The First Evolution

Chapter 37 opened the box

Fang Lin Yan shrugged and used a regret:

"There is no way, it will be cheaper. This Blue vine medal actually has the effects similar to the honor citizens, first wear it."

After three people nodded, I went to Robert.

Robert is very solemn:

"There is another thing to tell three, the blue badge can be transferred, so if we don't want to do it, we can also use 100,000 star coins."

"If wearing badges walk in the street, the three are foreigners, or be careful to thieves or robbers."

Fang Lin Yan three people heard that after they used 100,000 star coins, she suddenly felt that she was tasteless ....

10,000 star? Oh, the words of more than 100,000 general points, three people have to squat down to call Dad to buy.

So the goat nodding the road:

"Okay, thank you for reminding. But the Blue badge is so refined, I will not lack 10,000 stars, so I plan to take it home to collect it, goodbye.",

Robert nodded:


After the three people sent them, they suddenly pressed the headset, and there was no expression:

"Hey? Is Archer? I am a passile."

"As of now, five people have received the reward of Bath Cal ..."

"Well, right, they are all foreigners, and get a blue vine badge."

"Details are it? One thousand Star, or eight people's information, a total of 50,000 stars."

"Guo? Oh, it doesn't matter, you can bought cheap through your line people."

"People on the road know, I know that I have the same thing with the same thing! That is the stars ....... Well, Well, or that account, call it."

"Confidential? Old rules, I will help you block six hours! I will give you the information very detailed, height, photo, and even holographic projection. You can't do it for six hours. The strength is limited!"

"Just like this, do you have to extend more than two hours? Yes ......."

"Get your money!"


Three people certainly don't know that they have been sold for a good price.

Of course, maybe if you know if you know.

In front of the absolute strength, the ghosts behind this are not worth mentioning.

At this point, they directly went to the "carnival party" directly to the next door, and prepare to achieve the robbers of the bids, and then three people have been divided into this city to explore.

The carnival party is less than 50 meters of the public security survey, the store is unshaled, and the three people call two times outside. I found that no one responded, I took it directly. ,

As a result, I immediately smelled a germ, and the living room of this store has at least three or forty square meters. It is also a spacious.

It's just that it is garbage. After entering, you can't find the foot of the foot, you can active the entrance to the Triple Station of the Triple Station.

At this time, it is no messy in the room, and there is no way to do business. The air is filled with a touch of wine.

The ceiling hangs a lantern and modern antique chandelier, standing next to the medieval knight armor on the thick dust.

The two sides of the oak bookshelf have a mess, there are several spiders even as the literature as a support point of the spider web, and various identification tools are scattered on the table.

See this situation, the goat shrugged:

"Let's go, obviously, this store encounters a lot of trouble."

It seems that someone heard his voice, it immediately came back to move, it sounded like a sound of wine bottles,

Then, it is a dramatic cough, then drill out of an old man from inside.

The oldest destination place is to have a big red al angry, then look at the goat anger:

"What is your dog ?! I tell you that Hank's old shop is only a little small problem! You can reach right away!"

The lamb sighhed:

"The old man, facing the reality, your store has not been opened at least ten days? And where you should now appear should be in the hospital bed instead of lying on a cold floor."

When I heard the goat, Hank old is anger:

"Stinky boy, I am rolling, my body is very good, and the carnival party will have been on this street until the end of the world!"

Fang Lin Yan shook his head low in the goat at this time:

"We came here to not quarrel with people."

The goat shrugged, but he listed Fanglin Road:

"Sorry, Hank old, we are the passengers who just gave a spaceship, soon, I was fortunate to get a blue vine badge."

"And the buddies on the Shiya have told us that if you want to sell things, the carnival party must go, so I don't know if you still do business now?"

Hank immediately shouted:

"Do it! Of course you have to do it! What good goods have you brought?"

Fanglin Rock took a bustling of the biscuit star, Hank saw it, and immediately put the light in both eyes:

"Wow, this thing can be unattended!"

After that, he immediately took over and started with a magnifying glass and then said:

"This thing should be the robbery box! This helpful guy is likely to face a pursuit at any time, so the liquidity is very large, and the last second is still screaming, and the next second may get up. Escape. "

"Sometimes for a long or two seconds in the evening, it will be abandoned directly by the Star Show, which is the boundaries of life and death."

"So, in this case where you don't have a good thing, in order to avoid losing things, almost every star will get a similar robbery box, always carry it with you."

"Then, then fold the robbery into the wealth of easy band, then put it in your own grade box, and you can come out to redemption at the critical time."

"However, the wealth of stars is easy, it is also fast, this is a group of guys who like to squander and waste, so open the robbery box is also a gambling ..."

Speaking here, Hank turbid old eyes are full of memories ...

"When I opened the store here, I opened the store, it was made by gambling box."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"So, what price can you give me?"

Hank Road:

"Most of the stars in the market is now fake, but you are true, the actual value is around 5,000 star, but I have encountered this, I can sell 10,000 pieces. "

Fang Lin Yan wants to think about it:

"That line, just 5,000!"

When I heard Fanglin Rock, Hank's body suddenly stigched, and then slowly smiled:

"Alright alright!"

He has a long sigh, and the brain from alcohol is also resumed quickly.

"Please tell us the crew who came here to say that you came here."

"Sir, yes, just like you see, the carnival party is already going down."

"The last record of the transaction is already prior to a month."

"If I have a leisure money in my hand, I can even buy this box, regret, you know."

Fang Lin Yan Shen gave a little later:

"So well, Mr. Hank, can you tell me that in addition to here, is there any other place to buy this stuff?"

Hank Road:

"Slag Bay and 57 street will be acquired, but you have to be careful, it is best to take it in your own hands when you look at others, otherwise, it is easy to be furnished by others."

"And you are all tourists, so the place where the Slag Bay is still not going, go directly to 57 Street, there are many orders."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Thank you very much for your opinion, the last problem, is you?"

Hank stunned:

"What do you mean by this?"

Fanglin Rock will push the passenger of this secloranevern to Hank, and then said:

"Give me five hundred pieces, it is yours."

Hank has some incredible way:

"This ... is it true?"

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Yes, this is the difference in the middle of this, just that the information I pay is good. But I have a condition."

Hank sucks a mouthful:

"You said."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I have more than one thing in my hand, so after you get this seclorarm of the robbery, I need to open it to me, I have to understand its opening process, after I will sell it later. Someone is a ghost. "

Hank promised:

"This is no problem! Are you waiting for me?"

Fanglin rock nodded.

Soon, I saw Hank on a hat, quickly went out, very rest assured to lose the three people in this broken shop.

After a few minutes, Hank hurried back, and then took a box and a stack of cash, and then he left the stack of cash to Fanglin Rock:

"This is seven hundred and thirter, I have so much left."

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