the skills that determine this money.

The same money is given to different people, and people with low skills will quickly lose the gold, and those who have high skills can have money to make money, and they will take the peak of life.

At this time, Fang Lin Yan found that after he enhanced, it can gain a qualitative ability.

Basic endurance LV3

Advanced ability: fighting joint technology LV3

Basic footpoint LV6

Obviously, from the perspective of enhanced, the income of the underlying footsteps LV6 is the highest.

Because after upgrading to LV7, it has fully exceeded the limits of humanity, and more enhanced options will be obtained, the help of fighting, and can also be inherited by the mechanical organisms that are being summoned.

However, the basic footsteps LV6 need to strengthen the LV7, and you need 3 potential points and 4000 ways.

Fanglinyan is not enough, it is still a little potential.

So he made decisions, as far as possible in the next transaction, if you can't get it, then do planning before entering the next world.

It is about to wait for almost ten minutes, and Fanglin Rock is completed. He now feels a soft feeling in his body, completely makes it hard, and the whole person is also can't afford the spirit, as if the world began to become malicious. .

Take a look at the personal property, it is found that almost all attributes are six o'clock, 7 o'clock, followed by "treatment" ......

In this case, Fanglin Rock wants to go to the training field flower light free time is also the bubble soup. This situation is almost impossible to make results, it is a waste time.

After sorry, Fanglin Yan and goats communicated and said that they intend to return to the real world.

The goat is short of time, so the situation is much better than him, the treatment is small, and the cured time is shorter.

In addition, I will continue to intend to stay here for more time, Fanglin Rock entrusted him to help himself pay attention to things inside the market.

After clearing these idle trivia, Fanglin Rock tied to the needle with Christine, and went out of the equipment information that he placed in the trading site, and then planned to return.

At this time, when Fanglin Rock entered the elevator, when he was ready to return to the real world, he suddenly appeared in front of him again:

"Trial ZB419."

"The main world of your return is F-CD89. This world is a non-primary world, so there may be contractors (here, it is a general referred to, representing all soldiers who belong to space)."

"As an aboriginal person of this world, you will be protected by the Hague Peacetage after returning to the main world."

"The equipment on your body will be able to carry Noah space and enter the non-original world."

"In this case, the rest of the contractor (non-aboriginal) will not be able to explore any personal information, can't cause any injury to you."

"However, under the premise of being protected by this law, once attempts to harm to the rest of the non-aboriginal organisms, the Hague peace law will be invalid."

"48 hours after you are separated from the battle, if you still stay in the main world, it will be reached protected from the Hague peace rules."

Fanglin Rock saw this law, it knew that this was set up to protect contractors.

The contractor is killing in the space, and the danger is still angry. It is a reverse displacement, and the nature of the innocent life is bound to be like a bow.

There is no doubt that returning to your own world is the time they relax.

If you say that you return to the reality world, the contractor may have suffered from enemies at any time. At all, there is no chance to relax, then most people's results are either suicide or collapse.

With this law, it will certainly get a full rest of the spirit of the contractor.


Very important thing!

I have to pY yourself today!

Just ask if you are afraid!

Total 35,000 However, 5 fans title, the award waiting for you. The event is held at the starting point app book friend, come and participate!

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