At this time, I saw Jamir's face, the goat smiled, and suddenly he suddenly came:

"You can rest assured, you cooperate with us, we will not give you post-suffering."

"As long as you have no opinion, we will die when we walk, I know that you are difficult, you will indicate that you will default."

The fat man Jamir and Bowen immediately took the next shock. Bao Wen immediately looked at the eyes of the expectations, but his heart was cold.

Because the fat man Jamir looks indifferent and hatred.

Obviously, Bao Wen had a deep and angry eyes deeply hurt the fat man Jamir.

The fat man Jamir directly gave up the opposition with Bowen, biting the pain and started the relevant information in the photocopence.

Fanglinyan immediately found a thing, the underground area area here is also quite large, and it is divided into three districts of ABC, and the entrance is only two.

Obviously, people are not rich, and the horse is no longer, this Renneu warehouse comes out of such a big-eyed underground area, definitely there is a gray industry chain in front.

When Fanglin Yan and vultures were recorded and mapped, the lamb sighed:

"Mr. Jamir, or you understand the body, let's ask your boss's secret, even if there is any loss, your boss is losing."

"You have a month of thousands of income, helping him have a two knife, which is very worthy of his salary, why do you want to go with you?"

The goat said, the fat man Jamir is also a bitter smile immediately.

"Yeah yeah."

The goat took out the twenty-thousand stars lost on the table, because the highest denomination of Star coins was 10,000, so it was only thin and a small stack of 300,000 pieces.

And the money of goats, of course, it is just a mess when I have a mess.

"We came in this time, I heard that the batch of the batch sent in this noon, two, I want to find someone, this person should be sent to the goods."

"If you can tell us his drop, then this money is yours, and when you leave, you will kill you, the rest of people kill, so you have worries."

The goat said that the photo of Jieha, which has already touched the photo of Jeha in the Macara. The crew data on the Cors is open to the network and it is not difficult to find.

Twenty thousand star currency is really a huge amount for any ordinary person in the Star Port!

After seeing this money, it is not only the fat man Jamir, but even the breath of Bowen next to it immediately.

Jamir looked at the above information and photos, but he didn't talk, Bowen next to it has taken the lead:

"I know this person!"

At this time, Fang Linqi couldn't hold a look at the goat. He suddenly felt deeply, and the salesman of the goat was also very powerful.

He before, it seems to be talking to Jamir. In fact, it is completely Xiangzhuang dance swords in Pei Gong, every word every word, in fact, it is rushing from the side looks hard and refuses to cooperate.

At the moment, there is only one fat man Jamir to work together, then the relationship between the supply and demand between the two sides is not equal. It is difficult to listen, Jamir is lying three people.

Therefore, in the current urgent need to introduce competition mechanisms, at this time, it is obvious that there is only Bowen.

Before went away from the goat, the relationship between Bao Wen and Jamir can only be described with freezing point.

Next, the goat is soft and hard, then there will be 100,000 stars in the cooperation. If it is silent, then it can only be a corpse.

In this way, unless the boss here is the relative of Bowen, if Bao Wen should know how to choose.

After I heard Bao Wen, Jamir immediately said:

"I also know this person!"

Bowen is brightening and said:

"Oh? You know, then you should say it first."

Jamir bite his teeth:

"After this person came in the afternoon, I was taken to the police room asked, I saw him far away."

Bao Wen listened, suddenly looked at him:

"Say you stupid like a donkey, you still don't believe it! These two gentlemen are deliberately trying you!"

"I understand tell you, these people who are looking for, it is not to escort the goods together. If you do the results, you will drop it directly."

"Oh, your brain wants to lie? It's really laughing at me."

Bowen's words suddenly made Jamir's face rose red, and glanced can say that he is really very sad.

Fanglin Rock is looking at it with the goat, and there is a great sense of enthusiasm.

In fact, the truth, they have never thought about it to embed language traps, just in accordance with the information obtained, and then tell their own inference.

