The First Evolution

Chapter 82 is the first

Shooting this stuff is mainly by talent, half hard.

If there is no talent to practice hard, it is like a three-pointer of James.

But there are both talents and hard practice, that is, the three-pointer of Curry, directly create the monster of the live ball!

The No. 17 is both a talent in shooting, and she is willing to practice.

After he pumped, he immediately even think that this shot is his sixth limbs, such as the arm makes fingers, flexible, then aiming at the vulture directly to pull the trigger.

But a vulture turned, actually made him a shot!

On the 17th, I didn't believe in evil, immediately pulled the trigger again, but at the moment of his buckle trigger, I found that my aiming position has already had a trash can cover!

So, the bullet that is very simply placed on the inclined trash can cover, because it is obliquely hit, so it is reflected in it.

On the 17th, I wanted to open a third shot, but the other party was within the two shots, it has been in the middle of ten meters! !

And his third shot was hesitating, because he had shaken his confidence, but after the 1.7th trigger, it was still not hit!

Because the other party once again rolling, when he shot, he got rid of the aim of the muzzle.

And the fourth shot can't open, because the vultures have been standing in front of him, and the finger is smashed in front of him.

On the 17th, the muscles were constantly twitching, he knew how the other party hid his shooter, that is, capturing the trajectory of your wrist!

Perhaps his speed cannot be compared with the bullet, but it can be aimed at the reaction of the trigger.

So, he sighed:

"I see the ghost, how can there be such a monster in this world !! Ok, I lose."

Fanglin Rock looked at the rest of the two:

"what about you?"

These two people are telling the truth, but they still can't serve, but they have a blast, and there is a driving shot, there is no way to take it out, so I can only make a sound.

However, the next sentence of Fanglin Rock is to make them four people at the same time:

"I don't like to be a slave, so I will give you four opportunities. You will do it for us for a week! After doing this week, then I will still be free!"

"And I can still agree with you, this week, I will let you do things, although there may be risk, but it will never let you send it, otherwise you can refuse! How do you think?"

When I heard Fanglin Rock, I have always been silent, I'm silent, I suddenly said:

"What are you talking about?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Just, I have proved strength to you, so I used to spend my heart to lie to you?"

"However, if you are not willing to cooperate, then you have not left the value."

On the 1st, he listened to Fanglin Rock, and sighed his mouth:

"Well, you remember what you said."

With him to bring this head, the rest of the people have nothing to say, and nod to promise.

Fang Lin Yan is very simply said:

"So very good, I will let you do something now, that is, I will kill this person."

He said that the intelligence of the Robert University of the Public Safety Investigation Bureau has listed it, and these four people observed for a while, they started to discuss, No. 1 suddenly:

"It is not difficult to kill this person, a bomb can get him, but we are now null, there is no, it is difficult."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"This is too simple, what you want, column list, then go to the goat."

"If you want something, how long can you get rid of him?"

After the first and the rest of the people, it was very simply:

"The information given can be said to be quite detailed. If there is no error, it will be on two hours."

Goat is now with Hegel, Ganbusi is talking, this guy is still a scratching, it is good at discovering the valuables around, and there is no star to find him directly.

There is no need to use people, the suspect is not, so the goat will give four people more than 80,000 star coins, let them eat and drink after three hours. 12345

These four people saw that the goat shot so generous, did not say on the mouth, but the heart is still in the heart.

They are also suffering too long. After the money, they must have a good surprise in this flower world.

Looking at the back of them, the vultures can't hold the opponent Tangyan Road:

"Head, will we send it to them?"

Fang Linyan shakes his head:

"Of course, we have observed in the dark. If you don't even do this little thing, then there is no living value."

"And the people of Robert, although they hate, but from the long-term plan, we can do it in person!"

The vulture nodded, and the three gathered to start with the next plan, and the discussion is almost the same, the vultures and goats are going to sleep for a while, take a break.

And Fang Lin Yan Shen gave a while, after inventory, I found that I have 9 potential points and 16000 universal points.

He considers the thirteen. It is quite dangerous to determine what you have to do. It can be said that it is dancing on the steel wire, so you have to take this wealth to turn into the power.

