The First Evolution

Chapter 6 I am guilty

The surrounding black weave bodyguards hurried forward, first checked the wheelchair, then check the ground, and finally got a push-up wheelchair, which was still afraid.

A secretary next to Lurass is rushing to come over and then facing Hartz:

"Mr. Hartch, this ... what is going on?"

Hartchi Sui Road:

"The front is the icon of the goddess. Although the goddess is generous, the Shen Wei is still respected, since Eurasiss, since the choice of the goddess, bathe, the goddess, the goddess should be sufficient, not sitting Wheelchair. "

The wife of Lurasis listened to the emergency channel:

"But he can't move it before three months. The doctor of the Mei Ou Clinic said that he is difficult to stand up ......."

Haseci is seriously said:

"I can't do anything, I really don't have a strong person, since there is this request, then Mr. Elasiss will be done."

This woman frown:

"You still say that this is not a strong man? I think you are deliberate! I just said that your church is not ..."

Suddenly, she closed his mouth.

Because Elasses sitting in the wheelchair actually raised his hand.

His hand is relaxed, like a pleat, full of old people full of aging, it looks like a moldy coffin board ...

From his throat, a series of "giggling" sounds, in a few minutes, only a kind of hoarse and tough tone:

"Hold me up."

When he heard him, a bodyguard next to him hurriedly went to help him.

After shaking, Lurasis suddenly got out of a breath, opened the hands of the bodyguard, and slowly walked into the lobby in front.

Originally, it hired in the invisible barrier in front of the wheelchair, and suddenly walked.

We have witnessed this scene, and two private doctors next to them have grown up their eyes! !

They are the clearest situation to Elasses, knowing that such patients are all possible for life.

However, the facts are better than the eloquent, and such a living case happened in front of them! !

"Mission ..." A private doctor couldn't help but muttered.

He only felt something in his heart was quickly collapsed, but from entering the university, he used the scientific knowledge that learned the scientific knowledge.

At this time, Eurasis's mood is equally unusual.

When he was outside, he only thought that it was only a bright light,

But after entering the gate, twenty meters outside is full of religious altar.

The marble columns surrounded by the altar are simple, and the column is gradually narrowed from the bottom, and the column is engraved with floating olive leaves, and the groove is secret and deep.

The top of the marble column is to vortex, and there is a relief trotted belt next to it. There is a rich sense of rhythm and rhythm.

If you look at it carefully, you can also find out the surface of the altar, actually there is a trace of the knife and the old cracks.

Therefore, at the beginning of the low-key luxury, it also adds a historical vicissitudes that cannot be speechless.

Around the altar, there are more than a dozen women wearing green olive crown, women wearing ancient greek white robes are praying in silently.

On the altar, there is a goddess like a height of up to six meters!

The sacred icon is white as jade, and I don't know what material is made. The decorations are made with ivory and gold, beautiful posture, smooth clothes.

That kind of majesty, sacred, solemn, it has caused people to worship.

This is also, the key is to stand in the goddess, still standing a woman in a luxurious and dresser dress.

It is the big priest Teli silk Nia,

She seems to have snowlights in the smooth skin, but the blue pupil has ice cold in the Alpine snow.

There is also a lively and bright gloss, holding a golden double snake strip, emitting a strong gas field, which is uncomfortable! !

After seeing this woman, Hartchi and others who came into the subsequent knee, singing with the women's praise poems loudly at the holy altar.

The pleasing and sound of the temple echoed in the hall, and even the glory of his old days of Athens!

Under such an atmosphere, Elasses himself is also infected, and it is easy to hide the half of it. It is easy to integrate into the team of singing.

I don't know what happened, he suddenly felt that his mate concept was like a wrong, and mature women looked very moving! ! Even some bold ideas began to emerge.

After the praise poetry, the big priest took the steps along the steps and looked at Elasis:

"God said, you are guilty, you are too arrogant, so I lost the humility."

Euras Sismon trembled, wanted to say something at a time, looked at the cold and majestic blue pupils of the big priest, was actually what the momentum was awkward, and he couldn't even say it.

The heart is also a hard-working sadness.

I can only fell to the ground, buried my face deeply trembled in the palm:

"Yes, I am guilty, I should not have such a thought ......."

The big priest Teli silk Nia faintly said:

"You are gone, God is proud, will not be with the mortal."

Eurasissa heard this sentence immediately:

"I know sin, I am willing to regret it, ask Goddess not to refuse me! I am willing to take half of the family to give Goddess!"

After listening to this sentence, the wife next to suddenly panic, hurriedly stood up to see his situation, even the lawyers next to him also changed the face, and went to the sky:

"Mr. Eu Laxis, I have to confirm this kind of words you say in a state of gain !!"

Just joke, half of Eurasiss, is the order of billions of euros.

It seems that Luisiss, which seems to be the old man, is facing these two people. It is actually a slap in the face, and a clear palm of the wife's face is clear.

The lawyer then was repeated by him!

"Roll !! I am very awake now, I have the right to do anything to my property !!"

After he roared, he immediately re-defeated:

"I know! Ask Goddess not to give up me!"

The big priest Teli silk song Niya slightly shaken:

"I really dismissed the secular wealth, you will go."

After that, Eurasis felt that he was pushed by a soft intangible power, and that power looks like soft, but there is no resistance, no from resistance!

He can only look at the rest of the lobby to start prayer, blessing, etc.

This is expected and unable to feel that Eurasis has not experienced many years.

His mood can be said to be full of emotions and anger, and the doctors who have checked themselves have been opened by him.

After a while, the prayer ceremony was over, and Hartchi and other talents came out and came to Lussis.

Eurasis that calm down is aware that your situation has become a lot, at least normal, and actually have a feeling of hunger.

You know, Eurasiss is a whole three years, and has rely on nasal feeding nutrient solution in the last two months.

Of course, in the Hartchi's estate, it is necessary to entertain Elassezs' distinguished guests, and a group of people have a chat in the meal.

Eurasisss has been full of interest in the goddess of the goddess, and the topic of eating is almost all around the goddess, and finally it is very serious.

"Mr. Hartch, I heard that you are the sacred voyage of the church. I really made the goddess this time, I sincerely want to offer half of my property in order to atone."

Haseci smiled and said:

"Mr. Eurasiss, the secular wealth is not worth mentioning in the eyes of true God. It is your piety."

Another Labri is deeply in touch with:

"I thought I thought in the initial time, like God and the rest of the secular fake god, is to gather wealth with the name of faith, but not this, Mr. Eurasiss."

"I will take myself. When I built the gods, I grabbed 20 million euros, but I gave me a worldfather than my secular wealth.!

Another rich Dart is more envious tone:

"Mr. Hartchi is good, and the first is the real god, grab the good thing to offer Goddess."

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