As for the reasons for non-test, it is of course because these two guys are too weak, and there is no need.

I didn't expect the wise, there is a loss, and the inference of Fanglin Rock is actually wrong here! But this is also normal.

As for this misunderstanding? Of course, I will not say it directly, and I deliberately let the two feel that they are not high.

After the goat listened to Bao Wen, didn't play anything. Directly, two 10,000 pieces of banknotes were directly pushed in front of him:

"Very good, I am a very fair person, since you can cooperate, then we certainly don't move you, in addition, these 20,000 pieces are the information fee you are now disclosed."

"If you want more money, tell us more things, is this very fair?"

Bao Wen immediately gave his lips, hesitated, and then grabbed these 20,000 pieces and stuffed into his arms.

The banknotes fall into the bag, and he has no scruples, immediately loudly:

"This person you have to find, it is a total of two times."

"The first time he is not escorting the goods, but the way to do this, with the delivery of the guy."

"The second time was captured by the boss, because the Cors' new is sent to the goods that have a big problem."

"The Corsk newly sent the goods that sent this side, I remember very clearly, it was put on our 21st district, this thing is not worth money."

"The key is that the part of the 21st warehouse is now placed with three hundred kilograms of liquid alhydri acid, which should be quite expensive, so there will be patrols every half hour."

After saying this, Bao Wen started to get something to dress yourself, then absorb the cold air and then followed:

"The Cols' goods is 11:30, and when 12:30, the patrol team that passed through here, there are three people who are unconscious, and there are two people. Disappearing, missing people, there are bosses. "

"The boss's brother is mentioned before missing and other people's calls, saying that it is a problem that the goods sent by the Cols are like some problems, he wants to see it, then he is really missing."

"So, the boss is furious, let the hand check the person who shipped the goods, and found that although this guy has left, it fell a business card, the business card is a boiling bar to use the bartender of the business."

"So we immediately went to the boiling bar to find someone, and the guy who cited delivery is not, the gentleman you have to find is happy, anyway, he is also a Cors, so take him. Grab it back. "

After the goat listened, it was very simply pushed 50,000 pieces of past, and the way:

"Yes, continue."

Bao Wen's 20,000 pieces have also been hesitant. It is now facing 50,000 pieces, but it is a hunger and thirst, because his psychological bottom line has been completely collapsed.

Anyway, he can't afford the holiday, then it is better to sell some money.

After licking your fingers, after returning the banknote, Bao Wen said:

"Our boss is a member of this area, and it is also a decades of relationships here, so doing things is really unscrupulous ..."

"The person you have to find should be taken to the 7th warehouse, there is to go to the underground warehouse ------ We call the entrance of the black barn, all things that you can do will work there."

I heard that Bao Wen said all the secrets all said, and the goat pushed 30,000 pieces to him, Jamir next to him is a pain in his hand, because his heart is more painful.

"Why, why! These money, these money should be my only !!"

A crazy thought is in his mind, but it is truth, Jamir is very clear that there is no Bowen who knows what you know.

However, his mind suddenly came out of a crazy thought, and then roaring with everything:

"Give me 100,000 pieces, I will take you in! There are many people who have the secret warehouse, and outsiders can't open the door."

"I will be responsible for the fork to help the boss. I will remember the password now. If I help, you will not be too simple!"

I heard Jamir's words, Fanglin Rock and others looked at it:

"Will time will it be too tight? We are touched after the small door from the west."

Jamir Road:

"The small door of the west? Can only pass people?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Yes, the guy looks like to drink, there is a big distiller."

Jamir made a gap:

"Oh. It is nothing to do, see the door is the guy of Ovili."

"He is the relative of the boss, even the wife is not, the salary of each month is throwing wine. Others see him not in the post, only when this guy is drunk, this is not the first time."

I heard Jamir said that Fanglin Rock found Bao Wen asked for a good, so that the goat took out 100,000 channels:

"If you say, take us into it, this money is yours."

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