Such a money, flowers in Class B professional ability: there is too little war mechanical manipulator and cannot produce a quality.

In particular, once the mechanical fear wolf has changed this, it is necessary to raise the risk of disabled the ice wolf, so it is not suitable at this time.

It is also slightly insufficient on the basics and basic footspies, and there is no great significance of the LV10.

So unique choice, actually in the Wing Chun: Japanese reputation.

At this time, Wing Chun: Japanese commentary is already enhanced by Fanglinyan forced to LV2 on the training ground.

This skill belongs to rare skills. If Fanglin Rock wants to increase it to LV3, then you need to spend 2 points and 3000 universal points.

Then increase from LV3 to LV4, it is a 3-point potential point and 5000 universal points! !

However, this time consuming is amazing, but it is also to take the skill to enhance the option, this is also looking forward to Fanglin Rock.

With the wealth of Fanglin Rock, the wealth is shrunk to 4 points and 8000 universal points, Wing Chun: Japanese-Japanese rushing punches have also successfully improved to LV4,

A series of descriptions appear from the retina of Fanglin Rock.

"Contractors ZB419, you will be Hunchun: Japanese characters rises to LV4."

"The current damage value of LV4's serial Japanese rushing is improved, the calculation method is (currently the Basic Battle Level) X2.5 + Power Value 2."

"And you get the following enhancement options, please choose in a twenty second."

"A: Your Wing Chun: The crit rate of Japanese serial punches is increased by 13%. (This skill only)"

"B: Your Wing Chun: Japanese Rongsheng Histracy is 8%. (Only this skill only)"

"C: Mail (passive): Your Wing Chun: Japanese Runfeck has been cultivated to small into a realm, and occasionally identify enemies."

"When you use Wing Chun: When the Japanese is champions, every punch has a certain chance to trigger the enemy effect, so that the enemy's defense is directly reduced by half, duration (PVP) 25 seconds (formerly) 60 seconds,

"D: Time-pulse contribution (passive): Your Wing Chun: Japanese serial rushing boxing has been cultivated to small into a realm, and it is possible to target enemy's meridians and acupoints."

"When you use Wing Chun: When the Japanese is rushing to attack the enemy, each punch has a certain chance to trigger the cutoffs, so that the enemy meridians are created, the hands and feet are sore, the equipment is unable to use (add the weapon All disappeared, equivalent to the unified state).

"If the enemy has no weapon, then the attack power will be reduced by 30%, the duration (PVP) is 60 seconds (Aboriginal) for 25 seconds."

"E: like shadow (passive): Your Wing Chun: The Japanese Runfark will trigger this effect after successful hit of the enemy, your attack speed and movement speed increase by 20%, duration 15 seconds."

"F: Jing Si (Rare) (Active): In you playing Wing Chun: Before the day, you can enter the 3 seconds of the powerful state, then launch an attack!"

"After the benefits of Huichun: Japanese characters will be strengthened, the enemy is being hitting: Japanese serial rushing successfully 5 seconds, it is improving to the body, complete outbreak Come out, the damage value of this broke out = previous hunting: half of the total damage value caused by Japanese conjunctions. "

"Warning, after entering the powerful state, once he is attacked by the enemy, it will make a power failure. Wing Chun: Japanese-Japanese ringing will also enter the cooling directly, and in the storage state, you will inevitably suffer "

"G: Pursue (Passive): You will show the hunting: Japanese characters will be increased by 7 boxes to 8 boxes."


Looking at this series of descriptions, Fanglin Rock first stayed in the rare option "Sines". There is no doubt that after having this skill, your own explosive power is stronger, the probability of the second person becomes bigger!

But this skill has two major drawbacks. The first is that the last outbreak is to wait for five seconds before you can explode.

And these five seconds enemies are likely to restore the ability of free action, and a bottle of treatment is fully recovering medication and immediately letting you have a bubble.

Second, that is, it is still a single time, Fanglin Rock uses the "tear" skills of the mechanical fence to dizziness for 3 seconds, starting the energy behind the enemy, is a seamless position, not afraid of being interrupted.

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